Sisters of the Frost

The Coven is comprised of three sisters, each possessing her own unique abilities and specialties.    There's Ravenna: Eigmatic and charismatic leader of the coven, known for her cunning and manipulative nature.    Seraphina the Seer: visionary of the group, with a gift for seeing glimpses of the future and interpreting omens. Her sight pierces through the veil of time;    Thalassa the Enchantress: skilled in weaving spells and charms that manipulate fate and fortune.     The Bargains of Fate: Desperate souls who seek the aid of the Coven must be willing to pay a steep price for their services. The hags demand offerings of precious artifacts, rare ingredients, or even promises of future favors in exchange for glimpses into the threads of destiny.   The Veil of Secrecy: Despite their formidable powers, the Coven prefers to keep a low profile within the Brumal Court, avoiding unnecessary attention from both allies and enemies alike. They rarely venture beyond the confines of their lair, instead relying on whispers and rumors to spread word of their services to those in need.   The Oath of Allegiance: While the Coven may operate independently, they are ultimately beholden to the will of Queen Jerika-fey. As tribute to their enigmatic ruler, the hags offer glimpses of the future to aid her in her schemes, ensuring that their fates remain intertwined with that of the Brumal Court.   The Price of Hubris: Those who attempt to deceive or betray the Coven quickly discover the folly of their actions. The hags are quick to exact revenge upon those who would dare to cross them, using their powers of foresight to anticipate their enemies' every move and turn the tide of fate against them.
Religious, Coven
Parent Organization


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