Auktum: Jewel Dwarves

Culture: Auktum: Jewel Dwarves (Mountain) Description:  usually grumpy but not necessarily evil, they tend to stay close to their own kind. Usually group together in mining towns in Mountains or in Neighborhoods within human settlements. They tend to be fairly greedy and are exceptional merchants. There dwarven wares are well known & and are well sought after. Their jewelry is prized after as the jewels are usually crafted in metals for jewelry and tools and furniture. Much of their culture is not that old but old enough to the diaspora of the Pintega that they have created their own culture and are not interested in seafaring or being associatied with the Pintega. They have integrated into human societies due to their reliance on humans desire for their wares. They have become great miners, craftsmen and merchants within humanity. They have prospered and are loyal to their local cities and kingdoms. They are often great warriors for their local governance. They usually hold no sway with their northern or seafaring kind but are still insular to their communities. They are great miners and have a great understanding of how to live in the mountains and dig deep to find their jewels or oar due to the fact that their bloodline is that of the Vangur-Hellir but still prefer to live within societies. Family is very important to them and maintain close family units that expand out two or three generation in their tight nit communities                         Racial Traits: Constitution +2                                  Strength +2                                    Armor training
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