Phyhavaki "Vaki": Ice Dwarves

Race: Vangur-Hellir (Dwarven) Sub-Race: Phyhavaki-Hellir: Ice Dwarves Culture: Children of Vangur Description:a religious group of dwarves who live in the cold regions of the North. They follow the religions of the old gods the Dwarven gods. are kind but keep to themselves they do not venture far from their homelands but will be nice to weary travelers as long as they follow the laws. Quite well known for their songs and their artistic architecture.             Racial Traits: Constitution +2                                   Wisdom +2                                    Advantage against cold attacks               Culture: Description:             Racial Traits:             Psychological:                         Daily life:             Physical:             Relations:             Alignment:             Lands:             Religion:             Language             Names: Tribe names:             Reason to Adventure: Society & Culture:             Arts & Crafts:             Magic & Technology:             Tribal Structure:             Power Struggles:             Government:                          Description:An extremely religious group of dwarves. The government is made up of twelve high priests. They meet amongst themselves to discuss appropriate laws and sanction beliefs. One of the twelve is appointed a position of High honor, known as the Sacred Anvil, for three years. This individual is considered the leader during this time and sets the tone during his reign. When one of the 12 dies the remaining 11 choose a new high priest to take his place. There have been times when those who are the Sacred Anvil refuse to step down. Depending on the strength of his backing and the use of his powers will determine if he will be disposed of or remain in his position. If he must be forcibly removed from the position he is killed and known as a heretic. But if he dies of natural causes or steps down at his convenience he may likely become a saint. Laws & Justice:             Religion:             History & Folklore: Environment: Climate/Region: Cities: Capitol: PHYHAMAAT Important People: Important Groups:             Agenda:             Structure:             Symbol:             Membership:             Benefits:             Relations outside of group:             Role-playing Application:                         Class:


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