Church of Gyan

In the realm of Glosmordin there exists a deity known as Gyan, whose very essence embodies the pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment. Gyan, also recognized as Caelym among the Alcyrian people, stands as the Male God of Knowledge & Wisdom, one of the devoted servants of Valinos His name, Gyan, resonates with the profound meaning of "Courageous Caretaker of Wisdom & Knowledge," and he shines as a beacon of Neutral Goodness in the divine pantheon.


Dogma: The followers of Gyan adhere to the dogma of unwavering pursuit of knowledge, truth, and wisdom. They believe that through the light of Gyan, all mysteries shall be unveiled, and through courage, wisdom shall flourish.   Day-to-day Activities: Priests engage in a life of learning, teaching, and preserving knowledge. They offer guidance to seekers and scholars, illuminating their paths toward enlightenment.   Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: The church celebrates the annual Three-Day Eclipse, a profound event representing Gyan's gift of the Two Moons to the goddesses Quibilah and Sarwan. They also mark celestial events as times for meditation and prophecy.   Major Centers of Worship: The grand Temple of the Two Moons serves as the central hub of worship, and smaller shrines can be found across Glosmordin.   Priestly Vestments: Priests don robes adorned with representations of the Two Moons, the sacred candle, and the scroll and quill, symbolizing their dedication to knowledge and prophecy.   Specialty Priests: Some priests may specialize in prophecy, divination, or the study of specific domains within Gyan's purview.   Allies and Foes: Gyan finds allies among Valinos, the ever-balancing force, and other divine entities such as Konasima, Yemoja, Kanach, and The Pure. His foes, on the other hand, include Ch'ar-Mut, Kurxong, Zid-dem, and The Corrupt, who stand opposed to the pursuit of knowledge. His chosen believers hail from various races, including Humans, Cynndraaki, Dwarves, Vales, Morsidhi, Sharadi, and Shiofra, the Elven kind.   In the realm of Glosmordin, Gyan's Church stands as a beacon of enlightenment, guiding the faithful and seekers alike on a journey towards the eternal pursuit of wisdom and truth.

Tenets of Faith

Seek Knowledge with Humility: Approach the pursuit of knowledge with an open heart and a humble spirit. Illuminate the Mind: Engage in regular study and reflection to expand one's understanding. Respect the Celestial: Reverence for the celestial bodies and their influence on life's mysteries. Balance in All Things: Strive for harmony within oneself and in relationships with others. Eclipse Celebrations: Participate in the annual Three-Day Eclipse Festival as an act of devotion and unity. Share Wisdom: Share knowledge and insights with fellow followers, fostering a community of learning and growth. Reflect on the Past: Preserve the wisdom of the past and apply it to the present for a brighter future.


The Church of Gyan: Within the realm of Gyan, the congregation is collectively known as the "Church of Gyan," dedicated to the worship and veneration of the God of Knowledge & Wisdom. This church is structured around two distinct priesthoods, each serving a unique purpose within the faith:   1. Order of the Eternal Reflection (Priests of Knowledge):   High Luminary: The highest-ranking priest, responsible for overseeing the entire priesthood. Luminaries: Advisors to the High Luminary, guiding the priesthood's activities. Scribes of the Stars: Record and maintain the vast repositories of knowledge. Keepers of the Candle: Caretakers of the sacred candle, symbolizing the light of wisdom. Archivists of the Scroll: Preserve written knowledge and scriptures. Harbingers of Insight: Teachers who impart wisdom to novices and the faithful. Seekers of Truth: Inquisitors tasked with unearthing hidden knowledge.     2. Order of the Constellations (Priests of Prophecy):   Celestial Oracle: The highest-ranking priest, responsible for interpreting prophecies. Stargazers: Advisors to the Celestial Oracle, experts in celestial signs. Harmony-Weavers: Maintain balance within the priesthood, resolve disputes. Seers of the Moons: Interpret the movements of the two moons for prophecies. Guides of Destiny: Assist individuals in understanding their life paths. Whisperers of Night: Perform rituals and meditations during celestial events. Dreamwalkers: Communicate with the gods through dreams and visions. Hierarchy and Leadership Positions: In both priesthoods, the High Luminary or Celestial Oracle holds the highest authority, followed by their respective advisors. The hierarchy cascades down to the specialized roles, with each position serving a vital purpose. Among the leadership positions, the "Luminaries" and "Stargazers" serve as the second-in-command, assisting in the governance and decision-making of their priesthood.


The Alcyrian sects, including the Brotherhood of Foresight and the Order of the Undying Flames, have adapted their devotion to align with Gyan's teachings.

"Beneath Two Moons, We Flourish." "Lunar Wisdom, Stellar Insight"

Religious, Organised Religion


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