Order of the Eternal Reflection


Organization Structure of the Order of the Eternal Reflection (Priests of Knowledge): 1. High Luminary: The High Luminary serves as the highest-ranking priest within the Order of the Eternal Reflection and is the spiritual leader of this priesthood. They oversee all activities and decisions of the Order, ensuring that they align with Gyan's teachings.   2. Luminaries Council: Luminaries are advisors to the High Luminary and serve as a council. They guide the priesthood's activities, provide counsel on theological matters, and assist in shaping the direction of the Order. Major decisions are often reached through consensus within the Luminaries Council.   3. Scribes of the Stars: Scribes of the Stars maintain the sacred libraries and archives, cataloging knowledge, and preserving sacred texts. They make decisions related to the organization and categorization of knowledge within the Order.   4. Keepers of the Candle: Keepers of the Candle are responsible for the care and reverence of the sacred candle, symbolizing the light of wisdom. They make decisions related to the lighting and maintenance of the candle during ceremonies and rituals.   5. Archivists of the Scroll: Archivists of the Scroll specialize in preserving written knowledge and scriptures. They make decisions regarding the cataloging and interpretation of ancient texts and manuscripts.   6. Harbingers of Insight: Harbingers of Insight are teachers and mentors within the priesthood. They decide on the content and scheduling of lectures, discussions, and educational activities.   7. Seekers of Truth: Seekers of Truth are responsible for unearthing hidden knowledge and investigating mysteries. They make decisions regarding the initiation of quests and expeditions, as well as the dissemination of discovered knowledge.   Interaction with the Order of the Constellations: The Order of the Eternal Reflection and the Order of the Constellations coexist harmoniously within the Church of Gyan, recognizing that their respective roles and teachings complement each other. While the two priesthoods operate independently, they often collaborate on matters related to celestial observations, prophecies, and the application of celestial knowledge to the pursuit of wisdom. The High Luminary and the Celestial Oracle may meet to discuss how celestial events and lunar cycles can enhance the understanding of knowledge and prophecy, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose within the church.

Mythology & Lore

In a distant age, when the world of Glosmordin was still in its infancy, there lived a divine being named Gyan, the God of Knowledge. Gyan was a deity of profound wisdom and enlightenment, and his heart brimmed with the desire to share his insights with the mortal realm. He sought a way to impart knowledge that would be everlasting, a legacy that would guide the people of Glosmordin for generations to come.   One fateful night, as Gyan gazed upon the budding world, he realized that the celestial heavens held the key to his vision. The starlight barely bathed the landscape in its soft glow, casting intricate patterns upon the earth. Inspiration surged within Gyan as he perceived the profound symbolism of greater light needed. He decided to bring about the two moons.   The larger moon, radiant and resplendent, embodied the essence of wisdom. It represented the eternal light of knowledge, illuminating the path to enlightenment. Gyan saw in it the potential to guide mortals toward greater wisdom and understanding.   The smaller moon, with its delicate and ever-changing cycles, spoke to Gyan of balance and harmony. It symbolized the ebb and flow of life, the constant dance between light and darkness, and the cyclical nature of existence. This, too, was a lesson worth sharing with the world.   And so, with a heart filled with purpose, Gyan decided to bestow these celestial wonders upon two goddesses, Quibilah and Sarwan, who ruled over the realms of family and memory, respectively.   Gyan descended from the celestial heights, carrying the two moons in his mighty hands. With great reverence, he presented them to Quibilah and Sarwan, explaining their significance as symbols of wisdom, balance, and cosmic order. The goddesses were deeply moved by Gyan's gift and the wisdom it contained.   Quibilah, the goddess of family, embraced the larger moon, now known as "The Hearthstone Moon." She recognized it as a beacon of light, symbolizing not only the wisdom she cherished but also the nurturing love that families provided. The Hearthstone Moon became a symbol of familial bonds and the importance of shared knowledge within families.   Sarwan, the goddess of memory and intuition, cradled the smaller moon, known as the "Threshold Moon." She saw in its ever-changing phases the beauty of memory, the ability to adapt and learn, and the power of intuition. The Threshold Moon came to represent the flow of time, the traveler's journey, and the eternal quest for knowledge.   As time passed, the people of Glosmordin gazed upon the two moons with wonder and reverence. They learned to read the celestial patterns and cycles, finding wisdom in the rhythms of the heavens. The moons served as constant reminders of the teachings of Gyan, inspiring generations to seek knowledge, maintain balance, and observe the cosmic order.   And so, the legend of Gyan's Gift endured, a testament to the god's boundless wisdom and his desire to teach through the observation of the celestial heavens. The moons became a source of guidance and inspiration, forever reminding the people of Glosmordin that wisdom and balance were the keys to a harmonious existence in their ever-evolving world.

Tenets of Faith

1. Embrace the Light of Wisdom: Seek the radiant light of knowledge and wisdom in all aspects of life. 2. Preserve the Sacred Texts: Safeguard the written knowledge and teachings of Gyan for future generations. 3. Illuminate Minds: Share the gift of knowledge and insight with sincerity and humility. 4. Question with Diligence: Uncover hidden truths through unwavering curiosity and inquiry. 5. Guide Seekers: Mentor and guide those who thirst for knowledge, fostering their intellectual growth. 6. Defend the Truth: Protect the purity of knowledge from corruption and falsehood. 7. Reflect on Eternal Wisdom: Contemplate the mysteries of existence and the boundless pursuit of truth.


1. Worship with the Order of the Eternal Reflection (Priests of Knowledge):   Sacred Libraries and Archives: Devotees gather in the sacred libraries and archives maintained by the Scribes of the Stars and Archivists of the Scroll. These tranquil sanctuaries are adorned with candlelit alcoves and shelves filled with ancient tomes. Followers come here to read, study, and seek knowledge.   Candlelight Vigils: Worship often begins with candlelight vigils led by the Keepers of the Candle. In dimly lit chambers, followers gather around the sacred candle, symbolizing the light of wisdom. Prayers are offered to Gyan, beseeching him for enlightenment and understanding.   Teaching and Learning: Harbingers of Insight, known for their wisdom, hold regular lectures and discussions. Followers participate in these sessions to deepen their understanding of Gyan's teachings and share insights with one another. Novices learn from experienced priests in an atmosphere of reverence and inquiry.   Inquisitive Quests: Seekers of Truth organize expeditions to explore hidden knowledge and mysteries. They lead followers on quests to ancient ruins, forgotten libraries, and cryptic artifacts. These expeditions are seen as journeys of enlightenment, where participants seek to uncover hidden truths.


1. High Luminary: As the highest-ranking priest of the Order of the Eternal Reflection, the High Luminary serves as the spiritual leader and guardian of the entire priesthood. They are responsible for overseeing the priesthood's activities, ensuring adherence to the tenets of Gyan, and guiding the faithful on their quest for knowledge and enlightenment. The High Luminary often presides over important ceremonies and represents the priesthood in matters of divine importance.   2. Luminaries: Luminaries are trusted advisors to the High Luminary. They assist in decision-making, provide counsel on theological matters, and help shape the direction of the priesthood. Luminaries are well-versed in the teachings of Gyan and play a crucial role in maintaining the unity and purpose of the priesthood.   3. Scribes of the Stars: Scribes of the Stars have the solemn duty of recording and maintaining the vast repositories of knowledge within the church's libraries and archives. They meticulously document the wisdom imparted by Gyan's teachings, sacred texts, and historical accounts. Their work ensures that the knowledge of the faith is preserved for future generations.   4. Keepers of the Candle: The Keepers of the Candle are entrusted with the care and reverence of the sacred candle, a symbol of the light of wisdom. They maintain the candle's purity, ensuring that its flame burns brightly. During important ceremonies, they are responsible for lighting and tending to the candle, which represents the illumination of knowledge.   5. Archivists of the Scroll: Archivists of the Scroll specialize in preserving written knowledge and scriptures. They meticulously catalog and protect ancient texts, manuscripts, and scrolls containing the sacred wisdom of Gyan. Archivists are also responsible for deciphering and interpreting ancient writings, making them accessible to scholars and seekers.   6. Harbingers of Insight: Harbingers of Insight are the teachers and mentors within the priesthood. They impart wisdom to novices and the faithful through lectures, discussions, and one-on-one guidance. These priests are responsible for nurturing the intellectual and spiritual growth of their students, helping them develop a deeper understanding of Gyan's teachings.   7. Seekers of Truth: Seekers of Truth are the inquisitors of the Order of the Eternal Reflection. They are tasked with unearthing hidden knowledge, investigating mysteries, and dispelling falsehoods. These priests delve into ancient texts, explore forgotten ruins, and engage in philosophical debates to uncover the truth that lies concealed in the world.

"Through Reflection, We Find Truth & In Silence, the Candle Speaks."

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization


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