
(a.k.a. Caelym (Alcyrian), Ingulyan (Shiofra, Morsidhi), Guyvorgan (Dwarven))

Gyan, whose name means Courages Caretaker of Wisdom & Knowledge, is the revered God of Knowledge and stands as a luminous beacon of wisdom and understanding in the vast pantheon of Glosmordin. As one of the three divine servants of Valinos, the deity who governs the cosmic order of good, Gyan embodies the principles of balance, harmony, and light. He is not merely a custodian of knowledge but also a figure who champions the pursuit of truth and the illumination of the mind. Across the diverse lands of Glosmordin, Gyan’s followers are equally varied, encompassing races and cultures that hold knowledge in high regard. To these devoted followers, Gyan is the guiding force behind the preservation of wisdom, the revelation of truth, and the maintenance of the universe's harmonious order.   One of Gyan's most profound contributions to the world of Glosmordin is the placement of its two moons in the night sky. These celestial bodies, the larger Hearthstone Moon and the smaller Threshold Moon, serve as enduring symbols of his divine influence. The Hearthstone Moon, gifted to the goddess Quibilah, represents wisdom, family, and the guiding light of the hearth. It embodies the nurturing aspects of knowledge, where wisdom fosters community and strengthens bonds. The Threshold Moon, bestowed upon the goddess Sarwan, symbolizes time, travelers, memory, and the light of knowledge and intuition. It reflects the transient nature of existence and the importance of insight and foresight on the journey through life.   These moons are more than just markers of time and tide; they are constant reminders of Gyan’s presence and teachings. Each phase, each shift in their celestial dance, is a testament to the balance Gyan upholds in the cosmos and the intricate weave of wisdom and truth that he imparts to the world. Through these divine gifts, Gyan’s influence is ever-present, guiding his followers as they navigate the complexities of existence, always seeking to align their lives with the harmony and enlightenment he represents.   Temple/Churches: The main temple is called The Temple of the Two Moons

Divine Domains

Major Domains:   Wisdom: Gyan embodies the pursuit of wisdom, encouraging his followers to seek deeper understanding and insight.   Truth: As the keeper of truth, Gyan’s teachings emphasize honesty and the relentless quest for factual knowledge.   Divination: Gyan is also a god of prophecy, guiding his followers to discern future events through the study of the heavens and ancient texts.   Knowledge: The pursuit and preservation of knowledge are central to Gyan’s teachings, making him a patron of scholars and sages.   Minor Domains:   Spiritual Knowledge: Gyan imparts not only worldly wisdom but also spiritual enlightenment, guiding his followers on a path of inner discovery.   Light: The light of knowledge and understanding is a recurring theme in Gyan’s worship, with his followers believing that enlightenment drives away ignorance and fear.


The Scroll of Celestial Wisdom: An ancient scroll said to contain a message of knowledge of the cosmos and given to an anceint acolyte, written in a language only the most devout followers of Gyan can decipher.   The Candle of Eternal Light: A sacred candle that burns with an everlasting flame, unable to be snuffed out & symbolizing Gyan’s unending pursuit of truth and wisdom.   The Quill of Insight: A legendary quill believed to grant the writer unparalleled clarity and understanding, allowing them to uncover the deepest secrets of the universe.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Two Moons: A revered text that details the origins of Gyan’s gift to Glosmordin, the two moons, and their significance in maintaining balance and harmony in the world.   The Tome of Eternal Reflection: A collection of Gyan’s teachings on wisdom, truth, and the pursuit of knowledge, often used by his followers in their daily studies.   The Book of Celestial Prophecies: A sacred book containing prophecies and divinations revealed to the most devoted priests of Gyan, offering guidance and insight into the future.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Two Moons: Symbolizing the gifts Gyan bestowed upon Glosmordin, representing wisdom, balance, and cosmic order.   The Candle: A symbol of the light of knowledge, guiding the faithful through the darkness of ignorance.   The Scroll and Quill: Representing the pursuit of knowledge and the recording of truths, these symbols are often seen in temples and places of learning dedicated to Gyan.

Tenets of Faith

Seek & Share Knowledge Relentlessly: Pursue wisdom in all its forms, and never be satisfied with ignorance. Knowledge should not be hoarded but shared freely to benefit all of society.   Embrace the Cosmic Order: Recognize the patterns and cycles of the universe, and align yourself with the natural order of things. For they are a gift to bring knowledge of what is and what is to come.   Seek Truth in All Things: Gyan’s followers are encouraged to pursue the truth relentlessly, valuing honesty and integrity above all. Using knowledge to reveal the truth, even when it is uncomfortable or challenging.   Illuminate the Darkness of Ignorance: Knowledge is a light that dispels the darkness of ignorance.Protect the light of wisdom from the darkness of ignorance and falsehoods.  Followers of Gyan are tasked with spreading enlightenment wherever they go. Just as the moons shine light in the darkness and were sacred gifts to the gods   Balance Wisdom with Compassion: True wisdom is not just knowledge but also the understanding of when to apply it with kindness and compassion.


The Festival of the Two Moons: Celebrated annually when the two moons are both visible in the night sky, this festival honors Gyan’s gift of the moons and their significance in maintaining cosmic balance. It is a time of reflection, learning, and the sharing of knowledge. There are readings from the The Codex of Two Moons.   The Long Dusk, Long Night, and Long Dawn: These three days, when the larger moon eclipses the sun, are sacred to Gyan. Followers spend the Long Dusk in study and contemplation, the Long Night in prayer and reflection, and the Long Dawn in sharing their insights with the community.   The Night of Celestial Prophecies: A ritual performed by the Order of the Constellations, where priests interpret the movements of the stars and moons to gain prophetic insights, guiding the faithful in the coming year. A sacred night dedicated to divination and the interpretation of celestial signs. This is followed by...    The Day of Eternal Reflection: A day of meditation and study, where followers of Gyan dedicate themselves to deep reflection on the nature of wisdom and truth. A day to contemplate what signs may have been reveled the night before.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Gyan’s overarching goal is the preservation and dissemination of knowledge across Glosmordin, the maintenance of cosmic balance, and the illumination of truth. He seeks to ensure that wisdom is not lost to the ravages of time and that all who seek the truth can find it. By placing the moons in the sky, Gyan also aims to teach the inhabitants of Glosmordin the importance of balance, harmony, and encouraging them to use their knowledge for the greater good. He seeks to guide his followers toward enlightenment.
Divine Classification
Immortal Paragons
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Planer Spheres: Guyagencia

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