Church of Jerika-Fey

Nestled within the heart of Glosmordin, where ancient trees whisper secrets and the vibrant dance of nature paints an enchanting tapestry, lies the Church of Jerika-Fey. A sacred order that reveres the Sad Maiden and Mother of Fairies, this church is not confined within towering temples but finds its sanctity in the untamed corners of the world. In this mystical congregation, emotions are celebrated as threads woven into the cosmic tapestry, and the Fey are honored as kin. Followers, known as The Untamed, find solace in the balance between the unpredictable currents of wild magic and the serene embrace of nature.   Two distinctive orders, the Untamed Sages and the Woodsmen of Woe, embody the church's diverse teachings. The Sages, sorcerer-clerics attuned to the untamed realms, seek wisdom in solitude and exploration. The Woodsmen, dwelling in Sanctuaries of Innocence, embrace solitude as a means of healing and safeguarding nature.   As whispers of the fey realm echo through their ceremonies and rituals, the followers tread the Path of the Untamed. Their motto, "Embrace the tapestry of emotions, Commune with the Fey, Walk the Path of the Untamed," encapsulates the essence of their devotion.   Amidst moonlit ceremonies, feylight festivals, and quiet contemplation, the Church of Jerika-Fey invites seekers to explore the mysteries of wild magic and emotions. Whether one is drawn to the scholarly pursuits of the Sages, the contemplative solitude of the Woodsmen, or the collective communion with the fey, the church offers a diverse and harmonious tapestry for those who dare to walk the untamed path.


The cooperation between the Untamed Sages and the Woodsmen of Woe within the Church of Jerika-Fey is a delicate and harmonious dance, each order contributing to the overarching reverence for the Sad Maiden and Mother of Fairies in their own unique way. Knowledge Exchange:   The Untamed Sages, with their emphasis on mystical insights and scholarly pursuits, share their interpretations of ancient texts and divine messages with the Woodsmen of Woe. Mystic Illuminators from the Sages collaborate with Wood Seekers to uncover hidden truths within the untamed wilderness. Protective Alliances:   The Woodsmen of Woe, through their Silent Watchers and Lone Guardians, form protective alliances with the Untamed Sages. They ensure the sanctity of the Houses of the Sages and the tranquil abodes of the Sanctuaries of Innocence, creating a network of watchful eyes that safeguard the sacred places. Communal Festivals:   During significant celestial events or the Annual Feylight Festival, both orders come together in joint celebrations. The fey creatures, protected by the Woodsmen, participate in the festivities alongside the mystical displays crafted by the Sorcerous Artisans of the Untamed Sages. Balancing Emotion and Wilderness:   While the Untamed Sages explore the intricate interplay between emotions and wild magic, the Woodsmen of Woe bring a grounded, emotional connection to the untamed wilderness. The Woodsmen's rituals and ceremonies often involve the use of emotion-infused natural elements, contributing to the overall harmony within the Church. Respectful Autonomy:   Each order maintains a degree of autonomy, respecting the individuality and unique roles of the other. The Untamed Sages delve into scholarly pursuits, while the Woodsmen of Woe focus on protecting the sanctity of nature. The synergy lies in their mutual respect for the Sad Maiden and their shared commitment to preserving the delicate balance of Glosmordin. Guidance and Healing:   The Untamed Sages, with their cultivation of wisdom and communion with Jerika-Fey, offer guidance and healing to members of both orders. Whether it's a Mystic Illuminator interpreting dreams or a Wood Seeker embarking on a quest, there is a shared understanding of the interconnectedness between the mystical and the natural. Through these collaborative efforts, the Untamed Sages and the Woodsmen of Woe create a vibrant tapestry within the Church of Jerika-Fey. Their alliance strengthens the ties between the ethereal and the material, as they work together to honor the Sad Maiden and uphold the sanctity of the untamed realms.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace of Individuality and Diversity:   Recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of each being, acknowledging that diversity strengthens the fabric of the Church. All races, cultures, and backgrounds find acceptance within the embrace of Jerika-Fey.   Stewardship of the Untamed Wilderness:   Uphold a commitment to preserving the untamed beauty of Glosmordin. Protect the sacred groves, serene sanctuaries, and mystical places that reflect the delicate balance between the material world and the Feywild.   Communion with Jerika-Fey:   Seek personal communion with Jerika-Fey through solitude, reflection, and reverence for the natural world. Embrace the guidance of the Sad Maiden and Mother of Fairies, allowing her whispers to resonate within the hearts and minds of her followers.   Exploration of Wild Magic:   Encourage the exploration and understanding of wild magic, recognizing it as a dynamic force that flows through all aspects of existence. Sorcerers within the Church are particularly encouraged to attune themselves to the untamed currents of this mystical energy.   Cultivation of Wisdom:   Pursue knowledge and wisdom in the study of emotions, the Fey, and the mysteries of wild magic. Share insights and discoveries to enrich the collective understanding of Jerika-Fey's domains.   Stewardship of the Fey:   Act as stewards and protectors of the fey creatures. Safeguard their well-being and maintain the delicate balance between the material world and the Feywild. The fey, being close allies of Jerika-Fey, are deserving of care and respect.   Respect for the Fey and the Feywild: Hold deep reverence for the fey creatures and the mystical realm of the Feywild. Recognize the Fey as allies and companions in the journey of the untamed. Strive to maintain a harmonious relationship with the fey, acknowledging their importance in the delicate balance between the material world and the Feywild.


1. The Untamed Sages: Deep within the heart of Glosmordin, the Untamed Sages find their haven. A secluded order of sorcerer-clerics, they reside in the Houses of the Sages—silent sanctuaries nestled within ancient groves. Adorned in robes bearing antler motifs and crowned with headdresses reminiscent of their muse, these keepers of the untamed realms weave their lives with the whims of wild magic and emotions. The Sages maintain a reserved yet open demeanor, welcoming seekers who venture into their tranquil abodes.   2. The Woodsmen of Woe: For those drawn to solitude and the wild embrace of nature, the Woodsmen of Woe offer sanctuary in their Sanctuaries of Innocence. This clerical order, consisting of rangers and hermits, seeks refuge in the forested wilderness. Removed from society, they find solace in their Silent Watchers and Lone Guardians, silently observing the borders of their Sanctuaries and protecting the untamed from external threats. The Woodsmen embody the raw, emotional connection with the natural world, shielding its innocence.   These two pillars, each embodying a unique facet of Jerika-Fey's influence, come together to create the intricate mosaic of the Church. From the serene abodes of the Untamed Sages to the hidden Sanctuaries of Innocence, the Church of Jerika-Fey welcomes those who seek the whispers of the Sad Maiden, the embrace of the untamed, and the delicate dance between emotions and magic.

"Embrace the tapestry of emotions, Commune with the Fey, Walk the Path of the Untamed"

Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members