
(a.k.a. The Fey Queen, The Sad Maiden, The Huntress,  Mother of Faries, The Horned Swan)

Name: Jerika-Fey Alternate Names: The Fey Queen, The Sad Maiden, The Huntress, Mother of Fairies, The Horned Swan   Also Known As: Sometimes known as the Elven Saint or the Saint of Kanach   Description: Jerika-Fey is a multifaceted deity who appears as a young female. Her appearance can shift to either human or Elven form depending on the perspective of the observer. She is often depicted wearing a long white nightgown and a headdress that resembles antlers, symbolizing her connection to the natural world and the fey.   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Divine Domains:   Spheres: Emotions, Wild Magic, and Fey. Jerika-Fey's influence is woven into the intricate tapestry of feelings, the untamed forces of magic in the natural world, and the mystical realm of the fey. Minor Spheres: Hunting, Nature, Forests, and Tempest, reflecting her roles as The Huntress, Guardian of the Natural World, Protector of Forests, and Controller of Storms. Cultural Significance: Jerika-Fey is a deity revered by various societies and priesthoods within Glosmordin. She is sometimes known as the Elven Saint, highlighting her importance to Elven cultures, and as the Saint of Kanach, emphasizing her connection to the Green Father, Kanach Vorthr.   Priesthoods:   Woodsmen of Woe: These priests focus on the wild and untamed aspects of Jerika-Fey's domains, embracing the unpredictability of the natural world. They may perform rituals deep in the forests and seek communion with her for the channeling of wild magic. The Untamed Sages: This priestly group emphasizes wisdom, knowledge, and the exploration of the mysteries of the Fey and emotions. They are often scholars, seers, and advisors who guide their followers. Churches:   Sanctuaries of the Innocence: These places of worship are serene and often found in the heart of enchanted forests or meadows. They are designed to blend with the natural surroundings and incorporate elements of the Fey. Houses of the Sages: These centers of worship are hubs of learning and enlightenment, filled with ancient tomes, magical artifacts, and scholars who unlock the secrets of emotions, wild magic, and the Fey. Mythology: Jerika-Fey is associated with the myth of "The Whispers of the Fey," in which she and another fey being, Zylestra, played pivotal roles in the creation of the fey and the establishment of their realms. This myth reflects her compassion, leadership, and connection to the fey creatures and their magical realm, Ardentia.   In summary, Jerika-Fey is a Chaotic Neutral deity in the world of Glosmordin, representing the unpredictable and individualistic nature of emotions, wild magic, and the Fey. Her character is shaped by her compassion, connection to the natural world, and her role as a guardian and guide to the fey. She is a deity revered by diverse cultures, and her presence is felt through her priesthoods, churches, and the stories told in her name. Jerika-Fey's influence adds depth and richness to the mythology and spirituality of Glosmordin.

Divine Domains

Emotions: As the deity of emotions, Jerika-Fey has a deep and profound connection to the emotional tapestry of Glosmordin's inhabitants. Her influence extends to a wide range of emotions, from the joyful and exuberant to the somber and melancholic. Her followers often turn to her for guidance and solace in times of emotional turmoil. They believe that by channeling their feelings and seeking her blessing, they can find inner balance and harmony.   Offerings and Rituals: Jerika-Fey's followers may perform rituals to celebrate or seek guidance for their emotions. These rituals can include dances, music, and offerings of symbolic objects that represent different feelings. Her temples and sanctuaries might feature vibrant displays of art and colors, reflecting the full spectrum of emotions.   Wild Magic: Jerika-Fey's dominion over wild magic is a testament to the untamed forces of nature that she embodies. Her followers believe that wild magic flows through the veins of the natural world, and they seek to harness and honor this primal energy. She is often invoked by spellcasters who draw power from the natural world, and they attribute their magical abilities to her influence.   Ritual Magic: Jerika-Fey's followers may practice ritualistic magic that emphasizes the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the natural world. They might perform ceremonies under the open sky, using natural elements like fire, wind, and water in their spells. Her temples may have intricate mosaics and carvings representing the ever-changing flow of magic.   Fey: As the Mother of Fairies and a deity closely tied to the Fey, Jerika-Fey holds a special place in the hearts of the fey creatures of Glosmordin. She is believed to be their protector, guide, and source of inspiration. Her connection to the Feywild, Ardentia, makes her a vital presence in the lives of these mystical beings. She is seen as the keeper of the balance between the Feywild and the material world.   Fey Celebrations: Festivals and celebrations dedicated to Jerika-Fey often include the participation of various fey creatures. These events serve to strengthen the bond between the fey and the deity, with feasting, dance, and storytelling. Her temples may feature enchanted gardens and shimmering waterfalls, creating an atmosphere that feels like a gateway to the Feywild. Minor Spheres:   Hunting: Jerika-Fey's influence extends to the domain of hunting, as she is also known as The Huntress. Her followers who are hunters seek her guidance and protection while they pursue their prey. They believe that she imparts them with the skills and instincts necessary for a successful hunt.   Ritual Hunts: Hunters may participate in ceremonial hunts to honor Jerika-Fey. These hunts often emphasize the importance of respecting the natural balance and not taking more than what is needed. The success of the hunt is seen as a sign of the deity's favor. Nature: Jerika-Fey's domain of nature reflects her role as a guardian of the natural world. Her followers often engage in conservation efforts, working to protect and preserve the environment. They believe that through their actions, they honor her and maintain the delicate equilibrium of ecosystems.   Environmental Rituals: Followers who tend to the natural world may conduct rituals such as tree planting, river cleanups, or wildlife sanctuaries in her name. These actions are seen as acts of devotion and stewardship. Forests: Jerika-Fey is particularly associated with forests, which are regarded as her sacred domains. Her influence ensures the flourishing of these woodland realms and the creatures that dwell within them. She is often called upon for guidance and protection when traveling through dense forests.   Forest Sanctuaries: Many of Jerika-Fey's temples are located within or near lush forests. Her followers may create hidden groves or sacred clearings for worship and meditation, fostering a sense of connection with the deity and the natural world. Tempest: The tempest is a manifestation of the chaotic forces of nature, and Jerika-Fey's influence extends to this sphere. She is called upon by those who face the destructive power of storms and seek protection from their fury.   Storm Wardens: Jerika-Fey's followers who are skilled in weather magic or storm-watching often act as protectors of their communities during severe weather events. They believe that their connection to the deity gives them the power to calm storms and protect their people.

Holy Books & Codes

1. The Embrace of Feelings: Description: This sacred text is a collection of parables, poetry, and philosophical teachings that delve into the intricate landscape of emotions. It explores the various aspects of human and fey feelings, from joy and love to sorrow and fear. The book encourages followers to embrace their emotions, acknowledging their impact on personal growth and interpersonal relationships. Teachings: The Embrace of Feelings emphasizes the importance of understanding, accepting, and celebrating one's emotional complexity. It encourages empathy, compassion, and the nurturing of emotional well-being in oneself and others.   2. The Song of the Wild:   Description: This holy book celebrates the untamed and wild aspects of life, resonating with Jerika-Fey's domain of wild magic. It is filled with tales of adventurers, spellcasters, and explorers who harnessed the chaotic forces of the natural world for both good and ill. The book contains practical guidance for those seeking to embrace wild magic while respecting its unpredictable nature. Teachings: The Song of the Wild teaches that there is a time and place for wild magic, and it encourages followers to explore their magical potential while remaining grounded and responsible in their actions.   3. The Fey Codex:   Description: The Fey Codex is a comprehensive guide to the fey, their realm (the Feywild), and their role in Glosmordin. It includes detailed descriptions of various fey creatures, their behavior, and their significance in the natural world. The codex serves as a reference for those who seek to understand and protect the fey. Teachings: The Fey Codex emphasizes the importance of preserving the connection between the material world and the Feywild. It provides insights into how to nurture the fey and maintain the balance between the two realms. Followers are encouraged to act as stewards of this mystical bond.   4. The Ethereal Harmony:   Description: The Ethereal Harmony is a spiritual guide that teaches followers how to achieve inner peace and emotional equilibrium. It contains meditations, rituals, and practices designed to harmonize one's emotions with the natural world. The book encourages individuals to find solace in nature and connect with their inner selves. Teachings: The Ethereal Harmony emphasizes the link between personal emotional well-being and the natural world. It encourages followers to spend time in nature, meditate, and engage in practices that foster emotional balance. It promotes the idea that by connecting with the natural world, individuals can find emotional serenity.   5. The Code of Wild Guardians:   Description: This code of conduct outlines ethical guidelines for those who wish to become stewards of the wild and protectors of the environment. It includes principles of responsible hunting, sustainable practices, and the preservation of forests and wildlife. Teachings: The Code of Wild Guardians instructs followers to respect the delicate balance of nature, promote conservation, and act as guardians of the forest. It underscores the importance of preserving the natural world and ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy its beauty and resources. These holy books and codes serve as a foundation for Jerika-Fey's teachings and the ethical guidelines that guide her followers. They emphasize the interconnectedness of emotions, the natural world, and the mystical, providing a framework for personal growth and spiritual development within her faith.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jerika-Fey's symbols and sigils are potent representations of her influence and presence. They serve as focal points for her followers' devotion and are often used in rituals, religious art, and as protective amulets. Here are some key symbols and sigils associated with Jerika-Fey:   Primary Symbol - Woman Archer & Deer in the Rays of the Sun Piercing through Darkened Clouds:   This primary symbol combines multiple elements to encapsulate the essence of Jerika-Fey: Woman Archer: This part of the symbol represents her identity as The Huntress, a skilled archer who embodies the wild and untamed spirit of the hunt. It reflects her connection to the natural world and her role as a protector. Deer: The deer in the symbol represents the creatures of the forest and is a sign of the harmony between predator and prey. Jerika-Fey's benevolent side, which nurtures and protects the natural world, is depicted through the deer. Rays of the Sun Piercing through Darkened Clouds: This part of the symbol signifies the balance between light and darkness, good and evil, and the changing nature of emotions. It underscores her role as the goddess of emotions and the untamed aspects of life. Antlers Headdress:   Jerika-Fey's headdress, which resembles antlers, is a common visual representation of the deity. The antlers symbolize her connection to the natural world and the untamed aspects of existence. They also emphasize her role as The Horned Swan, an elegant and powerful creature. Crescent Moon:   The crescent moon is associated with Jerika-Fey's ever-changing emotions and her connection to the mystical world. It symbolizes the ebb and flow of feelings, the waxing and waning of magic, and the phases of the moon that are often linked to her. Vibrant Flowers and Vines:   Vibrant and colorful flowers and vines are often used to represent Jerika-Fey's connection to nature and the Feywild. These symbols emphasize the beauty and enchantment found in the wild places of the world. They may be woven into garlands, floral arrangements, and temple decorations. Silver Bells:   Silver bells are a symbol of the fey and are associated with their presence in Glosmordin. These bells are often used in religious ceremonies and rituals dedicated to Jerika-Fey to invoke her and communicate with the fey. Prismatic Colors:   Prismatic colors, such as those seen in rainbows, symbolize the multifaceted nature of emotions and magic. These colors are used in religious art and as decorative elements in temples to represent the diverse range of experiences and the ever-changing aspects of life. Usage of Symbols: Jerika-Fey's symbols and sigils are used in various ways by her followers and in her places of worship:   Rituals: Symbols are central to religious rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Jerika-Fey. They are often incorporated into altar decorations, clothing, and offerings. Religious Art: Artists create paintings, sculptures, and tapestries that feature these symbols, allowing her presence to be felt in the visual arts. Amulets and Jewelry: Many followers wear jewelry or amulets adorned with Jerika-Fey's symbols for protection, guidance, or as tokens of faith. Temple Decorations: Her temples and sanctuaries are often adorned with these symbols to create an atmosphere that resonates with her domains and character. The symbols and sigils associated with Jerika-Fey help to reinforce her presence and significance in the lives of her followers and are woven into the fabric of her worship and mythology in Glosmordin.


Holidays and holy days associated with Jerika-Fey are celebrated with reverence and joy, reflecting her domains and character. These occasions provide opportunities for her followers to connect with her and honor the natural world, emotions, and the fey. Here are some of the major holidays and holy days dedicated to Jerika-Fey in Glosmordin: Fey Day: This is one of the most important holidays dedicated to Jerika-Fey. It typically falls during the transition between seasons, marking the changing of the natural world. On Fey Day, followers gather in meadows, forests, or other natural settings to celebrate the fey. Festivities include music, dance, and storytelling, with special attention given to fairies, sprites, and other fey creatures. It's a day of unity between the material world and the Feywild, with followers seeking blessings from Jerika-Fey for a bountiful season.   Harvest of Emotions: Celebrated during the autumn equinox, the Harvest of Emotions is a time for reflection and meditation on one's emotional journey. Followers gather in Jerika-Fey's sanctuaries and reflect on the emotional experiences of the past year. They seek guidance from the goddess on finding emotional balance and expressing gratitude for their feelings. It's a time of personal growth and the cultivation of emotional resilience.   Wild Magic Revelry: This holiday is a vibrant and energetic celebration of the untamed forces of wild magic. It takes place during a moonlit night and is known for its enchanting displays of magical prowess. Followers, especially spellcasters, gather to perform wild and unpredictable magical acts, inspired by Jerika-Fey's domains. The night is filled with dazzling displays of lights, illusions, and spontaneous bursts of magic.   Day of the Forest: (Alternative name: Sylvan Reverie) This holiday is dedicated to the forests and the creatures that inhabit them. It takes place on the summer solstice, a time of peak greenery and life in the woodlands. Followers often venture deep into the heart of the forest, where they participate in rituals that honor Jerika-Fey's role as a guardian of the natural world. These rituals may include tree-planting ceremonies, nature walks, and the making of floral wreaths.   Fey New Year: This holiday marks the beginning of the fey's own calendar and is celebrated in the spring. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings, with followers engaging in cleansing rituals, storytelling, and dancing. Jerika-Fey is invoked to bless the fey with a year of prosperity, safety, and adventure in the material world.   The Day of Tears: This is a solemn holiday observed during the winter solstice, honoring Jerika-Fey's compassionate and emotional nature. It's a day for followers to express and share their feelings, both joyous and sorrowful. Rituals often include the lighting of candles and the release of lanterns into the night sky to symbolize the journey of emotions. The Day of Tears is a time for catharsis and reflection.   These holidays and holy days are an integral part of the worship of Jerika-Fey. They offer her followers the chance to connect with the natural world, explore their emotions, and celebrate the fey. Each occasion has its own unique traditions and rituals, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of Jerika-Fey's worship in Glosmordin.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Harmony of Emotions: Jerika-Fey seeks to promote emotional balance and harmony among the inhabitants of Glosmordin. Her goal is to guide individuals in understanding and accepting their feelings, whether they are joyful, melancholic, or any emotion in between. She aims to help her followers navigate the complex tapestry of their emotions, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.   Guardian of Forests: Jerika-Fey's primary goal is to act as a devoted guardian of the world's forests. As a deity closely tied to the natural world, she is unwavering in her commitment to protecting these woodland realms. She encourages her followers to revere the forests as sacred places and works to preserve their beauty and biodiversity. Her aim is to ensure that the enchanting realms of the woods flourish, that the creatures within find safety and sustenance, and that the balance of life in the forest remains undisturbed. Jerika-Fey's divine influence fosters a deep sense of connection between her followers and the forest, creating a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature.   Empowerment through Wild Magic: Jerika-Fey aims to empower spellcasters and magic users who draw upon wild magic. She wishes to inspire them to explore the untamed forces of the natural world, using their magical abilities to shape their destinies. Her goal is to make her followers more in tune with the chaotic and unpredictable aspects of magic.   Preservation of the Feywild Connection: Jerika-Fey's paramount goal is to ensure the enduring connection between the material world and the Feywild. As the Mother of Fairies and a guardian of the fey, she works diligently to maintain the harmonious balance between these two realms. Her aim is to provide a secure conduit for the fey to travel between the worlds, maintaining their existence, and safeguarding the unique bond that connects them to Glosmordin. Jerika-Fey's divine influence reinforces the fey's presence and their essential role in both realms while preserving the sanctuary of the Feywild.   Protection and Celebration of the Fey: Jerika-Fey is a fierce protector and patron of the fey races within Glosmordin. Her foremost divine goal is to safeguard the well-being and prosperity of the fey, ensuring that they find sanctuary and thrive in both the material world and the Feywild. She passionately celebrates the unique qualities and cultural traditions of the fey, fostering a sense of unity and kinship among her followers, who share a deep reverence for these mystical beings. Her divine influence emphasizes the importance of nurturing the fey, valuing their role in the world, and preserving the bond that connects them to her.




Towards Zylestra




Towards Jerika-fey


Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Zylestra (Sister)
Current Residence
The Fey Lands
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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