The Untamed Sages

Deep within the heart of Glosmordin, where the whispering winds weave tales through ancient trees and the vibrant tapestry of nature dances in harmonious chaos, lies the elusive sanctuary of the Untamed Sages. A mystical order, steeped in the enigmatic embrace of wild magic, emotions, and the untamed wilderness, their presence is like a subtle echo in the untouched corners of the world. Nestled within sacred groves and concealed beneath the boughs of ancient oaks, the Houses of the Sages stand as silent sanctuaries. Unseen by many, these abodes of tranquility are home to those who tread the delicate balance between the ethereal and the material, seekers of the mysteries whispered by Jerika-Fey, the Sad Maiden and Mother of Fairies.   The Untamed Sages, shrouded in mystery, are keepers of the untamed realms. They weave their lives with the whims of wild magic, understanding the ebb and flow of emotions as the unseen currents that guide their path. Adorned in robes adorned with antler motifs and crowned with headdresses reminiscent of their divine muse, they are guardians of the delicate threads that connect Glosmordin to the Feywild.   While the Sages typically keep to themselves, their serene abodes are not closed to the lost wanderer or the curious seeker. Those fortunate enough to stumble upon their sanctuaries are met with a subtle welcome, the air tinged with the sweet scent of enchanted blossoms and the distant melody of fey creatures.   The philosophy of the Untamed Sages is one of quiet contemplation and harmonious coexistence. Their gaze turns inward, exploring the depths of the untamed heart and the intricate dance between emotions and magic. While they do not actively enforce their beliefs upon the world, those who seek refuge within the tranquil embrace of their sanctuaries may find themselves drawn into conversations that reveal the subtle wisdom woven into the very fabric of Glosmordin.   As your journey unfolds, the presence of the Untamed Sages lingers in the rustle of leaves, the shimmering light of fireflies, and the gentle caress of the wind. Whether you are a lost wanderer seeking solace or a curious soul yearning to explore the mysteries of the untamed, the order quietly awaits, ready to share the whispers of Jerika-Fey and the secrets that lie beneath the surface of Glosmordin.


Ceremonial Silence:   During certain rituals and gatherings, members observe periods of ceremonial silence. This practice is a form of deep reverence, allowing individuals to attune themselves to the natural energies and the whispers of Jerika-Fey without verbal distractions.   Veiled Symbolism:   Symbolism plays a crucial role in the order's culture. Members often incorporate veiled symbols into their clothing, artwork, and rituals. These symbols hold personal significance and are shared among the community, fostering a sense of shared identity without uniformity.   Ephemeral Art Installations:   Sorcerous Artisans occasionally create ephemeral art installations in the heart of the wilderness. These intricate displays, made from natural materials and infused with wild magic, serve as temporary expressions of devotion and are left to be reclaimed by the environment.   Nightly Star Gazing:   Members engage in nightly star gazing, seeking inspiration from the celestial bodies that adorn the night sky. It is considered a contemplative practice, encouraging a connection to the cosmic aspects of Jerika-Fey's influence on emotions and magic.   Moonlit Poetry Jams:   Moonlit nights often witness impromptu poetry jams, where members share verses inspired by their experiences, emotions, and the mystical forces surrounding them. This practice is a celebration of the written word and a communal expression of the untamed.   Rite of the Whispering Trees:   In secluded groves, members participate in the Rite of the Whispering Trees. This involves tying messages or prayers to branches, allowing the wind to carry their words into the ether, symbolizing the connection between the material and spiritual realms.   Annual Feylight Festival:   The order celebrates the Annual Feylight Festival, a magical event marked by the release of enchanted fireflies into the night. These glowing creatures symbolize the fleeting nature of wild magic and emotions, creating an ethereal atmosphere during the festival.   Ceremonial Mask-Making:   Members engage in the art of mask-making, creating elaborate masks infused with symbols and magical charms. These masks are worn during certain rituals, representing the dual nature of emotions and the hidden facets of one's true self.   Forest Bathing Rituals:   Forest bathing rituals involve immersing oneself in the natural surroundings, embracing the therapeutic qualities of the forest. These rituals focus on sensory experiences, deepening the connection between members and the untamed world.   Dreamweaving Circles:   Mystic Illuminators lead Dreamweaving Circles where members share and interpret their dreams. These sessions contribute to the order's collective understanding of the subtle realms influenced by Jerika-Fey, fostering a sense of interconnected dreaming. These cultural practices within The Untamed Sages go beyond mere rituals and ceremonies, encapsulating the nuanced ways in which members express their devotion, explore the mystical, and foster a unique cultural identity within the order.

Public Agenda

Safeguarding the Lost: The order, if encountering individuals lost in the woods or stumbling upon their sanctuaries, would offer assistance and guidance. While not openly sharing their beliefs, they might subtly impart the importance of respecting nature and finding harmony in the untamed.   Welcoming Wanderers:   The Houses of the Sages, if discovered by wanderers, would extend a warm welcome. While not actively enforcing their beliefs, the sages might engage in philosophical conversations if prompted, sharing insights about the interconnectedness of the natural world and the mysteries they hold dear.   Quiet Sanctuaries:   The order maintains their sanctuaries as quiet and serene spaces. If someone seeks refuge, they would be welcomed without imposition of beliefs. However, the environment itself might subtly convey the order's reverence for nature, wild magic, and individuality.   Nature Walks and Guided Meditation:   If outsiders express interest, some members might offer nature walks or guided meditation sessions. These experiences would be crafted to instill a sense of connection to the untamed and encourage a personal exploration of the mystical.   Subtle Symbolism:   The order may incorporate subtle symbols in the architecture of their sanctuaries. These symbols, while not overtly explained, could spark curiosity and open avenues for dialogue with those who show interest.   Feylight Displays:   During certain celestial events or festivals, the order might engage in feylight displays. These mesmerizing spectacles serve as ethereal performances, captivating wanderers without explicitly conveying the order's beliefs.   Healing Offerings:   If someone seeks healing, members might offer their services discreetly, emphasizing the interconnectedness of emotions and well-being. While not proselytizing, these interactions might leave a subtle impression of the order's holistic approach.   Occasional Artistic Expressions:   The Sages may create occasional artistic expressions in shared spaces or during specific events. These creations, rooted in the order's beliefs, provide glimpses into their worldview without overtly promoting it.   Environmental Observance:   Members may quietly observe and tend to the environment around their sanctuaries. While not actively engaging in large-scale conservation efforts, their actions subtly reflect a commitment to preserving the natural beauty surrounding them.   Respecting Individual Journeys:   The Sages recognize and respect the individual journeys of outsiders. Rather than actively imparting their beliefs, they create an environment where those who seek deeper understanding can find subtle guidance on their own terms. In essence, The Untamed Sages, while maintaining a reserved and introspective demeanor, are open to sharing aspects of their beliefs with those who express curiosity or seek refuge. Their approach is gentle, allowing outsiders to navigate their own paths of discovery within the mystical realms the order holds dear.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of The Untamed Sages' faith in Jerika-Fey revolve around embracing individuality, connecting with the untamed aspects of the natural world, and understanding the intricate interplay between emotions, wild magic, and the fey. Here are the core tenets that guide the members of this faith:   Embrace of Individuality:   Teaching: Each member is a unique vessel of emotions and wild magic. Embrace your individuality, recognizing that diversity strengthens the fabric of the order.   Harmony with the Natural World:   Teaching: Foster a deep connection with the untamed wilderness. Respect and protect the natural world, for it is the canvas upon which Jerika-Fey paints the tapestry of emotions and magic.   Exploration of Wild Magic:   Teaching: Wild magic is a dynamic force flowing through all aspects of existence. Explore its untamed currents, understanding its unpredictability and harnessing its power responsibly.   Communion with Jerika-Fey:   Teaching: Seek communion with Jerika-Fey in solitude and reflection. Embrace her guidance, allowing her whispers to resonate within your heart and mind.   Cultivation of Wisdom:   Teaching: Pursue knowledge and wisdom in the study of emotions, the Fey, and the mysteries of wild magic. Share your insights with fellow Sages to enrich the collective understanding of Jerika-Fey's domains.   Stewardship of the Fey:   Teaching: Act as stewards and protectors of the fey creatures. Safeguard their well-being and maintain the delicate balance between the material world and the Feywild.   Rituals of Balance:   Teaching: Perform rituals that symbolize the balance between emotions, nature, and wild magic. Understand that maintaining this equilibrium is crucial for the order's harmony with Jerika-Fey's teachings.   Quests for Knowledge:   Teaching: Embark on quests and expeditions to uncover hidden truths within the untamed wilderness. Seek out forgotten lore and expand the order's understanding of the mystical forces that surround Glosmordin.   Crafting as Expression:   Teaching: Sorcerous Artisans, use your craft to express the essence of Jerika-Fey. Create enchanted items that embody the wild magic and emotions intrinsic to the goddess.   Mystical Illumination:   Teaching: Mystic Illuminators, illuminate the mysteries of Jerika-Fey through interpretation and understanding. Share your insights to guide others on their spiritual journeys within the order.   These tenets guide The Untamed Sages in their pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, emphasizing a harmonious relationship with Jerika-Fey, the exploration of wild magic, and the preservation of the natural world. Through these teachings, members strive to cultivate a deep connection with the goddess and uncover the profound mysteries that lie within the untamed realms of Glosmordin.


The worship practices of The Untamed Sages revolve around the individual's connection with Jerika-Fey, the exploration of wild magic, and the harmonious communion with the untamed aspects of the natural world. While not bound by communal rituals, members engage in daily and special ceremonies to honor the goddess and deepen their understanding of her domains.   Daily Worship:   Solitude and Reflection: Members begin their day with a period of solitude, seeking a quiet space within the natural surroundings. They reflect on their emotions, meditate on the whispers of Jerika-Fey, and express gratitude for the untamed beauty of the world.   Wild Magic Exercises: Sorcerer members practice controlled spellcasting exercises to attune themselves to the flow of wild magic. This may involve manipulating magical energies in a secluded area, allowing them to better understand the unpredictable nature of their power.   Connection with Nature: Throughout the day, members take moments to connect with nature. This could involve a walk through the forest, communing with local wildlife, or simply sitting in contemplation amidst the natural world.   Priestly Vestments:   Natural Attire: The vestments of The Untamed Sages are simple and crafted from natural materials. Earthy tones and flowing fabrics reflect their connection to the wilderness. Antler motifs, symbolizing Jerika-Fey's headdress, are often incorporated into their clothing.   Personal Adornments: Members often wear personal adornments such as feathers, leaves, or enchanted trinkets, symbolizing their individual connection to Jerika-Fey and the wild.   Ceremonial Cloak: During special ceremonies, members may wear a ceremonial cloak adorned with symbols representing emotions, wild magic, and the Fey.   Special Ceremonies:   Moonlit Communion: During significant lunar events, members gather in clearings illuminated by moonlight. They engage in rituals that enhance their connection to the divine, channeling the energy of the moon to strengthen their bond with Jerika-Fey.   Wildfire Vigil: In celebration of the unpredictable nature of wild magic, members hold a wildfire vigil. Small controlled fires are lit, symbolizing the untamed forces they seek to understand. Sorcerers showcase their abilities in a harmonious display of controlled chaos.   Fey Revelry: Periodically, The Untamed Sages come together for Fey Revelry, a joyous celebration of the fey and their connection to Jerika-Fey. Music, dance, and storytelling are woven into the festivities, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.   Mystical Unveiling: Mystic Illuminators lead ceremonies where they unveil newly discovered insights into the mysteries of wild magic and the Fey. These ceremonies involve the sharing of knowledge and the illumination of sacred texts and artifacts.   Ritual Tools and Instruments:   Magical Instruments: Members use enchanted instruments, such as antler-adorned staffs or crystal-infused chimes, to channel wild magic and enhance their connection with Jerika-Fey.   Ceremonial Incense: A unique blend of herbs and flowers is burned during rituals to create an atmosphere that heightens the senses and serves as an offering to the goddess.   Sacred Oils: Anointing with sacred oils made from natural ingredients is a common practice to purify and consecrate members before important ceremonies.   The worship of The Untamed Sages is a deeply personal and experiential journey, focusing on the individual's relationship with Jerika-Fey and the mystical forces that shape their world. The rituals and ceremonies aim to create a harmonious balance between the chaotic beauty of wild magic, the serenity of nature, and the compassionate guidance of the goddess.


The Untamed Sages, a unique order of sorcerer-clerics devoted to Jerika-Fey, have a loosely structured yet deeply interconnected organization that reflects their individualistic and nature-centric approach. As they are dispersed in forested areas and not focused on communal worship, their organization centers more on personal connection with the goddess and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.   High Sage:   Role: The High Sage is the spiritual leader and visionary of The Untamed Sages. They commune directly with Jerika-Fey and receive divine insights into the mysteries of wild magic and emotions. Responsibilities: The High Sage guides the overall direction of the order, interpreting divine messages, and providing spiritual counsel to members. They oversee major decisions and rituals, ensuring that the teachings of Jerika-Fey are preserved and upheld.   Wildwardens:   Role: Wildwardens are experienced and knowledgeable members who act as mentors and advisors to the younger members. They are skilled in both sorcery and clerical duties. Responsibilities: Wildwardens guide the training of new initiates, share their experiences with wild magic, and offer practical advice on surviving in the untamed wilderness. They may lead small groups of Untamed Sages on quests for knowledge or protection of sacred sites.   Mystic Illuminators:   Role: Mystic Illuminators specialize in deciphering ancient texts, interpreting dreams, and uncovering hidden truths within the mysteries of wild magic. They serve as scholars within the order. Responsibilities: Mystic Illuminators study the sacred texts associated with Jerika-Fey and document their interpretations. They assist the High Sage in maintaining the order's repository of knowledge, preserving ancient lore, and uncovering new insights.   Wild Seekers:   Role: Warden Seekers are tasked with exploring the boundaries of the natural world, seeking hidden places, and expanding the order's understanding of wild magic and the Fey. Responsibilities: Warden Seekers embark on quests into the untamed wilderness, encountering mystical phenomena and uncovering forgotten lore. They bring back their findings to enrich the order's collective knowledge.   Sorcerous Artisans:   Role: Sorcerous Artisans are skilled in crafting magical items and artifacts infused with wild magic. They channel their sorcerous abilities into creating items that reflect the essence of Jerika-Fey. Responsibilities: Sorcerous Artisans contribute to the order's material culture, crafting items such as enchanted trinkets, spellcasting focuses, and protective amulets. They may also create ceremonial artifacts used in rituals. Interaction Within the Order:   Collaborative Learning: Initiates often engage in collaborative learning, sharing experiences and insights into wild magic. Wildwardens and Mystic Illuminators play pivotal roles in facilitating these discussions and encouraging the exchange of knowledge.   Quests and Expeditions: The order organizes quests led by Warden Seekers to explore uncharted territories, discover hidden magical sites, and deepen the connection between the Untamed Sages and the untamed wilderness.   Ceremonial Gatherings: Periodic ceremonial gatherings are led by the High Sage, where the entire order comes together to partake in rituals, receive divine teachings, and celebrate important milestones in their understanding of wild magic.   Mentorship: Initiates are paired with experienced members, fostering a mentorship system that allows for personalized guidance in both sorcerous and clerical pursuits.   Crafting Workshops: Sorcerous Artisans conduct workshops where members can learn the art of crafting magical items. This collaborative effort strengthens the order's material culture.   In summary, The Untamed Sages operate as a decentralized yet interconnected order, with leadership roles focused on spiritual guidance, knowledge dissemination, and exploration of the untamed aspects of Glosmordin. The order's structure encourages a balance between individual pursuit of wisdom and collaborative efforts to deepen their understanding of Jerika-Fey's domains.

"In the Flux of Magic, The Untamed Heart Mirrors the Endless Depths of the Wilderness." & "As the River Flows, So Does the Unpredictable Current of Wild Magic."

Religious, Sect
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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