Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle

Welcome, brave adventurers, to the sacred lands of Glosmordin, where the fertile soil stretches far and wide, embracing the Temple of the Harvest Moon Phoenix. Here, amidst the whispers of rustling crops and the gentle breeze, you find the spiritual home of the Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle.   This monastic order, deeply rooted in the domains of agriculture, farming, seasons, rebirth, enlightenment, and resurrection, stands as a beacon of harmony between the earthly and the spiritual. Divided into two distinct paths, the Keepers and the Seekers, each member treads a unique journey in pursuit of self-discovery and growth.   The seasoned Keepers, wise cultivators, dedicate themselves to the tending of the land, understanding the rhythmic dance of seasonal cycles, and participating in the sacred act of harvesting. In their pursuit of earthly wisdom, they delve into the mysteries of rebirth and enlightenment, finding reflections of life's cycle in the growth of crops.   On the other path, the Seekers embark on a quest to discover their true calling within the order. With a broader focus encompassing agriculture, farming, and the seasons, they also seek wisdom in the realms of rebirth, enlightenment, and resurrection. Their journey encourages exploration and diverse paths within and outside the order.   Daily rituals include tending to the temple's gardens, participating in planting and harvest ceremonies, and the study of ancient texts intertwining agricultural knowledge with spiritual principles. The Keepers wear robes adorned with symbols of the hand and sickle, carrying intricate tattoos that narrate their personal journey within the order.   In their pursuit of wisdom, Seekers wear simpler robes, symbolizing their ongoing exploration. As they progress, Seekers add personal symbols, representing the unique aspects of their spiritual journey. The order's structural organization, led by the Council of the Harvest Moon, guides both Keepers and Seekers, fostering unity and purpose within the temple.   But this order is not only about contemplation; it is also about disciplined action. Within the temple grounds lies the Cultivation Dojo, where martial arts, known as the Discipline of the Earthly Flow, are practiced. This unique form of physical and spiritual training emphasizes the harmony between movement and the natural world.   Martial forms such as the Gardener's Stance, Sickle Form, and Seasonal Katas mirror the actions of planting, cultivating, and harvesting. These techniques are not just exercises; they are a living expression of the order's philosophy, emphasizing the unity of body and land.   As you venture into the Temple of the Harvest Moon Phoenix, you'll witness not only the cultivation of the land but also the spiritual growth of its members. The Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle form a community where the wisdom of agriculture intertwines with the mysteries of rebirth, enlightenment, and resurrection, creating a unique tapestry of life's eternal cycle.


Discipline of the Earthly Flow: Concept: Harmony between physical movement and the natural world, embodying cyclical patterns found in nature. Purpose: Attune bodies to the cycles of the seasons, enhancing understanding of agricultural and spiritual rhythms. Gardener's Stance and Sickle Form: Mimic actions of planting, cultivating, and harvesting, symbolic of the agricultural cycle. Techniques of the Martial Arts in the Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle:   Gardener's Stance: Emphasizes stability, grounding, and balance, mirroring the rootedness of plants. Sickle Form: Incorporates fluid, circular motions inspired by harvesting, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life. Seasonal Katas: Choreographed patterns embodying characteristics and energies of each season. Harmony Strikes: Emphasizes unity with surroundings, incorporating sweeping motions and circular strikes. Cultivator's Flow: Series of movements imitating planting, cultivating, and harvesting, symbolizing the cyclical journey of life. Eternal Harvest Spiral: Weapon Forms   The Plow's Embrace: Plow Blade form mirroring plowing fields, fostering a connection with the earth. Reaping Crescent: Sickle form representing the cyclical nature of harvest, embodying abundance. Seed Scattering Gale: Seed Bag form simulating the scattering of seeds, symbolizing the planting of potential. Tiller's Resonance: Tiller Staff form echoing the rhythmic action of tilling soil, emphasizing stability. Blossom Bloom Waltz: Flowering Wand form symbolizing blooming crops and the beauty of nature. Windmill's Grace: Windmill Blade form drawing inspiration from rotational motion, representing the balance between harnessing energy and inner equilibrium. Infinite Harvest Gauntlet: Gauntlets with small planting shovels form combining farming tools with martial techniques, symbolizing the synergy between field toil and warrior strength.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle:   Harmony in Cycles:   Principle: Embrace the cyclical nature of life, reflected in both the agricultural seasons and the spiritual journey. Understand that all aspects of existence move in interconnected cycles. Cultivation of Earth and Soul:   Principle: Recognize the symbiotic relationship between tending to the land and nurturing one's inner growth. As you cultivate the fields, cultivate your spirit. Unity in Diversity:   Principle: Celebrate the diversity of paths within the order. Each member, whether Keeper or Seeker, contributes to the collective wisdom, fostering a rich and inclusive community. Communion with Nature:   Principle: Cultivate a deep connection with the natural world. Understand the language of the earth, the rhythms of the seasons, and the energy that flows through all living things. Paths of Self-Discovery:   Principle: Encourage Seekers to explore various paths, both within and beyond the order. Recognize that the journey of self-discovery is unique for each individual. Guided Mentorship:   Principle: Establish a mentorship culture, where experienced Keepers guide the Seekers in their quest for understanding. This fosters a sense of belonging and shared wisdom. Holistic Wisdom Integration:   Principle: Integrate wisdom from diverse domains—agriculture, spirituality, and cosmic understanding. See the interconnectedness of seemingly disparate elements. Pilgrimage and Shared Experience:   Principle: Undertake pilgrimages as a means of shared experience and personal growth. Through shared journeys, strengthen the bonds within the community. Respect for Life’s Seasons:   Principle: Respect and honor the different seasons of life, recognizing that each phase holds its own lessons and opportunities for growth. Martial Discipline of Earthly Flow:   Principle: Integrate martial arts as a discipline to attune the body to the natural world. Learn the Gardener's Stance, Sickle Form, and other techniques that mirror the cycles of agriculture. These tenets guide the Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle, providing a framework for spiritual exploration, communal harmony, and the integration of earthly and cosmic wisdom.


Worship and Practices of the Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle: Day-to-Day Worship:   Morning Meditation in the Fields:   Practice: Members start their day with individual meditation amidst the temple's gardens. This contemplative practice fosters a connection with the earth and sets a reflective tone for the day. Communal Farming Activities:   Practice: Keepers and Seekers engage in daily communal farming tasks. This hands-on experience is a form of worship, where the act of cultivating the land becomes a sacred duty. Path-Specific Studies:   Practice: Throughout the day, members attend lectures, workshops, and discussions tailored to their chosen paths—whether focused on agriculture, philosophy, or other domains. This intellectual exploration is considered a form of worship. Midday Reflection and Sharing:   Practice: A midday gathering where members share insights from their studies and experiences in the fields. This fosters a sense of community and mutual learning. Afternoon Martial Arts Training:   Practice: The Cultivation Dojo hosts martial arts training sessions, where the discipline of the Earthly Flow is practiced. This physical activity is intertwined with spiritual growth, aligning the body with the natural rhythms. Evening Rituals in the Temple:   Practice: Members come together for evening rituals, which include chanting, guided meditation, and ceremonies that honor the cycles of the seasons. These rituals serve as a collective expression of gratitude and connection. Nightly Reflection and Journaling:   Practice: Before sleep, members engage in personal reflection and journaling. This introspective practice aids in processing daily experiences and deepening spiritual understanding. Priestly Vestments:   Keepers:   Wear robes adorned with symbols of the hand and sickle. Intricate tattoos tell the story of their personal journey. Symbolic accessories like belts represent their commitment to the order. Seekers:   Wear simpler robes with basic hand and sickle symbols. As they progress, they add personal symbols to signify their unique paths. Personalized accessories reflect their evolving spiritual exploration. Special Ceremonies:   Planting Ceremony:   Purpose: Marks the beginning of the agricultural cycle. Ceremony: Members plant symbolic seeds, reflecting on the potential within themselves and the earth. Harvest Festival:   Purpose: Celebrates the abundance of the land and spiritual growth. Ceremony: Includes martial arts exhibitions, communal feasting, and rituals expressing gratitude for the harvest. Initiation Rituals:   Purpose: Marks a Seeker's progression to a new level. Ceremony: Involves symbolic gestures, communal blessings, and the sharing of personal reflections. Pathfinders' Retreat Opening and Closing Ceremonies:   Purpose: Marks the beginning and end of advanced training. Ceremony: Involves rituals symbolizing the Seekers' commitment to deeper exploration and their return with newfound wisdom. Physical Workouts through Martial Arts:   Collaborative Training:   Keepers mentor Seekers in martial arts, fostering a sense of unity. Training sessions provide a platform for physical discipline, mental focus, and shared growth. Integration with Farming:   Martial arts movements mirror the actions of planting, harvesting, and tending to crops. Physical workouts become a form of worship, aligning the body with the agricultural and spiritual cycles. Harvest Games:   Annual event combining martial arts exhibitions with agricultural celebrations. Demonstrations showcase the interconnectedness of physical discipline and the order's teachings. The worship of the Keepers & Seekers is a holistic blend of physical, intellectual, and spiritual practices, creating a tapestry where each element contributes to the growth of the individual and the community.


Council of the Harvest Moon: Leadership: At the helm is the Council of the Harvest Moon, seasoned Keepers guiding the overall direction, providing mentorship to both Keepers and Seekers. Fields of Enlightenment:   Divisions: Organized into Fields of Enlightenment, overseen by a Keeper, where both Keepers and Seekers work together in communal tasks, fostering unity. Pathfinders' Retreat:   Advanced Training: The Pathfinders' Retreat offers advanced training for Seekers, delving into the mysteries of rebirth, enlightenment, and resurrection under experienced Keepers. Initiation and Advancement:   Initiates of the Soil: Entry Level: Initiates explore agriculture, farming, and seasons, engaging in communal tasks, ceremonies, and finding their niche. Saplings of the Hand and Sickle: Intermediate Level: Saplings specialize, receiving guidance from experienced Keepers. Encouraged to explore diverse paths within and beyond the temple. Options: Apprenticeship with other priesthoods or orders, engaging with external communities and spiritual practices. Blossoms of Enlightenment: Advanced Level: Blossoms take on leadership responsibilities within the Fields of Enlightenment, contributing to the order's wisdom and direction. Options: Esteemed for contributions, Blossoms guide others, choosing to remain or explore leadership in other priesthoods or orders. Guardians of the Harvest Arcana: Leadership Level: Seasoned members rise to become Guardians, serving on the Council of the Harvest Moon, guiding the entire order.   Options: Apprenticeships with other priesthoods, exploration beyond the church, cross-disciplinary studies, in-depth meditation, and contemplation. Practices: Seeker's gatherings, pathfinding rituals, guided reflection sessions, guest lectures and workshops, mentorship programs, unique offerings like the Seeker's Repository, and pilgrimage initiatives. Distinctive Aspects of Joining the Keepers & Seekers of the Hand and Sickle:   Integrated Wisdom: Holistic perspective integrating agriculture, spiritual, and cosmic cycles. Cultivation of the Earth and Soul: Active engagement in cultivating the land as a metaphor for personal growth. Diverse Paths Under One Roof: Recognition and support for various paths, fostering inclusivity. Cross-Pollination of Knowledge: Exposure to different domains within the order enriches collective understanding. Guided Self-Discovery: Structured options for seekers, mentorship programs, and unique offerings for support. The Temple's Fertile Ground: Symbolic space for growth, where the seeds of personal and spiritual growth can flourish. Harmonizing Nature and Spirituality: Unique harmony of earthly and spiritual realms. Pilgrimage Initiatives and Shared Experiences: Organized pilgrimages create shared experiences and personal growth.

"Hands Tend, The Sickle Cuts, The Seeds Grow. From the Gardens of Glosmordin, Blooms the Garden of the Self"

Religious, Monastic Order
Parent Organization


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