Tattered Priests of the Beating Wings

In the expansive world of Glosmordin, where the tapestry of life weaves together landscapes as diverse as the souls that inhabit it, you encounter a peculiar group known as the Tattered Priests of the Beating Wings. Clad in clothing that tells tales of resilience, these priests navigate the chaotic beauty of the world, finding enlightenment within its unpredictability. Guided by Street Sages, the Tattered Priests lead individuals through the labyrinth of existence, encouraging self-awareness and responsible choices. Resurgence Advocates, wearing tattered elegance, perform rituals that bridge the gap between the living and the forgotten souls, offering a chance at rebirth within the vast expanses of Glosmordin.   This order doesn't confine itself to grand temples; rather, it thrives within the heartbeat of the world. Street performances, drumming circles, and impromptu rituals transform the landscapes into canvases for enlightenment, inviting the public to partake in the celebration of the world's chaos.   The Urban Lore Keepers collect and interpret the diverse narratives of Glosmordin, weaving them into the order's wisdom. Butterflies are released into the world, symbolizing the interconnectedness of life and the potential for rebirth within the vastness of existence.   The Tattered Priests of the Beating Wings are not mere observers of the world's vibrancy; they actively engage with its rhythm, infusing the chaos with resilience, wisdom, and the promise of renewal. As you stand amidst their gathering, you sense that within the tatters of their attire lies a profound elegance, and within the world's chaos, an opportunity for enlightenment.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Chaotic Beauty of Urban Life:   Guiding Principle: Recognize and appreciate the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the city. Find beauty in the chaos, for it is within the unpredictability of urban life that enlightenment can be discovered.   Guide with Wisdom, Not Predictions:   Guiding Principle: Offer guidance on potential outcomes of choices, fostering self-awareness and responsible decision-making. Avoid claiming prophetic abilities or predicting the future, as the essence of urban life lies in its unpredictability.   Resurrect the Forgotten Souls:   Guiding Principle: Act as advocates for those who have met tragic ends on the streets. Perform resurrection rituals not exclusively for the destitute but for any forgotten soul in need, bridging the gap between the living and the departed.   Weave Urban Narratives into Wisdom:   Guiding Principle: Collect and interpret the diverse narratives of city life, weaving them into the fabric of the order's wisdom. Understand that the stories of individuals contribute to the rich tapestry of enlightenment.   Foster Self-Awareness and Responsible Choices:   Guiding Principle: Encourage individuals to navigate the chaotic urban landscape with self-awareness. Guide them in making responsible choices that contribute to their own enlightenment and the well-being of the urban community.   Engage in Street Performances and Rituals:   Guiding Practice: Actively engage in impromptu street performances, drumming circles, and urban rituals. Infuse the vibrant rhythms of the streets into ceremonies, celebrating the chaotic energy that defines urban life.   Navigate the Urban Landscape in Wandering Bands:   Guiding Practice: Organize into Wandering Bands, each led by a seasoned Street Sage. Keep these bands small, consisting of no more than 4 or 5 members, to navigate the urban landscape effectively and maintain a tight-knit community.   Contribute to the Guidance of Urban Dwellers:   Guiding Practice: Collaborate with the Pulse Drummers and the Urban Lore Keepers to contribute to the guidance provided to individuals and the urban community. Share insights and interpretations derived from the chaos of urban life.   Adapt to Change and Embrace Diversity:   Guiding Principle: Embrace change as inherent to urban life. Appreciate the diversity within the city and adapt to the evolving challenges and opportunities presented by the ever-changing urban landscape.   Respect the Elders as Keepers of Wisdom:   Guiding Principle: Recognize the elderly not only as gatekeepers but as keepers of wisdom. Seek out their stories and experiences, understanding that the tales of the aged contribute significantly to the order's understanding of the urban landscape.   These tenets guide the Tattered Priests of the Beating Wings, encouraging a harmonious relationship with the chaotic beauty of urban life, a focus on resurrection rituals, and the interpretation of urban narratives to foster enlightenment and responsible choices.


Day-to-Day Worship: Street Reflections: Members of the order engage in daily rituals of street reflection, finding a quiet corner amid the urban hustle to contemplate the chaos and beauty of city life. This practice fosters a connection with the unpredictable energy that defines their faith.   Narrative Sharing: Urban Weavers and Street Sages gather daily to share urban narratives collected from the streets. This storytelling session contributes to the ever-evolving wisdom of the order.   Priestly Vestments:   Tattered Attire: The priests wear tattered clothing, symbolizing the resilience and adaptability required to navigate the chaotic urban landscape. Each piece of clothing tells a story, embodying the experiences gathered from the streets.   Butterfly Symbols: The symbol of the butterfly, representing rebirth and the interconnectedness of life, is intricately embroidered or displayed on their attire. This symbol serves as a reminder of the order's focus on resurrection and enlightenment.   Special Ceremonies:   Cityscape Resurgence: Held at significant urban locations, this ceremony involves the entire order and, at times, the public. Resurgence Advocates lead the ritual, resurrecting forgotten souls and infusing them with renewed life amidst the city's chaotic energy.   Choice Awakenings: Led by Street Sages, this ceremony focuses on guiding individuals through moments of reflection. The urban landscape becomes a canvas for self-awareness and responsible decision-making, with the chaotic city serving as a metaphor for life's unpredictability.   Narrative Illumination: The Urban Lore Keepers organize this ceremony, unveiling the interconnected urban narratives collected by the order. It is a vibrant celebration of the diverse stories within the city, reinforcing the importance of shared wisdom.   Public Worship:   Street Performances: The order regularly conducts street performances, drumming circles, and impromptu rituals in public spaces. These events invite the public to join in the celebration of urban chaos and enlightenment.   Open Street Reflections: Priests actively engage with the public, inviting individuals to participate in open street reflections. This allows the urban community to experience the order's daily worship practices and connect with the chaotic energy of the city.   Resurrection Inclusion: Resurgence Advocates extend their rituals beyond the order, involving the public in resurrection ceremonies. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility for the well-being of the city.   Interaction with the Public:   Storytelling Gatherings: The Urban Lore Keepers organize storytelling gatherings in public spaces, inviting people to share their urban narratives. This interaction contributes to the order's ever-growing wisdom and provides the public with a platform to express their experiences.   Butterfly Release: During special ceremonies, the priests release butterflies into the urban environment, symbolizing the interconnectedness of life and the potential for rebirth. This practice is often accompanied by shared reflections on personal growth and transformation.   Street Festivals: The Tattered Priests occasionally organize street festivals, featuring drumming circles, performances, and ceremonies. These events provide the public with an immersive experience of the order's worship practices and foster a sense of community within the urban landscape.   Through these worship practices, the Tattered Priests of the Beating Wings aim to create a dynamic and inclusive spiritual experience that embraces the chaos, resilience, and interconnectedness found within the heart of the city.


Street Sages: Role: Street Sages are the guiding force within the Tattered Priests, combining the roles of Enlightenment Guides and interpreters of urban narratives. They offer guidance on potential outcomes of choices, fostering self-awareness and responsible decision-making amid the chaos of urban life. Resurgence Advocate:   Role: Resurgence Advocates focus on resurrection rituals, offering renewed life not only to the destitute but to any forgotten soul in need. They act as advocates for the fallen, bridging the gap between the living and the departed. Structural Organization:   Council of the Street Sages:   Leadership: At the helm of the Tattered Priests is the Council of the Street Sages, a group of seasoned and respected members who have demonstrated exceptional insight and commitment. The council oversees the direction of the order, making decisions that align with the principles of the Tattered Priests. Wandering Bands:   Divisions: The order is organized into Wandering Bands, each led by a Street Sage. These bands consist of no more than 4 or 5 members, ensuring a tight-knit group that can navigate the urban landscape effectively. The Pulse Drummers:   Specialized Division: The Pulse Drummers form a specialized division within the order, responsible for organizing impromptu drumming circles and injecting the vibrant rhythms of the streets into the ceremonies. This division is essential for infusing chaotic energy into resurrection rituals. The Urban Lore Keepers:   Specialized Division: The Urban Lore Keepers comprise skilled members who specialize in interpreting and weaving together the urban narratives collected by the order. They collaborate closely with the Street Sages and contribute to the guidance provided to individuals and the urban community. Initiation and Advancement:   Initiates:   Entry Level: Initiates are newcomers to the order, drawn to the Tattered Priests by a desire to explore the chaotic beauty of urban life. They undergo a period of observation, learning the rituals and philosophy of the order. Street Aspirants:   Intermediate Level: Street Aspirants actively engage in urban exploration, participating in street performances and gathering stories. They demonstrate a commitment to the order's principles and may be assigned to assist in resurrection rituals. Urban Weavers:   Advanced Level: Those who show a knack for interpreting and weaving narratives advance to become Urban Weavers. They collaborate closely with the Street Sages and contribute to the guidance provided to individuals and the urban community. Street Sages:   Leadership Level: Street Sages are seasoned members who lead Wandering Bands. They have demonstrated exceptional insight into the chaos of urban life and have a deep understanding of the order's rituals and philosophy. The streamlined structure now emphasizes the pivotal role of the Street Sages, combining the responsibilities of Enlightenment Guides and interpreters of urban narratives. This change reflects a unified approach to providing guidance and interpreting the chaotic beauty of city life.

"Narratives Connect, Choices Reflect, Souls Resurrect."

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Rhythm of the Tattered
Parent Organization


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