Kalogris Thayer

(a.k.a. The Hand,)

Divine Domains

Major Spheres:   Agriculture:   Description: Kalogris governs the domain of Agriculture, symbolizing the cultivation of crops, the prosperity of farmlands, and the bounty of the harvest. His influence ensures fertility in the soil, favorable weather conditions, and the well-being of plants and crops.   Seasons:   Description: Kalogris holds sway over the changing seasons, orchestrating the transitions between spring, summer, autumn, and winter. His control over the Seasons domain ensures a harmonious cycle that benefits the growth and fruition of various crops throughout the year.   Resurrection:   Description: In the realm of Resurrection, Kalogris has the power to bring life back to the deceased. This domain is closely tied to the myth of his own death and rebirth, emphasizing the cyclical nature of existence. Followers of Kalogris may seek his intervention to bring loved ones back from the afterlife or to rejuvenate barren lands.   Enlightenment & Reincarnation: Description: The Enlightenment domain represents Kalogris's influence over spiritual growth, knowledge, and the pursuit of wisdom. Within this domain, Reincarnation is intertwined, offering individuals the opportunity to actively shape their destinies through self-discovery. Followers of Kalogris seek enlightenment to make informed choices about their next incarnations, fostering a sense of autonomy in the journey of the soul.   Grave:   Description: The Grave domain places Kalogris in control of the afterlife and the souls of the departed. He determines the fate of souls and their journey beyond the material plane. This domain ties into his role as a god of Resurrection and Reincarnation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and death.   Minor Spheres:   Nature:    Description: Kalogris is connected to the broader domain of Nature, encompassing the flora and fauna of Glosmordin. His influence ensures the balance and harmony of ecosystems, promoting a thriving and interconnected web of life. This domain extends beyond agriculture to include the well-being of all living beings.   2nd Moon:   Description: The influence over the 2nd Moon signifies Kalogris's connection to celestial bodies and their impact on the world. This minor domain may involve the interpretation of lunar cycles for agricultural purposes, the marking of significant events, or the acknowledgment of celestial phenomena during religious observances.   Farming:   Description: Farming is a specific aspect of Kalogris's Agriculture domain, focusing on the practical knowledge and techniques of cultivating the land. His guidance extends to farmers, ensuring successful crops, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices.   Elderly:   Description: Kalogris shows concern for the well-being of the elderly, representing a domain that emphasizes care, respect, and support for the aging population. This may involve rituals or practices within the Church of Kalogris that honor and celebrate the wisdom of the elderly.   Freshwater:   Description: Kalogris's influence over freshwater signifies his role in ensuring the availability and purity of this essential resource. The well-being of rivers, lakes, and other freshwater sources falls under his purview, connecting the vitality of water to the prosperity of the land.   Overall Theme:   Kalogris Thayer's domains collectively emphasize the interconnectedness of life, the cyclical nature of existence, and the importance of balance in the natural world. His teachings and guidance touch on both practical aspects, such as agriculture and farming, and profound metaphysical concepts, including resurrection and the journey of the soul. Followers of Kalogris find inspiration in the cycles of nature and the promise of renewal and rebirth.


The Sickle of the 5 Cycles:   Description: Crafted from a material imbued with the essence of the 2nd Moon, this celestial sickle is a powerful artifact symbolizing Kalogris's influence over the cycles of agriculture and the heavens. When wielded by a follower of Kalogris during the Harvest Moon Phoenix Festival, it enhances the fertility of the land and ensures a bountiful harvest. The sickle may also have the ability to temporarily manipulate weather patterns for the benefit of crops.   Quill of Illuminated Plumage:   Description: This quill is said to be crafted from the feathers of the mythical Phoenix itself. When used to write or illustrate sacred texts, it enhances the clarity and profundity of the words. Followers believe that using the quill during moments of meditation or reflection can lead to heightened states of enlightenment and spiritual insight. The quill is often kept within the holiest libraries of the Church of Kalogris.   Seed of Eternal Rebirth:   Description: The Eternal Seed is a small, luminescent seed that contains the essence of Kalogris's power over resurrection. When planted in barren soil, the seed rapidly grows into a vibrant and fruitful crop. Followers believe that consuming the fruits of this crop grants temporary invigoration and a sense of renewal. The seed is carefully guarded by the high priests of Kalogris and only used during special rituals.   Moonlit Guidance Amulet:   Description: This amulet is adorned with a moonstone that captures the essence of the 2nd Moon's celestial influence. Wearing the amulet allows the wearer to better interpret celestial events and gain insights into the optimal times for planting and harvesting. It is a favored artifact among farmers and astronomers alike, symbolizing the connection between the material and celestial realms.   Lantern of the 2 Moons:   Description: This lantern, crafted with celestial metals and adorned with depictions of the Twin Moons, is a symbol of enlightenment. When lit during Lunar Revelation Night, the lantern is said to enhance the clarity of one's thoughts and promote a deep connection with the divine. Followers often carry these lanterns during nighttime rituals, believing that the soft glow attracts the attention of Kalogris.   Circlet of the Everflowing Harvest:   Description: The Circlet is a delicate crown adorned with intertwining vines and golden wheat sheaves. Wearing the circlet during the First Planting Ceremony is believed to bestow the wearer with the blessing of accelerated growth and fertility. It is often passed down through generations within farming families and is worn with reverence during the planting season.

Holy Books & Codes

Holy Books:   "The Tome of Seasons":   Description: This sacred text details the cyclical nature of the seasons and their connection to the agricultural practices guided by Kalogris. It contains wisdom on the optimal times for planting, harvesting, and other agricultural activities. The tome also explores the metaphorical significance of seasons in the context of life's journey, emphasizing the parallels between the growth of crops and the spiritual growth of individuals.   "Harmony in Enlightenment":   Description: This book focuses on the Enlightenment and Reincarnation domain, providing teachings on self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of wisdom. It encourages followers to seek harmony within themselves and with the world around them. The book includes parables, philosophical reflections, and practical advice on achieving enlightenment and making conscious choices in the journey of reincarnation.   "Resurrection Chronicles":   Description: The Resurrection Chronicles narrate stories of individuals who have experienced resurrection, either through Kalogris's divine intervention or through their own actions inspired by the teachings of the Church. These stories serve as testimonials to the transformative power of resurrection, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life and the hope for renewal. Codes of Conduct:   "The Sickle Oath":   Description: Farmers and those involved in agricultural practices within the Church of Kalogris adhere to "The Sickle Oath." This code emphasizes responsible and sustainable farming practices, harmonizing with the natural cycles guided by Kalogris. It underscores the importance of respecting the land, conserving resources, and fostering a sense of community among those who cultivate the earth.   "The Path of Seasons":   Description: "The Path of Seasons" is a code of conduct for individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment within the Church. It outlines the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of wisdom through the metaphor of the seasons. Followers are encouraged to recognize the seasons of their own lives, embracing change, and finding balance in their spiritual pursuits. The code emphasizes mindfulness, meditation, and the continuous quest for knowledge.   "The Phoenix's Pledge":   Description: Followers who have experienced resurrection or seek solace in the concept of rebirth pledge to "The Phoenix's Pledge." This code focuses on resilience, hope, and the transformative power of overcoming challenges. It encourages individuals to view setbacks as opportunities for growth and renewal, aligning with the teachings of Kalogris as the god of Resurrection. Ritualistic Texts:   "Lunar Canticles of Kalogris":   Description: The Lunar Canticles of Kalogris is a collection of ritualistic texts specifically tailored to Kalogris's connection with the 2nd Moon. These sacred verses guide priests and followers in interpreting the celestial dance of the moons, offering prayers for agricultural prosperity, and seeking blessings for the journey of the soul. The canticles emphasize the intimate relationship between Kalogris, the moons, and the material world, reinforcing the interconnectedness of the divine and the earthly realms.   "The Rite of Renewal":   Description: "The Rite of Renewal" is a ceremonial text performed during significant agricultural milestones, such as planting seasons and harvest festivals. It involves rituals symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. The rite incorporates elements of gratitude for the harvest, acknowledgment of the eternal cycle guided by Kalogris, and prayers for continued prosperity.   These holy books and codes form the foundation of the religious teachings within the Church of Kalogris. They provide guidance, inspiration, and a framework for followers to navigate the cycles of life, cultivate the land responsibly, and seek spiritual enlightenment in alignment with the god's domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Wheat Sheaf:   Description: The Wheat Sheaf is a symbol associated with Kalogris's domain of Agriculture. It represents the bounty of the harvest, prosperity, and the cycle of sowing and reaping. The golden wheat sheaf is often depicted alongside the Crescent Sickle, emphasizing the importance of agriculture in Kalogris's teachings and the sustenance it provides to the people.   Butterfly:   Description: The Butterfly symbolizes rebirth and transformation. From a humble caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly, this creature represents the journey of the soul, undergoing profound change and emerging in a new form. The Butterfly reinforces Kalogris's role in guiding souls through the cycles of life and death, offering the promise of renewal and enlightenment.   The Phoenix:   Description: The Phoenix continues to serve as the primary symbol of Kalogris, representing the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. This majestic bird, capable of rising from its own ashes, embodies renewal, transformation, and the eternal cycle guided by Kalogris.   The Crescent Sickle:   Description: The Crescent Sickle combines the crescent moon and the shape of a sickle, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between the celestial bodies and the agricultural practices guided by Kalogris. This symbolizes the cyclical nature of planting, harvesting, and the continuous cycle of life.   The Twin Moons:   Description: The Twin Moons symbolize Kalogris's connection to the celestial realm and his influence over the 2nd Moon. This image of two crescent moons side by side signifies the dual aspects of life and death, enlightenment and ignorance, and the complementary forces governed by Kalogris.


Harvest Moon Phoenix Festival: Description: The Harvest Moon Phoenix Festival marks the culmination of the agricultural cycle, celebrating the bountiful harvest guided by Kalogris and the transformative power symbolized by the Phoenix. It takes place during the full moon closest to the end of the harvest season. Followers gather in villages and towns to give thanks for the abundance of crops and to symbolically connect the cycles of agricultural renewal with the myth of the Phoenix. Rituals include the offering of the first sheaf of wheat, prayers for a prosperous next planting season, and communal feasts.   Resurrection Day:   Description: Resurrection Day commemorates the myth of Kalogris's death and rebirth. It is observed on the anniversary of the event, with ceremonies that symbolize death, transformation, and renewal. Followers may participate in symbolic rituals, such as lighting candles to represent the Phoenix's flame and engaging in moments of reflection on personal growth and renewal. Resurrection Day is a time of spiritual introspection and gratitude for the cycles of life.   Lunar Revelation Night:   Description: Lunar Revelation Night is dedicated to the study and interpretation of celestial events, particularly the movements of the 2nd Moon. It takes place during a specific alignment of the moons, believed to be a time when Kalogris's divine guidance is especially potent. Followers gather for stargazing, lunar observations, and discussions on the significance of celestial patterns. It's a night of enlightenment, reflection, and deepening spiritual understanding.   First Planting Ceremony:   Description: The First Planting Ceremony marks the beginning of the agricultural year. It is held at the start of the planting season, with farmers and followers coming together to bless the seeds and seek Kalogris's guidance for a fruitful season. Rituals include the symbolic planting of the first seeds, prayers for fertile soil, and communal dances celebrating the interconnectedness of life and the land.   Day of Enlightened Souls:   Description: The Day of Enlightened Souls is a day of remembrance and celebration for those who have achieved enlightenment through Kalogris's teachings. Followers honor the wisdom and contributions of saints and enlightened individuals within the Church. Ceremonies may include the reading of sacred texts, storytelling about the lives of these individuals, and the lighting of candles as a symbolic representation of the enlightened path.   Serenity Solstice:   Description: The Serenity Solstice is celebrated during the longest day of the year, symbolizing the peak of the sun's power and the height of the growing season. It is a day of joy, feasting, and community gatherings. Followers express gratitude for the warmth and light that sustain the crops, and rituals may involve the crafting of flower crowns, dancing, and the sharing of stories that emphasize the interconnectedness of nature and the divine.   Observances:   During these holidays, followers of Kalogris often attend special services in temples, participate in rituals led by priests, and engage in communal activities that foster a sense of unity and connection with the natural world. The celebrations emphasize gratitude, reflection, and a deep understanding of the cycles of life guided by Kalogris.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Harmony in Agriculture: Goal: Kalogris seeks to maintain harmony between the cycles of nature and the practices of agriculture. His divine goal is to ensure the prosperity of farmlands, favorable weather conditions, and successful harvests. Kalogris guides farmers in sustainable and respectful farming practices, fostering a balance between the needs of the people and the health of the land.   Guiding Souls Through Cycles:   Goal: Kalogris is deeply involved in the journey of souls, overseeing the realms of resurrection and reincarnation. His divine goal is to guide souls through the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Kalogris aims to provide comfort to the departed and ensure that each soul finds its rightful place in the cosmic order. He encourages individuals to seek enlightenment and make conscious choices in their spiritual journey.   Fostering Enlightenment:   Goal: Kalogris is a patron of wisdom and enlightenment. His divine goal is to inspire individuals to pursue knowledge, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. Kalogris aims to guide followers on a path of enlightenment, encouraging them to understand the deeper mysteries of existence, connect with their inner selves, and contribute positively to the world.   Ensuring Resurrection and Renewal:   Goal: Kalogris's association with resurrection signifies his goal of ensuring renewal and transformation. He seeks to provide hope in times of despair, promising that after every death, there is the potential for rebirth. Kalogris's divine goal is to inspire resilience and the belief that challenges can be overcome, leading to personal and collective renewal.   Maintaining Celestial Balance:   Goal: Kalogris's connection to the celestial realm, particularly the 2nd Moon, involves a goal of maintaining balance in the heavens. He oversees the celestial cycles, ensuring that the movements of the moons align with the needs of the material world. Kalogris's goal is to harmonize the celestial and earthly realms, reinforcing the interconnectedness of all things.   Cultivating Family Bonds:   Goal: Kalogris places importance on familial bonds and shared knowledge. His divine goal is to foster a sense of community, support, and love within families. Kalogris encourages the passing down of wisdom from generation to generation, emphasizing the importance of the hearthstone as a symbol of familial warmth and unity.   Promoting Sustainable Practices:   Goal: Kalogris is an advocate for responsible and sustainable agricultural practices. His divine goal is to guide humanity toward practices that respect the earth and ensure the long-term health of the environment. Kalogris encourages the careful stewardship of natural resources and the use of farming techniques that promote ecological balance.   Overall, Kalogris Thayer's divine goals are centered around the themes of balance, renewal, enlightenment, and the interconnectedness of life. He guides his followers on a path of spiritual growth while emphasizing the importance of responsible stewardship of the land and fostering a sense of community and familial bonds.


Amyrith Thayer


Towards Kalogris Thayer


Kalogris Thayer


Towards Amyrith Thayer


Kynas Thayer


Towards Kalogris Thayer


Kalogris Thayer


Towards Kynas Thayer


Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Amyrith Thayer (Sister/Twin)
Kynas Thayer (Brother)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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