Liberators of Ecstasy

In the heart of Veropia, within the vibrant Hall of Visions, exists an order that transcends the boundaries of revelry and joy, known as the Liberators of Ecstasy. Led by the charismatic Joyful Harbinger, this unique guild is dedicated to the pursuit of joy, pleasure, and the transcendence of the mundane through divine celebration. Far from a mere gathering of frolicking revelers, the Liberators of Ecstasy weave together the realms of Joyful Bliss, Transcendence of Creation, and Luck into a tapestry of purpose and communal connection. The hall resounds with the laughter and music of those seeking not just merriment but moments of divine ecstasy.   Under the radiant lotus emblem, symbolizing the blossoming of joy and transcendence, members engage in ceremonial revelry, luck-inspired rituals, and transcendent dances that go beyond the physical, revealing a connection between the mortal and the divine.   The order embraces the belief that every step, every turn, and every laughter echo with the presence of Zylestra, the goddess they revere. Their motto, "In Every Step, in Every Turn, In Every Laugh Zylestra's Echo is Heard, Elation Unveils the Veil Between Mortal and Divine," encapsulates their philosophy—a divine celebration that transcends the ordinary.   Initiation into the order is not a solemn affair but a moment of pure elation guided by the Joyful Harbinger, introducing new members to the order's ethos of finding divine connection through ecstatic experiences.   As players step into the Hall of Visions, they find themselves immersed in an atmosphere where joy becomes a spiritual practice, luck is a divine gift, and the dance of existence is a continuous celebration. The Liberators of Ecstasy invite all to join their revels, to dance in harmony with luck, and to unveil the veil between the mortal and the divine through shared moments of pure bliss.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Joy in All Things: Find joy in the simple and complex, recognizing that every moment, whether mundane or extraordinary, carries the potential for divine ecstasy. Cultivate Elation Through Connection:   Seek moments of pure elation through connection—with fellow members, the community, and the divine. Understand that shared joy magnifies the ecstasy experienced. Transcendence Through Joyful Revelry:   Understand that joyous celebrations and communal revelry serve as gateways to transcendence. Through shared bliss, members elevate their spirits and connect with the divine essence of Zylestra. Luck as a Divine Gift:   View luck not as a mere chance but as a divine gift from Zylestra. Embrace the whims of fate with open hearts, recognizing that luck intertwines with the joyous dance of life. Acts of Kindness as Worship:   Engage in blissful acts of kindness as a form of worship. Spread joy and happiness in the community, embodying the belief that pleasure is not selfish but a shared and divine experience. Dance in Harmony with Luck:   Understand that luck and joy dance hand in hand. Through rituals involving games of chance and luck-inspired ceremonies, members align themselves with the whimsical rhythms of Zylestra. Transcendent Dances as Spiritual Practice:   Embrace transcendent dances as a spiritual practice that elevates the spirit. Recognize the power of movement and rhythm in connecting with the divine and unveiling the veil between the mortal and the divine. Euphoria Meditation:   Engage in meditation sessions focused on attaining a state of divine euphoria. Through guided meditations led by the Joyful Harbinger, members seek to deepen their connection with the blissful essence of Zylestra. Continuous Celebration of Life:   Understand that life itself is a continuous celebration. Approach challenges with a joyful spirit, knowing that the dance of existence, with all its ups and downs, is a divine and joyful journey. Communal Connection in Ecstasy:   Emphasize the importance of communal connection in moments of ecstasy. Whether through joyous laughter, shared celebrations, or collaborative projects, recognize that the divine is most profoundly felt in the togetherness of ecstatic experiences. These tenets guide the Liberators of Ecstasy, shaping the order into a community that finds divine connection through joy, pleasure, and the continuous celebration of life's dance.


Joyful Revelry: Worship involves joyous celebrations and communal revelry within the Hall of Visions. Members believe that through these expressions of pleasure, they tap into the divine joy that Zylestra embodies. Transcendent Dances:   Transcendent dances, guided by the Masters of Revelry, serve as a form of worship that elevates the spirit. Through synchronized movements and ecstatic rhythms, members seek to transcend the limitations of the physical realm. Luck-Inspired Rituals:   Rituals involving games of luck, dice, and chance are incorporated into worship, reflecting the order's connection to the domain of luck. Members believe that these games open channels to unforeseen blessings from Zylestra. Divine Euphoria Meditation:   Meditation sessions focus on attaining a state of divine euphoria. Members engage in guided meditations led by the Joyful Harbinger, aiming to connect with the blissful essence of Zylestra. Blissful Acts of Kindness:   Worship extends beyond the Hall of Visions through blissful acts of kindness. Members spread joy and happiness in the community, embodying the divine principle that pleasure is not selfish but a shared experience.


Leadership and Purpose: At the helm of the Liberators of Ecstasy stands the Joyful Harbinger, a charismatic figure known for their ability to inspire and elevate the spirits of those around them. Assisting the Joyful Harbinger are Masters of Revelry, Luck, and Transcendence, each guiding the members in their respective domains. Harmony of Pleasure and Purpose:   The order harmonizes the pursuit of pleasure with a higher purpose—the transcendence of the self through ecstatic experiences. Members believe that by embracing joy and pleasure, they draw closer to the divine essence of Zylestra, experiencing moments of euphoria that transcend the mundane. Ceremonial Revelry:   The Hall of Visions becomes a haven of ceremonial revelry where members partake in joyful dances, uplifting music, and communal celebrations. These rituals, guided by the Masters, are not only expressions of pleasure but also gateways to moments of divine ecstasy. Divine Games of Luck:   The Liberators of Ecstasy engage in games of luck that go beyond mere chance. Dice, cards, and games of skill become conduits for experiencing the whims of fate, infusing an element of unpredictability and excitement into their gatherings. Shrines of Ecstasy:   While centered in the Hall of Visions, members establish personal shrines dedicated to Zylestra wherever they go. These shrines serve as sacred spaces for moments of personal ecstasy and reflection, fostering a continuous connection with the divine. Communal Bliss Projects:   The order undertakes communal projects aimed at bringing bliss to the broader community. This may include organizing festivals, creating public art installations, or initiating acts of spontaneous kindness that spread joy to all. Sacred Symbology:   The symbol of the Liberators of Ecstasy is a radiant lotus, representing the blossoming of joy and transcendence. The lotus intertwines with symbols of luck, creating a visual representation of the order's interconnected domains. Initiation through Elation:   Prospective members undergo initiation not through trials, but by experiencing a moment of pure elation guided by the Joyful Harbinger. This initiation ceremony serves as an introduction to the order's philosophy of finding divine connection through ecstatic experiences.

"In Every Step, in Every Turn, In Every Laugh Zylestra's Echo is Heard, Elation Unveils the Veil Between Mortal and Divine"

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization


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