Liberators of the Lore & Mask

In the vibrant city of Veropia, amid the intertwining streets and bustling markets, there exists an order that transcends the boundaries between art and worship—the Liberators of the Lore & Mask. As the sun sets over the horizon and the moon ascends, the Hall of Visions comes alive with enchanting melodies, captivating stories, and the transformative magic of masks.   Led by the esteemed High Reveler and guided by the Masters of Song, Myth, and Drama, this order of bards, actors, storytellers, and mask-makers is devoted to the worship of the goddess Zylestra. In the Lorekeeper's Hall, a sanctum within the grand temple of the Hall of Visions, the Mythspinners preserve the sacred Whispers of Revelry, weaving them into tales that transcend time and space.   Each morning begins with the harmonious tunes of the Morning Melodies, echoing through the city streets. The Maskweavers, artisans with a touch of the mystical, immerse themselves in the creation of masks that serve as vessels for Zylestra's divine energy. In every mask's intricacies, the essence of the goddess is channeled.   The Liberators celebrate not only within the hallowed halls but also take their art to the streets, offering impromptu performances to both worshipers and unsuspecting passersby. For these artists, every note played, every story told, and every mask worn is a sacred offering, a form of worship that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of a temple.   The order's motto, "From Lore to Lyrics, from Masks to Myths, Beyond Words, Beyond Faces, Zylestra's Blessing in Every Act!" reverberates through the city, encapsulating the boundless creativity and divine inspiration that characterize the Liberators. As players step into Veropia, they find themselves drawn into a world where artistic expression becomes a spiritual journey, and every act of creativity is a celebration of the goddess's grace.

Tenets of Faith

Harmony in Expression: Embrace the diverse forms of artistic expression as channels for Zylestra's divine energy. Strive for harmony in your performances, blending song, myth, and drama seamlessly. Masks as Portals:   Acknowledge the masks as sacred portals that connect the wearer to Zylestra's transformative power. Craft each mask with reverence, understanding its role in enhancing the storytelling experience. Preservation of Whispers:   Safeguard the sacred Whispers of Revelry, preserving the myths and stories associated with Zylestra. Share these narratives to inspire and connect with the divine essence of the goddess. Collaborative Creativity:   Foster collaboration among Songweavers, Mythspinners, Dramatists, and Maskweavers. The synergy of their talents creates performances that transcend individual contributions. Individuality in Unity:   Celebrate individuality within the guild while recognizing the collective strength that arises from unity. In diversity, find inspiration and new dimensions to artistic expression. Rituals of Communion:   Engage in rituals that deepen the communion with Zylestra. Whether through personal meditation, communal performances, or the creation of sacred masks, let each act be a testament to your devotion. Inclusivity of Worship:   Extend the reach of Zylestra's influence beyond the Hall of Visions. Embrace personal shrines and performances as valid expressions of worship, regardless of location. Continuous Learning:   Cultivate a spirit of perpetual learning and improvement in your chosen domain—be it song, myth, drama, or mask-making. Strive to refine your craft and unlock new dimensions of creativity. Guidance of Elders:   Respect the wisdom of guild elders and seek guidance from the Masters of Song, Myth, and Drama. Their experience serves as a beacon for your own artistic and spiritual journey. Joyful Liberation:   Embody the joyful liberation that Zylestra represents. Let the ecstasy of artistic expression and revelry be a source of inspiration not only for yourself but for those who witness your performances. These tenets guide the Liberators of the Lore & Mask, shaping the order into a community of artists dedicated to celebrating the divine essence of Zylestra through the transformative power of song, myth, drama, and the sacred art of mask-making.


1. Daily Rituals: Morning Melodies: Each day begins with the Morning Melodies, a communal performance led by Songweavers. The uplifting tunes and harmonious melodies set a positive tone for the day, invoking Zylestra's presence to guide and inspire.   Lore Reflection: Mythspinners gather in the Lorekeeper's Hall to reflect on chosen myths and stories associated with Zylestra. They share insights, discuss interpretations, and prepare for future performances that will bring these tales to life.   Mask Crafting: Maskweavers engage in the meditative process of mask crafting, infusing each creation with intention and devotion. The crafting sessions are considered a form of communion with Zylestra, channeling her energy into the masks.   2. Day-to-Day Worship:   Individual Practices: Followers maintain personal shrines adorned with masks, instruments, and scrolls of myths. They engage in personal performances, playing instruments, reciting stories, or even crafting masks as a daily form of worship.   Street Performances: Liberators often take to the streets of Veropia, offering impromptu performances to passersby. These casual displays of artistry serve as a way to bring the essence of Zylestra to the broader community.   3. Priestly Vestments:   Harmonic Robes: Priestly vestments are elaborate, flowing robes adorned with symbols of Zylestra's domains. The color palette reflects the harmonious balance between light and shadow, often incorporating rich blues, deep purples, and subtle gold accents.   Mystical Masks: Priests wear masks during ceremonies and performances, each mask representing a facet of Zylestra's multifaceted nature. These masks are not only symbolic but are believed to enhance the priest's connection to the goddess.   4. Special Ceremonies:   Masking Moon Festival: Celebrated during the Masking Moon (Autumnal Equinox), this festival is dedicated to the transformative power of masks. Maskweavers showcase their latest creations, and Dramatists stage plays that explore the theme of identity and transformation.   Celestial Luminescence: On the anniversary of Zylestra receiving her divine gifts, the Liberators host the Luminara's Embrace celebration. The Lorekeeper's Hall is illuminated with enchanted lights, and performances blend seamlessly to create a mesmerizing spectacle.   Collaborative Spectacles: Periodically, all branches of the order come together for grand collaborative spectacles. These performances involve intricate coordination between Songweavers, Mythspinners, Dramatists, and Maskweavers, creating a breathtaking display of artistic synergy.   5. Performances as Worship:   Hall of Visions Performances: Regular performances in the Hall of Visions are both entertainment for the public and worship for the order. The Liberators believe that every note played, every story told, and every mask worn during these performances channels Zylestra's divine energy, making each show a sacred act.   Street Theater: Taking their art to the streets, followers view impromptu street performances as a form of divine offering. Passersby, even those not actively worshiping Zylestra, become unintentional participants in the collective worship experience.   In essence, the worship of the Liberators of the Lore & Mask transcends traditional boundaries, blending daily rituals, personal devotions, and grand spectacles into a continuous celebration of creativity and the divine presence of Zylestra. The order views every act of artistic expression as a sacred offering to the goddess, welcoming all to partake in the joyous liberation she represents.


The Liberators of the Lore & Mask, based in the vibrant city of Veropia, are an integral part of the larger cultural and artistic guild centered around the Hall of Visions—a grand temple dedicated to the goddess Zylestra. Comprising bards, actors, storytellers, and mask-makers, this order thrives on the enchanting intersection of song, myth, drama, and the transformative power of masks. Guild Leadership:   At the helm of the Liberators is the esteemed High Reveler, a charismatic and seasoned individual who not only oversees the day-to-day affairs but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for the guild. Assisting the High Reveler are the Masters of Song, Myth, and Drama, each responsible for guiding and nurturing the artistic talents within their respective domains. Songweavers:   The Songweavers specialize in the musical aspects of the order. Masters of various instruments, vocal styles, and lyrical composition, they are responsible for creating Liberation Melodies that resonate with Zylestra's divine energy. Their performances often involve collaborations with other members of the order, weaving intricate musical tales that captivate audiences. Mythspinners:   The Mythspinners are the keepers of the sacred Whispers of Revelry, responsible for preserving and recounting the myths associated with Zylestra. Through spoken word and written lore, they ensure that the divine narratives endure, passing down the stories to future generations. Mythspinners also collaborate with Songweavers to create immersive performances that bring myths to life. Dramatists:   The Dramatists are masters of the theatrical arts, incorporating drama and performance into their worship of Zylestra. They stage elaborate plays, enactments, and storytelling events, infusing each production with the essence of the goddess. Dramatists often collaborate with Maskweavers to create visually stunning performances that embody the transformative power of masks. Maskweavers:   The Maskweavers, skilled artisans with a penchant for the mystical, craft masks that serve as vessels for Zylestra's divine influence. These masks are not mere accessories but conduits for the wearer to channel the goddess's energy during performances. Maskweavers work closely with Dramatists, ensuring that each mask is uniquely tailored to enhance the storytelling experience. Lorekeeper's Hall within the Hall of Visions:   The Lorekeeper's Hall, an integral part of the larger Hall of Visions, serves as the central hub for the Liberators of the Lore & Mask. This grand hall within the temple complex houses a vast library containing both historical records and creative works inspired by the goddess. It is a sacred space for workshops, performances, and rituals, connecting the guild to the divine energy of Zylestra. Initiation Rites:   Aspiring members undergo initiation rites that involve showcasing their talents before the guild elders. Whether it's a captivating performance, a beautifully crafted mask, or a poignant piece of lore, initiates must demonstrate a deep connection to the artistic and spiritual aspects of Zylestra's domains. Shrines Beyond Veropia:   While the guild is based in Veropia, followers of the Liberators scattered across Glosmordin maintain personal shrines dedicated to Zylestra. These shrines serve as intimate spaces for individual worship and preparation for performances, allowing the goddess's influence to permeate their artistic endeavors, even in distant lands. The Liberators of the Lore & Mask, within the Hall of Visions, stand as the torchbearers of Zylestra's divine legacy, spreading her influence through the enchanting tapestry of song, myth, drama, and the transformative magic of masks.

"From Lore to Lyrics, from Masks to Myths, Beyond Words, Beyond Faces, Zylestra's Blessing in Every Act!

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization


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