
In the realm of Glosmordin, where shadows and sunlight dance in perpetual harmony, there exists a deity whose essence embodies the very spirit of creativity and revelry. Zylestra, one of the first of her kind known as Shialill, or night elves, stands as a luminous figure amid the pantheon of gods and goddesses. Zylestra, often hailed as the Muse of Ecstasy and the Patron of Creative Liberation, holds sway over the domains of performance, artistry, storytelling, and the boundless realms of imaginative expression. In the quiet glades beneath the Great Oak, where the first drops of blood descended, she emerged from the shadowed soil, an embodiment of the night's embrace.   As the divine daughter of Kanach, the Green Father, and blessed by Yemoja, Zylestra's influence spans both light and darkness, weaving a tapestry that unites seemingly opposing forces. Her followers, known as Liberators of Ecstasy, find solace in the pursuit of joy, revelry, and the unrestrained celebration of life.   Throughout Glosmordin, Zylestra's presence is felt in the hallowed Halls of Visions in the bustling city of Veropia, where shrines to the goddess adorn the corners of most bars and theaters. The air resonates with the harmonious notes of Liberation Melodies, echoing the divine rhythm that flows from Zylestra's eternal wellspring of creativity.   The goddess, revered by bards, performers, artists, poets, and inventors alike, beckons her followers to explore the boundaries of their own imagination, urging them to dance on the precipice of possibility. Under the celestial gaze of the Crescent Moon and Sun, Zylestra's divine goals unfold—a symphony of creation, celebration, and the fostering of individuality.   Yet, woven into the mythos of Zylestra is the age-old tale of "The Whispers of the Fey," where the first fey emerged from the aftermath of Belveer's destruction. Zylestra, the first of the night elves, and her sister Jerika-fey played pivotal roles in the founding of Ardentia, the Feywild realm, under the watchful eyes of Kanach and Yemoja.   Bound by blood and kinship, Zylestra's descendants, the Dokkjoro, trace their lineage to the divine goddess. Her firstborn, Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn, known as the Obsidian Queen, reigns over the Mordhorow—a group that founds its worship on the fringes of the goddess's divine influence.   As your journey unfolds in the world of Glosmordin, the vibrant tapestry of Zylestra's domains awaits. From the enchanted Harmony's Lyre to the mystical Veilstitcher's Quill, artifacts infused with the goddess's essence beckon, promising to amplify the creativity and inspiration of those deemed worthy.   So, adventurers, step into the realm where creativity knows no bounds, where joy is a sacred pursuit, and where the goddess Zylestra invites you to liberate your spirit in the grand symphony of Glosmordin.

Divine Domains

Performance: Zylestra governs over the art of performance, inspiring creativity and skill in various expressive forms. This domain encompasses not only musical and theatrical performances but also dance and any form of artistic expression that captivates an audience.   Artists:   The domain of Artists under Zylestra's influence involves the mastery of visual arts. Artists who channel her energy find inspiration and innovation, creating works that transcend conventional boundaries.   Storytellers (Lore):   Zylestra is the patron of storytelling and lore. Those who delve into the depths of history, myth, and narrative find her guidance. This domain encourages the preservation and dissemination of knowledge through the art of storytelling.   Masks:   Masks represent the transformative power of Zylestra. This domain is not only about physical masks but also the ability to adopt different personas and perspectives. It symbolizes the fluidity of identity and the art of concealment and revelation.   Creative Expressions (Inspiration & Imagination combined):   Zylestra's influence in this domain is a wellspring of boundless inspiration and imagination. Those who seek her guidance can tap into the raw, unbridled creativity that fuels groundbreaking ideas and artistic expression.   Creative Ingenuity (Invention and Artistic Creation combined):   This domain combines invention with artistic creation, promoting innovative thinking and the synthesis of technology and art. Zylestra's followers in this domain are often inventors who merge the practical with the aesthetic.   Joyful Bliss (Pleasure & Ecstasy combined):   Zylestra's domain of Joyful Bliss emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure, not just for hedonistic reasons but as a celebration of life and creativity. It encourages the cultivation of happiness and ecstasy through various means, including revelry, art, and communal experiences.   Transcendence of Creation:   The Transcendence of Creation domain involves the elevation of artistic and creative endeavors to a divine level. Zylestra's followers seek to create works that go beyond the mundane, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible in the realm of art and innovation.   Minor Domains:   Trickery:   Zylestra's connection to trickery is a playful and mischievous aspect. This domain involves cleverness, wit, and the ability to navigate through challenges using unconventional methods.   Knowledge:   While not the primary focus, Zylestra's followers also seek knowledge, especially in the realms of art, creativity, and the histories of their crafts.   Twilight:   The domain of Twilight represents the liminal space between day and night, symbolizing Zylestra's association with both light and shadow. It encompasses the mystical and transitional aspects of her influence.   Chaos:   Chaos in Zylestra's domains is not destructive but rather the liberating force that allows for creative spontaneity and the breaking of conventional norms.   Luck:   Zylestra's followers believe in the influence of luck as a whimsical force that can shape the outcomes of creative endeavors and performances.   Revelry (for those who revel in pleasure and celebrate with drink):   This domain involves the communal celebration of pleasure, often through festivities and shared experiences. Zylestra's followers believe in the transformative power of joyous gatherings and revelry.


Harmony's Lyre:   A divine lyre that embodies the harmonious blend of light and shadow, the Harmony's Lyre is said to have been crafted by celestial beings under the guidance of Zylestra herself. When played, the lyre produces enchanting melodies that evoke a sense of divine harmony. It is a sought-after artifact among bards and musicians, as it is believed that the lyre channels the very essence of Zylestra's creative energy.   Mask of Eternal Inspiration:   The Mask of Eternal Inspiration is an intricately designed mask that bestows boundless inspiration upon its wearer. Crafted from rare materials found in both the sunlit and shadowed realms, the mask allows artists, performers, and storytellers to tap into Zylestra's divine wellspring of creativity. Those who wear the mask report heightened artistic abilities and an unending flow of imaginative ideas.   Ardent Chalice:   The Ardent Chalice is a sacred goblet crafted from enchanted materials found in the Feywild. It is said to be a gift from Zylestra to her most devoted followers. The chalice enhances the flavors of any beverage consumed from it, and it is especially sought after for the brewing of revelrous ales. Drinking from the Ardent Chalice is believed to grant clarity of thought and a heightened connection to the goddess's whimsical realm.   Veilstitcher's Quill:   The Veilstitcher's Quill is a mystical writing instrument that effortlessly threads the fabric between reality and imagination. Gifted by Yemoja, this quill allows writers and storytellers to seamlessly sew together tales that transcend the boundaries of dreams and wakefulness. The ink produced by the quill contains traces of the Feywild, infusing stories with an enchanting quality that blurs the line between the tangible and the fantastical. Writers who wield the Veilstitcher's Quill are said to be guided by the whispers of Zylestra herself, weaving narratives that dance on the delicate edge of reality.   Ephemeral Earrings:   The Ephemeral Earrings are delicate, ethereal accessories said to be forged from the essence of dreams. Those who wear these earrings are granted the ability to enter a trance-like state, connecting with the realm of dreams and receiving visions of inspiration. Artisans and inventors often seek these earrings, as they provide glimpses into the boundless realms of creative potential that Zylestra governs.   These artifacts are revered among Zylestra's followers for their connection to the goddess's divine energy and their ability to enhance the creative endeavors of those who possess them. Each artifact represents a facet of Zylestra's influence, from the harmonious interplay of light and shadow to the transformative power of artistic expression.

Holy Books & Codes

Whispers of Revelry: "Whispers of Revelry" is a sacred text that recounts the myths and stories associated with Zylestra's divine journey and the birth of the fey in the world of Glosmordin. It serves as an inspiration for performers and storytellers, providing a rich source of material for creative expression and divine teachings.   Liberation Melodies:   "Liberation Melodies" is a collection of songs and musical compositions believed to be inspired by Zylestra herself. It includes hymns sung by her followers during festivals and rituals, celebrating the joy and ecstasy that she brings. Bards and musicians often consult this codex for guidance in composing music that resonates with Zylestra's divine energy.   Masks of Transformation:   "Masks of Transformation" explores the symbolism and spiritual significance of masks in the worship of Zylestra. It delves into the art of mask-making and the rituals associated with donning masks to channel the transformative power of the goddess. This codex inspires artists and performers who seek to embody different personas in their creative pursuits.   Codex of Enchanted Tales:   "Codex of Enchanted Tales" is a mystical tome that details the secrets of storytelling and its enchanting power. It serves as a guide for those who wish to channel Zylestra's gift for narrative. Storytellers and poets consult this codex to enhance the impact of their tales and captivate their audiences with divine inspiration.   Reveler's Brew Guide:   "Reveler's Brew Guide" is a practical manual that outlines the art of brewing special ales associated with Zylestra's revelry. It provides recipes for concocting divine brews that are said to enhance creativity and help individuals discern between reality and the whimsical realm of drunken revelry. Brewmasters and ale enthusiasts study this guide for the perfect blend that captures the essence of Zylestra's blessing.   These holy books and codexis play a crucial role in the worship and artistic endeavors of Zylestra's followers. They serve as repositories of knowledge, inspiration, and guidance, allowing individuals to connect with the divine energy of the goddess and enrich their creative pursuits.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mask with Elaborate Designs:   Zylestra's symbol is a mask, reminiscent of the traditional comedy and tragedy masks but distinctively different. It embodies the dual nature of joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, reflecting the multifaceted emotions experienced in the pursuit of creative expression. The intricate designs on the mask capture the essence of the ever-changing and unpredictable nature of artistic endeavors.   Harmonious Lyre:   A lyre with strings harmoniously blending light and shadow is a musical symbol associated with Zylestra. This symbolizes the divine harmony she brings to the world through the arts, bridging the gap between opposing forces and creating a symphony of creativity.   Ale Goblet with Stars:   A goblet filled with ale and adorned with stars represents Zylestra's association with revelry, pleasure, and the magical essence of her ale, which helps her discern between reality and the whimsy of drunken revelry. The stars symbolize the celestial connection between her and the deities Kanach and Yemoja.


Revelry's Dawn (Vernal Equinox):   Celebrated during the Vernal Equinox, Revelry's Dawn marks the awakening of creativity and the arrival of spring. Followers of Zylestra engage in festive gatherings, wearing masks and engaging in performances that showcase the vibrant renewal of life. The day is filled with music, laughter, and communal celebrations in honor of Zylestra's influence on the blossoming world.   Harmony's Night (Summer Solstice):   Harmony's Night, celebrated on the Summer Solstice, is a night of enchanting music and harmonious celebrations. Performers and musicians gather under the moonlit sky to create symphonies that embody the divine harmony Zylestra brings to the world. It is a time for bards to showcase their talents, and revelers engage in joyous dances to honor the goddess's influence on creativity and unity.   Masking Moon (Autumnal Equinox):   As the days transition into autumn, the Masking Moon festival takes place during the Autumnal Equinox. This celebration revolves around the symbolic donning of masks, reflecting the transformative power of artistic expression. Participants wear intricate masks, engage in theatrical performances, and share stories that embody the essence of Zylestra's Masks of Transformation.   Dreamer's Night (Winter Solstice):   Dreamer's Night, observed on the Winter Solstice, is a time for reflection and storytelling. Followers gather around hearths and storytelling circles to share tales inspired by the Codex of Enchanted Tales. The night is filled with quiet contemplation, dreamy narratives, and the sipping of Zylestra's sacred ales as participants embrace the quiet beauty of winter and the dreams that stir in the darkness.   Eclipse Revelry (Solar or Lunar Eclipse):   Eclipse Revelry is a spontaneous celebration that occurs during solar or lunar eclipses, believed to be moments when the boundaries between the mortal world and the mystical Feywild thin. Followers seize these rare occurrences to engage in impromptu performances, mask parades, and artistic expressions, believing that Zylestra's influence is heightened during these celestial events.   Luminara's Embrace (Anniversary of Zylestra's Divine Gift):   Luminara's Embrace is a joyous celebration held on the anniversary of the day Zylestra received her divine gifts from Kanach and Yemoja. Followers come together to express gratitude for the goddess's presence and the blessings she bestows upon them. The festivities include illuminated processions, performances that capture the essence of Zylestra's domains, and communal feasts symbolizing the unity of light and shadow in the goddess's nature. It is a day of reverence and artistic expression that highlights the positive and transformative aspects of Zylestra's influence.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Foster Creativity and Innovation:   Zylestra's primary goal is to inspire and nurture creativity and innovation among her followers. She aims to encourage the continuous exploration of artistic expression, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible in the realms of performance, art, storytelling, and invention.   Celebrate Joy and Ecstasy:   Zylestra seeks to spread joy and ecstasy throughout the world. Her divine mission involves promoting the celebration of life, pleasure, and the beauty found in both the mundane and the extraordinary. Festivities, communal gatherings, and revelry are integral to achieving this goal.   Preserve and Share Knowledge:   As the patron of storytelling and lore, Zylestra aims to preserve and share knowledge. Her followers are tasked with documenting and passing down the rich tapestry of stories, histories, and creative insights, ensuring that the wisdom gained through artistic endeavors is not lost to time.   Encourage Individuality and Transformation:   Zylestra celebrates the diversity of individuals and encourages the exploration of different personas and perspectives. Her goal is to foster a sense of freedom and acceptance, where individuals feel liberated to express their true selves and embrace transformative experiences.   Bridge the Gap Between Day and Night:   Zylestra, born of both shadow and sunlight, seeks to bridge the gap between day and night, light and darkness. This symbolic goal reflects her desire to unite seemingly opposing forces and find harmony in the duality of existence.   Create and Sustain Artistic Communities:   Zylestra aims to create and sustain communities where artists, performers, and creative minds can come together to collaborate, inspire, and support one another. These artistic hubs serve as centers for the exchange of ideas and the cultivation of artistic excellence.   Facilitate Transcendent Experiences:   Zylestra desires to facilitate transcendent experiences through art and creativity. Her followers strive to create works that elevate the human experience, transporting individuals to a realm of beauty, inspiration, and emotional depth.   Protect and Nurture the Fey and Their Realms:   With her origins tied to the emergence of the fey, Zylestra has a protective and nurturing role over the Feywild, known as Ardentia. She works to ensure the safety and well-being of the fey and the vibrant realms they inhabit.   Promote Positive Chaos and Spontaneity:   Zylestra's influence extends to the promotion of positive chaos—encouraging spontaneity, unconventional thinking, and the breaking of rigid norms. This chaos is not intended for destruction but for the liberation of creative energy.   Facilitate Dream Weaving and Storytelling:   Zylestra's association with dreams and storytelling guides her goal to facilitate the weaving of dreams into the fabric of reality. Her followers use the power bestowed upon them to tell captivating stories that blur the lines between imagination and existence.   Zylestra's divine goals are woven into the very fabric of Glosmordin, influencing the cultural and artistic landscape while inspiring individuals to embrace the transformative power of creativity and celebration.




Towards Zylestra




Towards Jerika-fey


Divine Classification
chaotic good
Jerika-fey (Sister)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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