
In the vast and enigmatic realm of Glosmordin, where shadows intertwine with ambition and desires dance with deception, the god Mullenix holds sway. A figure draped in the obscurity of cunning and envy, Mullenix stands as the master of vices, the weaver of trickery, and the architect of clandestine ambitions. Born of divine lineage, Mullenix emerged from the union of Tokitoko and Lenexa, embracing a nature steeped in darkness and intrigue. His sacred temples, known as the Temple of Vices, echo with the laughter of the Jesters of Depravity, who revel in forbidden pleasures and the deceptive dance of shadows.   The god's divine domains encompass the intoxicating allure of vices, the seething currents of envy, and the intricate web of trickery. Mullenix beckons his followers to succumb to their basest desires, encouraging the propagation of cunning and the pursuit of power through any means necessary.   During the annual celebration of Veil's Embrace, devotees don masks to honor Mullenix's ascendance to godhood, partaking in acts of revelry that blur the lines between pleasure and deceit. Envy's Eclipse witnesses clandestine competitions, as followers seek to harness the mystical energies of lunar phenomena, securing the god's favor through cunning victories.   In the shadowy recesses of the Temple of Vices, the Depraved Scriptures recount tales of the god's exploits and the parables of deceit. The faithful study The Trickster's Codex, striving to master the art of illusions and manipulations that Mullenix himself perfected.   The symbols of the Twisted Serpent, the Envious Eye, the Crown of Shadows, and the Laughing Mask adorn the temples, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Mullenix's influence. His divine goals intertwine with the propagation of vices, the fomentation of envy, the mastery of trickery, and the strategic use of war—all aimed at shaping a world where shadows dance to the rhythm of ambition.   As your journey unfolds in Glosmordin, the shadows cast by Mullenix will guide your steps, whispering tales of cunning, tempting you with the allure of forbidden desires, and challenging your perception of morality. Welcome to a realm where the divine machinations of Mullenix shape the very fabric of existence, and the pursuit of power and pleasure intertwine in a dance of shadows and secrets.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres: Vices: Mullenix presides over the indulgence and propagation of vices among mortals. This sphere encompasses a broad range of sinful behaviors, encouraging followers to succumb to their darker impulses. The worshipers of Mullenix often seek pleasure in forbidden activities, with the god's blessing.   Envy: Mullenix draws power from the intense emotions of envy. His followers are encouraged to harbor jealousy and covetousness, fostering an atmosphere of rivalry and competition. The god rewards those who successfully undermine others through cunning and deceit, promoting an environment of constant comparison and discontent.   Trickery: Mullenix revels in cunning and deceit. His domain of trickery empowers his followers to manipulate and deceive others for personal gain. The god himself is known for his cunning nature, and his worshipers often employ subterfuge and guile to achieve their objectives.   Minor Spheres:   Power: Mullenix grants his followers the ability to seize and maintain power through any means necessary. This domain includes the pursuit of dominance, authority, and control. Worshipers of Mullenix are driven to accumulate power, and the god rewards those who use it to further their own ambitions.   Pride: Mullenix encourages his followers to embrace arrogance and pride. This domain involves the elevation of one's own status above others, often leading to conflicts and power struggles. The god values those who assert their superiority and take pride in their accomplishments.   War: Mullenix's influence extends to the sphere of war, emphasizing strategic cunning and ruthless tactics. His followers engage in warfare not only for conquest but also for the pleasure derived from the chaos and destruction they unleash. Mullenix's blessings are invoked to ensure victory through any means necessary.   These divine domains collectively shape the ethos of Mullenix's worshipers, fostering a culture of vice, envy, trickery, power-seeking, pride, and ruthless warfare within the sphere of Glosmordin.


Deceiver's Veil: Description: The Deceiver's Veil is a shadowy cloak woven from the fabric of deception itself. When worn, it grants its bearer the ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, becoming virtually invisible to the naked eye. This artifact is favored by spies, assassins, and those who seek to manipulate from the shadows.   Powers:   Invisibility: The wearer can become invisible at will, allowing them to move undetected. Illusory Disguise: The cloak can create illusory disguises, enabling the wearer to appear as someone else. Envious Eye:   Description: The Envious Eye is a mystical gemstone that captures and amplifies the essence of envy. It appears as a multifaceted, green-hued eye, and its malevolent glow intensifies as envy grows stronger in its vicinity.   Powers:   Envy Amplification: The gemstone enhances feelings of envy in its surroundings, sowing discord and rivalry. Knowledge Absorption: The eye can absorb and store the knowledge of others, providing the user with strategic advantages. Crown of Ambition:   Description: The Crown of Ambition is a regal headdress adorned with dark jewels and symbols representing the pursuit of power. Crafted from rare materials and infused with Mullenix's essence, it radiates an aura of authority and ambition.   Powers:   Domination Aura: The crown emits an aura that subtly influences those around the wearer, inspiring obedience and ambition. Power Infusion: When worn, the crown grants the wearer increased magical and physical strength. Blade of Enmity:   Description: The Blade of Enmity is a wickedly sharp, blackened blade with intricate engravings depicting scenes of treachery and betrayal. It is a weapon of choice for those who serve Mullenix in matters of conflict and war.   Powers:   Envious Strikes: The blade inflicts wounds that stoke feelings of envy in the victim, weakening their resolve. Warbringer's Blessing: When unsheathed in battle, the blade grants the wielder enhanced combat prowess and strategic insight. These artifacts are revered by the followers of Mullenix and are often sought after by those who wish to gain favor with the god of vices, trickery, and envy. Each artifact carries a dark allure, attracting those who are willing to embrace the malevolent powers associated with Mullenix.

Holy Books & Codes

The Depraved Scriptures: Description: The Depraved Scriptures are a collection of ancient texts chronicling the teachings, rituals, and exploits of Mullenix. Written in cryptic and often morally ambiguous language, these scriptures serve as a guide for the followers of the god of vices. The texts are bound in rich, dark leather and adorned with intricate engravings depicting scenes of debauchery and trickery.   Contents:   Parables of Deceit: Stories illustrating the cunning and deceptive nature of Mullenix, encouraging his followers to embrace similar traits. Vice Commandments: Ethical guidelines that promote the pursuit of vices, envy, and trickery as a means of achieving personal power and satisfaction. Rituals of Temptation: Ceremonies and rites that invoke Mullenix's presence, often involving indulgence in forbidden pleasures and the manipulation of others. The Envious Tome:   Description: The Envious Tome is a sacred book focusing specifically on the sphere of envy and the art of cultivating jealousy. Its pages are adorned with illustrations depicting individuals ascending to power by exploiting the envy of their rivals. The cover is embellished with a gemstone that resonates with the essence of envy.   Contents:   Pathways to Ambition: Strategies and tactics for inciting envy in others to gain a competitive edge. Schemes of Betrayal: Accounts of historical betrayals and backstabbing, providing inspiration for followers seeking to undermine their adversaries. Prayers of Envy: Devotional verses aimed at invoking Mullenix's favor in matters of envy and rivalry. The Trickster's Codex:   Description: The Trickster's Codex is a compendium of illusions, cunning schemes, and misdirection techniques attributed to Mullenix. It is a revered text among the Jesters of Depravity, guiding them in their performances of deceit and trickery. The cover features an ever-shifting illusion that reflects the nature of its contents.   Contents:   Illusionary Arts: Techniques for creating illusions and disguises to confound and deceive enemies. Trickster's Tactics: Strategies for outsmarting opponents through clever schemes and unexpected maneuvers. The Laughter of Mullenix: Anecdotes and jokes that carry deeper meanings, serving as both entertainment and lessons in cunning. These holy books and codexes are central to the teachings and practices of the Family of Vices. They are studied by priests, scholars, and practitioners of Mullenix's faith, serving as a source of guidance, inspiration, and dark wisdom in the pursuit of vices and the cultivation of envy and trickery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Twisted Serpent: Description: The Twisted Serpent is a symbol that represents the cunning and deceptive nature of Mullenix. It depicts a serpent coiled in intricate patterns, with its body contorted into deceptive shapes. The serpent's eyes gleam with a mischievous light, symbolizing the god's trickery.   Meaning: The Twisted Serpent embodies the path of cunning and deceit, urging followers to navigate the complexities of life with strategic cunning, just as a serpent maneuvers through its surroundings.   The Envious Eye:   Description: The Envious Eye is a recurring motif in the iconography of Mullenix. It is a stylized eye, often depicted as green and adorned with dark lashes. The eye symbolizes the god's connection to the sphere of envy and serves as a constant reminder of the power derived from covetous desires.   Meaning: The Envious Eye symbolizes the watchful presence of Mullenix, encouraging his followers to embrace and channel the energy of envy to achieve their ambitions and goals.   The Crown of Shadows:   Description: The Crown of Shadows is a symbol representing Mullenix's dominion over power and authority. It features a regal crown with shadowy tendrils enveloping it, casting an aura of darkness. This symbol is often associated with the pursuit of power and dominance.   Meaning: The Crown of Shadows signifies the divine authority granted by Mullenix, urging his followers to seek and wield power with cunning and ruthlessness.   The Laughing Mask:   Description: The Laughing Mask is a mask with a sinister grin, representing the Jesters of Depravity who serve Mullenix. It is often worn during rituals and ceremonies, symbolizing the joy found in embracing vices and the deceptive nature of laughter.   Meaning: The Laughing Mask embodies the dual nature of Mullenix's worship—finding pleasure in forbidden acts while concealing one's true intentions behind a facade of mirth.   The Warforged Blade:   Description: The Warforged Blade is a symbol that represents Mullenix's influence in matters of war and conflict. It features a stylized, blackened blade with swirling patterns, signifying the god's association with strategic warfare and ruthless tactics.   Meaning: The Warforged Blade inspires followers to engage in conflict with cunning and precision, emphasizing the pursuit of victory through any means necessary.   These symbols and sigils are prominently displayed in Mullenix's temples, on the holy texts, and as adornments worn by his followers. Each carries a deeper meaning, guiding the faithful in their devotion to the god of vices, envy, and trickery.


Veil's Embrace (Mullenix's Ascendance): Date: The first day of spring, when the world transitions from winter's grasp to the warmth of spring. Observance: Celebrated with grand ceremonies at the Temple of Vices, Veil's Embrace marks the ascendance of Mullenix to godhood. Followers engage in acts of revelry, embracing vices and indulging in forbidden pleasures. It is a time for elaborate masquerades, where followers wear masks to symbolize the deceptive nature of the world. Envy's Eclipse:   Date: The night of a lunar eclipse, occurring once every few years. Observance: Envy's Eclipse is a night of heightened rituals, where followers gather to harness the mystical energy of the eclipse. It is believed that during this time, Mullenix's influence on matters of envy is exceptionally potent. Worshipers engage in secret competitions, testing each other's envy and cunning, with the victors earning the god's favor. Cunning's Confluence:   Date: The last day of autumn, as the leaves fall and nature prepares for winter. Observance: Cunning's Confluence is a time for strategizing and planning. Followers of Mullenix come together to share tales of successful deceptions and plot future endeavors. The day is marked by intellectual competitions and debates, with the god's blessings sought for schemes that will come to fruition in the coming year. Shadows' Revelry:   Date: The longest night of the year during the winter solstice. Observance: Shadows' Revelry is a night of clandestine gatherings and nocturnal celebrations. Followers dress in dark robes, and temples are illuminated by flickering candlelight. Devotees engage in acts of trickery and play pranks on one another, embracing the darker side of Mullenix's teachings. Warrior's Ascendance:   Date: The anniversary of the first major victory in a significant historical conflict. Observance: Warrior's Ascendance commemorates the strategic triumphs achieved through the influence of Mullenix in past wars. Military parades, mock battles, and tactical demonstrations are held. Followers reflect on the god's role in warfare and seek his guidance for future conflicts. Festival of Illusions:   Date: The first day of summer, when the days are longest. Observance: The Festival of Illusions is a vibrant celebration of art, entertainment, and illusions. Performers, often members of the Jesters of Depravity, showcase their talents in mimicry, magic, and misdirection. The festival encourages revelry and laughter, reinforcing the deceptive and playful aspects of Mullenix's domain. These holidays and holy days punctuate the religious calendar of the Family of Vices, offering opportunities for followers to come together, celebrate their faith, and seek the blessings of Mullenix in various aspects of life. Each occasion reflects the multifaceted nature of the god's influence on the mortal realm.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Propagation of Vices: Objective: Mullenix seeks to spread and deepen the influence of vices among mortals. His goal is to encourage individuals to succumb to their darker impulses, embracing forbidden pleasures and indulging in morally ambiguous actions. The god views the propagation of vices as a means to disrupt societal norms and promote a world where cunning and desire reign supreme. Fomenting Envy and Ambition:   Objective: Mullenix thrives on the intense emotions of envy. His divine goal includes fostering an environment where envy and ambition flourish. By sowing seeds of rivalry and competition among mortals, the god aims to fuel the desire for power and success. Mullenix believes that a world consumed by envy is a world ripe for manipulation and control. Mastery of Trickery and Deceit:   Objective: As the master of trickery, Mullenix seeks to instill in his followers a mastery of deception and cunning. The god's divine goal involves shaping a world where individuals navigate their lives with strategic cleverness, outwitting their adversaries and achieving their objectives through manipulation. Mullenix values those who can adeptly weave webs of deceit and thrive in the shadows. War as a Tool of Influence:   Objective: Mullenix embraces war as a means of exerting influence and furthering his agenda. The god encourages strategic warfare, where followers engage in conflicts not only for conquest but also for the chaos and discord they unleash. Mullenix's divine goal involves shaping the outcomes of battles and wars to favor those who serve his interests. Corruption of Morality:   Objective: Mullenix aims to erode traditional moral values and societal norms. The god seeks to corrupt the moral fabric of civilizations, leading individuals to question established ethical guidelines. By doing so, Mullenix hopes to create a world where followers of vices and trickery are revered, and the pursuit of power and personal satisfaction takes precedence over conventional notions of right and wrong.




Towards Nevairitus




Towards Mullenix



Brother/Rapist (Trivial)

Towards Apsara



Sister (Trivial)

Towards Mullenix



Son (Trivial)

Towards Mullenix




Father (Important)

Towards Ranveer



Relationship Reasoning

Formed out of Rape

Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Nevairitus (Wife/Sister)
Apsara (Sister)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Articles under Mullenix


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