Order of the Magi - The Jaadoogar

Homebase: Rajendra Building: The Grand Temple of the Dome Houses: Library of the Four Winds, The House of the Sure Ground, House of the Breaking Waves, House of the Burning Flame Organization: The Order is built around the fact that they are part of the Caste system. They are the only caste where a lower caste can be a member of this caste and the caste right above them can become a member of this caste though rare. As well as be born into the caste. This means there are many within the caste itself are stratified based on where they came from. This means there are 3 sets of Houses. (The Yoodoogar, the Jaadoogar, and the Mardoogar) They are all known as Jaadoogar among the general population. There are powerful mages in all of them but depending on where thy fall, is how they are socially accepted within the caste.   Although they are not a religious group they do put a lot of importance in the Gods and Nature. Hence why they are located in one of the more sacred buildings in Rajendra. These Mages typically fall closer to Elemental magic, but that's not to say they don't venture out of their comfort zone.
Education, Magic
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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