The Hands of the Four Faced God

The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God is a revered religious organization dedicated to upholding the teachings and values of Anaadi, the Divine Unity represented by the four-faced deity. The order serves as a guiding force for worshippers and devotees, fostering spiritual growth, community cohesion, and devotion to the Divine Unity.   Mission: The primary mission of the Order is to promote reverence and devotion to Anaadi and its avatars, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all divine forces and the importance of balance and harmony in the universe. The Order seeks to inspire worshippers to lead virtuous lives, guided by the principles of justice, compassion, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. As well as honor the Rajindra Empire


The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God is organized into a hierarchical structure to oversee its operations and fulfill its mission effectively. The hierarchy consists of: High Council: The highest governing body of the Order, comprising senior members and spiritual leaders who provide guidance and direction to the organization. Grand Temple Priests: Priests appointed to oversee the administration and rituals of the Grand Temple of the High Dome, the central place of worship for Anaadi devotees. Dala Boorah: The priesthood dedicated to serving Anaadi within the Grand Temple and local temples, responsible for conducting rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual guidance for worshippers. Devotees: Worshippers and followers of Anaadi who are members of the Order and actively participate in its rituals, ceremonies, and community activities.


The Order utilizes symbols and iconography associated with Anaadi and its avatars in its rituals, ceremonies, and religious artifacts. These symbols serve as reminders of the Divine Unity and the interconnectedness of all divine forces in the universe. Overall, the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God plays a vital role in the spiritual and religious life of worshippers, providing guidance, support, and inspiration on their journey towards enlightenment and divine realization.

Public Agenda

Preservation of Teachings: The Order is responsible for preserving and disseminating the teachings of Anaadi and its avatars, ensuring that worshippers have access to spiritual guidance and enlightenment. Conduct of Rituals: Grand Temple Priests and Dala Boorah are entrusted with conducting rituals, ceremonies, and worship services in accordance with the traditions and practices of the Order. Community Outreach: The Order engages in community outreach and charitable activities to support the needs of worshippers and promote social welfare and harmony. Spiritual Guidance: Members of the Order provide spiritual guidance, counseling, and support to worshippers, assisting them on their spiritual journey and addressing their religious concerns and inquiries. Membership: Membership in the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God is open to all who profess devotion to Anaadi and its avatars. Devotees may participate in the Order's rituals, ceremonies, and community activities, receiving spiritual guidance and support from the priesthood and fellow worshippers.


The Dala Boorah: The Dala Boorah is the collective priesthood dedicated to serving Anaadi and its avatars within the Grand Temple of the High Dome. While primarily composed of members from the Boorah caste, who are born into the priesthood, the term "Dala Boorah" encompasses all devotees of Anaadi, regardless of their caste.   Hierarchy: Within the Dala Boorah, there exists a hierarchical structure to oversee the various aspects of temple operations and religious duties. This hierarchy ensures the smooth functioning of the Grand Temple and the fulfillment of Anaadi's worship.   Roles and Responsibilities:   Dharma Guru/Dharma Gurvi: The highest-ranking member of the Dala Boorah, this High Priest or Priestess, serves as the spiritual leader and overseer of the temple. They are responsible for conducting important rituals, interpreting sacred texts, and guiding the priesthood in their duties. The High Priest/Priestess must be of the Boorah class.   Boojari/Boojarin: Beneath the Dharma Guru/Dharma Gurvi are the Boojari/Boojarin or temple priests, who assist in the daily rituals, ceremonies, and maintenance of the temple. They lead congregational prayers, offer blessings to worshippers, and ensure the temple grounds remain sacred and orderly. Temple Priests must also be of the Boorah class.   Udas (Plural: Uda): Udas refers to individuals who serve as assistants to the Temple priests within the Dala Boorah. They support the Temple Priests in various tasks and contribute to the daily operations of the temple. While they may not hold the same status as the Temple priests, Udas play a valuable role in ensuring the smooth functioning of religious ceremonies and maintaining the sanctity of the temple.   Vidus (Plural: Vida): Vidus are individuals who serve as educators and mentors within the Dala Boorah. They are responsible for imparting knowledge, teaching rituals, and guiding others in their spiritual journey. Vidus play a crucial role in preserving and disseminating the teachings of Anaadi and its avatars, fostering a deeper understanding of spirituality within the community. They may conduct educational programs, lead study groups, and provide guidance to novices and devotees.   Marsevak/Marsevika: Supporting the temple priests are caretakers and servants who attend to the practical needs of the temple, such as cleaning, preparing offerings, and maintaining the temple's physical infrastructure. They play a vital role in creating a welcoming and conducive environment for worship.   Training and Education: Members of the Dala Boorah undergo rigorous training and education from a young age to prepare them for their roles within the priesthood. This training includes studying sacred texts, learning ritual chants and hymns, and understanding the intricate symbolism associated with Anaadi and its avatars.   The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God: The Dala Boorah operates within the framework of the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God, an organization dedicated to upholding the teachings and values of Anaadi. The Order fosters unity, knowledge, and devotion among its members, guiding them in their spiritual journey and service to the Divine Unity.   Spiritual Practices: Members of the Dala Boorah engage in a variety of spiritual practices to deepen their connection with Anaadi and cultivate inner peace and wisdom. These practices may include meditation, prayer, contemplation of sacred texts, and participation in rituals and ceremonies.   The Dala Boorah, as the priesthood of the Grand Temple of the High Dome within the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God, plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual life of the community and fostering devotion to Anaadi and its avatars. Through their dedication and service, they uphold the sacred traditions and teachings of the Divine Unity, guiding worshippers on their path towards enlightenment and divine realization.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Order of the Magi, known as the Jaadoogar, is overseen by the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God, despite not being a religious group. This oversight is primarily focused on ensuring harmony and cooperation between the two organizations, as well as providing spiritual guidance and support to the Jaadoogar when needed.   Collaboration and Cooperation: The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God works closely with the Jaadoogar to ensure mutual understanding and cooperation. While the Jaadoogar focus on magical studies and practices, they also acknowledge the importance of spiritual guidance and reverence for the gods and nature. The two organizations collaborate on various projects and initiatives, such as research into ancient texts, magical rituals, and understanding the intricate connections between magic and spirituality.   Spiritual Guidance: Although the Jaadoogar are not a religious group, they recognize the significance of spiritual guidance and support. The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God provides counsel and advice to Jaadoogar members who seek a deeper understanding of the divine and their place within the cosmic order. Spiritual leaders from the Order offer insights into the teachings of Anaadi and its avatars, helping Jaadoogar members integrate spiritual principles into their magical practices and worldview.   Shared Sacred Spaces: The Jaadoogar's homebase within the Palace of the Heavens symbolizes the close relationship between the two organizations. The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God ensures that the Jaadoogar have access to sacred spaces within the temple complex. Even though they have their own areas such as the Library of the Four Winds and the House of the Sure Ground, where they can pursue their magical studies in an environment infused with spiritual energy and reverence for the divine.   Respect for Diversity: The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God respects the diversity within the Jaadoogar caste, which includes individuals from different backgrounds and social strata. While there may be stratification based on caste origins within the Jaadoogar, the Order encourages unity and inclusivity, emphasizing the shared pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and the understanding of magic and spirituality.   Overall, the oversight provided by the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God ensures that the Jaadoogar can pursue their magical studies while also honoring the spiritual traditions and values upheld by the Order. It fosters a harmonious relationship between the two organizations, promoting mutual respect, cooperation, and the pursuit of enlightenment.


The Preservers of the Ancient Primordial Eye:    The oversight of the Preservers of the Ancient Primordial Eye by the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God involves several aspects, ensuring harmony, guidance, and mutual respect between the two groups.   Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation: The Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God fosters dialogue and cooperation between the sect of the Preservers of the Ancient Primordial Eye and the broader Anaadi-worshipping community. This includes facilitating discussions, organizing joint events, and promoting understanding between followers of Anaadi and worshippers of the Elemental Titans.   Spiritual Guidance and Support: The Order offers spiritual guidance and support to members of the Preservers sect who seek deeper understanding and connection with the divine. While the Preservers worship the Elemental Titans as children of Anaadi, they may benefit from insights into the teachings and values upheld by the Order, enriching their spiritual practices and worldview.   Preservation of Sacred Spaces: The Order ensures that the sacred spaces dedicated to the worship of the Elemental Titans within the Grand Temple of the Dome are respected and preserved. This includes maintaining the sanctity of the shrines dedicated to Kohaku, Narahi, Rylung, and Tahoramiti, as well as facilitating rituals and ceremonies conducted by the Preservers within these spaces.   Promotion of Unity and Inclusivity: While the Preservers sect focuses on the worship of the Elemental Titans, the Order promotes unity and inclusivity within the broader Anaadi-worshipping community. By emphasizing common values such as reverence for the divine and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, the Order encourages mutual respect and cooperation between followers of Anaadi and worshippers of the Elemental Titans.   Respect for Diversity: The Order recognizes the diversity of beliefs and practices within the Anaadi-worshipping community, including the worship of the Elemental Titans by the Preservers sect. While they may have different interpretations of the divine, the Order encourages respect for each other's traditions and perspectives, fostering a harmonious relationship based on shared spiritual values.   Overall, the oversight provided by the Order of the Hands of the Four-Faced God ensures that the worship of the Elemental Titans by the Preservers sect is conducted in a manner that aligns with the broader spiritual principles and values upheld by the Anaadi-worshipping community. It promotes cooperation, understanding, and respect, enriching the spiritual tapestry of the Grand Temple of the Dome and fostering unity among worshippers of different faiths and traditions.

"Through Anaadi's Eternal Dance, From Chaos to Order, From Darkness to Light, Their Light Illuminates All Paths, Guiding the Cycle of Creation, Preservation, Destruction, and Renewal."

Religious, Sect
Ruling Organization
Notable Members
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