Outlander Tribes

Racial Traits:             Psychological:                         Daily life: Life can be very hard on these tribes. They typically are hunter gathers. They are normally semi-nomadic. Moving with climate changes and food needs,  although they limit there movement to general geographic locations.  Returning to the same places yearly,  as they are often competing with other tribes.             Physical:             Relations: depending on their location, these barbarian tribes could be decedent's of some of the more well known human cultures that just broke off on their own. Seeking freedom or to live like some other race they admired. Or they may of just got left behind. They make treatise with each other with other races that live off the land or near them.  But are just as quick to war with them if it fits their needs.             Alignment:             Lands: 3 that live in the Outlands. 2 that live in the area of the Borderlands 1 that lives in the land of the dwarves. 2 that live on the island of Yorba. 1 that lives in the mountains of the Wu clan. 1 that lives in the mountains of the Hska, 1 that lives on the the Island of Rajendra             Religion: runs the gamut             Language             Names: Tribe names: there are at least 11 known human tribes. With the likelihood of others. Vantals, Horde, Flaxsons, Bomlards, Jipsids, Samsirians, Burgutal, Scihar, Esu, Yorga, Nukota             Reason to Adventure: Society & Culture:             Arts & Crafts:             Magic & Technology: Primitive             Tribal Structure:             Power Struggles:             Environment: Climate/Region: any Cities: none Capitol : none Important People: Important Groups:             Agenda:             Structure:             Symbol:             Membership:             Benefits:             Relations outside of group:             Role-playing Application:                         Class

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