Teyi'shating (TA YE' Sha Ting)

Divine Domains

Spiritual Connections:   Subdomains: Ancestral Spirits, Soul Guidance, Spiritual Communion Attributes: Teyi'shating fosters a deep connection with ancestral spirits, guiding mortals in spiritual practices and facilitating communication with the ethereal realm.   Emotional Harmony:   Subdomains: Love's Resonance, Grief's Comfort, Compassionate Bonds Attributes: Teyi'shating's domain involves navigating the complex tapestry of emotions, offering solace for grief, fostering harmonious relationships, and guiding those experiencing unrequited or lost love.   Musical Inspiration:   Subdomains: Melodic Creativity, Rhythmic Expression, Harmonic Insight Attributes: This domain reflects Jawaixing's influence over the world of music, inspiring creativity, guiding musicians in their craft, and enhancing the emotional depth of musical expression.   Animal Kinship:   Subdomains: Creature Companions, Nature's Allies, Beastly Wisdom Attributes: Teyi'shating's affinity for animals extends to a harmonious relationship with creatures, promoting respect for nature, and fostering a bond between mortals and the animal kingdom.   Artistic Expression: Subdomains: Aesthetic Insight, Creative Flow, Inspirational Muse Attributes: Teyi'shating's divine influence inspires artistic expression, encouraging mortals to channel their creativity through various art forms, such as poetry, dance, and visual arts.   Sacred Sanctuaries: Subdomains: Tranquil Retreats, Nature's Havens, Spiritual Oases Attributes: Teyi'shating blesses and sanctifies spaces that serve as havens for spiritual reflection, connection with animals, and the honoring of lost loved ones.


1. Phoenix Feather Flute: Description: A flute crafted from a phoenix feather, representing the eternal cycle of rebirth and renewal.   Properties: When played, the flute has the power to rejuvenate and inspire, offering solace to those in grief and sparking creative inspiration. The music from the flute has the ability to heal emotional wounds and instill a sense of hope.   2. Azure Harmony Pendant: Description: A pendant shaped like a dragon in azure hues, symbolizing strength, wisdom, and the guardian of waters.   Properties: Wearing the pendant enhances the wearer's emotional resilience, providing comfort in times of distress. Allows the wearer to gain insights into matters of the heart, fostering compassionate bonds and guiding through emotional challenges.   3. Wooden Tiger Totem: Description: A carved wooden totem resembling a white tiger, embodying courage, protection, and resilience.   Properties: The totem serves as a protective charm, warding off negative energies and promoting a sense of security. Can be invoked during rituals for strength and determination, especially in matters of love and relationships.   4. Moonlit Monkey Mask: Description: A mask adorned with lunar symbols, representing the clever and nimble-fingered monkey.   Properties: Wearing the mask enhances cognitive abilities, fostering intellectual insight and adaptability. Allows the wearer to tap into their creativity, especially in the realm of music and artistic expression.   5. Dragon Tortoise Amulet: Description: An amulet featuring the fusion of a dragon and a tortoise, symbolizing stability, wisdom, and endurance.   Properties: Provides a sense of grounding and stability to the wearer, especially during tumultuous times. Enhances the user's connection with ancient wisdom, guiding them through challenges with resilience.   6. Qilin Celestial Bell: Description: A bell with Qilin motifs, representing grace, wisdom, and spiritual guidance.   Properties: Ringing the bell invokes a sense of calm and clarity, helping individuals focus on their spiritual journeys. Acts as a beacon for those seeking divine guidance, attracting positive energies and insights.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

1. The Jade Flute: Description: A gracefully crafted flute made from jade, adorned with intricate carvings that tell the story of Teyi'shating and Sarwan. The flute emits a melodious sound that resonates with the divine magic of Teyi'shating. Symbolism: Connection: Represents the magical connection between Teyi'shating and Sarwan, as well as the divine influence of music in their story. Inspiration: Symbolizes the source of musical inspiration and creativity that Teyi'shating imparts to mortals. Guidance: Serves as a tool for spiritual guidance, with its enchanting melodies leading individuals on their journeys of self-discovery.   2. Yin and Yang: Description: A classic representation of the balance between light and darkness, with swirling black and white elements forming a harmonious whole. Symbolism: Harmony: Signifies the balance and harmony inherent in Teyi'shating's nature, reflecting his role in emotional harmony and spiritual connection. Duality: Represents the dual aspects of life, love, and creativity, all of which are under the purview of Teyi'shating. Cycles: Highlights the cyclical nature of existence and the eternal dance between opposing forces.   3. Six Sacred Beasts: Phoenix: Description: A majestic bird with fiery plumage and the ability to rise from its ashes. Symbolism: Rebirth, renewal, and the eternal cycle of life. Represents Teyi'shating's influence in matters of transformation and new beginnings.   Azure Dragon: Description: A powerful dragon with azure scales, embodying grace and strength. Symbolism: Represents protection, wisdom, and the guardian of waters. Reflects Teyi'shating's connection with emotional harmony and spiritual guidance.   White Tiger: Description: A fierce and noble white tiger, symbolizing courage and protection. Symbolism: Stands for strength, resilience, and the protection of vulnerable aspects. Reflects Teyi'shating's domain of emotional harmony and compassionate bonds.   Monkey: Description: A clever and nimble-fingered monkey, exuding playfulness and intelligence. Symbolism: Represents creativity, adaptability, and intellectual insight. Reflects Teyi'shating's influence in the realm of musical inspiration and artistic expression.   Dragon Tortoise: Description: A mythical creature with the body of a tortoise and the head of a dragon, symbolizing stability and endurance. Symbolism: Embodies ancient wisdom, stability, and resilience. Reflects Teyi'shating's connection with spiritual sanctuaries and the grounding influence of the earth.   Qilin: Description: A celestial creature with the body of a deer, the tail of an ox, hooves like a horse, and a single horn on its head. Symbolism: Signifies grace, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. Reflects Teyi'shating's role as a celestial guide and his connection with the ethereal realm.   These symbols and sigils collectively paint a vivid picture of Teyi'shating's divine influence, connecting various aspects of his mythology, from the musical inspiration and emotional harmony he brings to the spiritual communion and kinship with sacred beasts. They provide a visual representation of the intricate tapestry of themes woven into his story.


1. Harmony Day: Date: Celebrated during the equinox to symbolize the balance between light and darkness. Themes: Emotional Balance: Reflects on the importance of emotional harmony and the need for individuals to find equilibrium within themselves and in their relationships. Community Events: Inclusive events and festivals promote understanding, cooperation, and unity among diverse communities. Nature Appreciation: Activities focus on connecting with nature, emphasizing environmental consciousness and the preservation of the natural world.   2. Eternal Melodies Festival: Date: Held during a specific celestial alignment associated with music and creativity. Themes: Musical Performances: Concerts, performances, and gatherings celebrate the divine influence of Teyi'shating on music, encouraging both professionals and amateurs to showcase their talents.   3. Animal Kinship Day: Date: Aligned with a celestial event associated with animals and nature. Themes: Animal Blessings: Temples and sanctuaries perform blessings for animals, recognizing their role as companions and symbols of Teyi'shating's kinship. Nature Walks and Conservation Efforts: Communities engage in nature walks, wildlife conservation, and tree planting, promoting environmental stewardship. Animal Adoption Drives: Events encourage the adoption of animals from shelters, reinforcing the connection between mortals and the animal kingdom. Artistic Expression: Workshops and exhibitions inspire various forms of artistic expression, from visual arts to dance, aligning with Teyi'shating's influence on creativity.   4. Ancestor's Embrace: Date: Occurs during a time when the boundary between the mortal realm and the ethereal plane is believed to be thin. Themes: Ancestral Reverence: Families come together to honor their ancestors, sharing stories and memories. Spiritual Practices: Rituals involve communing with ancestral spirits, guided by Teyi'shating's influence over spiritual connections and ancestral guidance. Sacred Spaces Visitation: Pilgrimages to sanctified spaces, blessed by Teyi'shating, allow individuals to connect with the divine and commemorate lost loved ones.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Harmony and Balance: Teyi'shating may strive to maintain harmony and balance in the mortal realm, fostering a world where emotions, relationships, and the natural elements coexist in equilibrium. This goal reflects his influence over emotional harmony, animal kinship, and the interconnectedness of various domains. Spiritual Awakening: Teyi'shating may seek to guide mortals on their spiritual journeys, promoting self-discovery, enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of the ethereal realm. His divine goal could involve awakening the spiritual potential within individuals and helping them connect with the higher planes of existence.   Preservation of Art and Creativity: Teyi'shating may aim to preserve and inspire artistic expression in all its forms. This could involve encouraging mortals to explore their creative potential, fostering a culture that values artistic endeavors, and ensuring the continuity of artistic traditions across generations.   Protection of Love and Relationships: Teyi'shating may be dedicated to safeguarding the purity and strength of love and relationships among mortals. This divine goal involves offering solace in times of grief, guiding individuals through the complexities of love, and fostering compassionate bonds between people.   Guardianship of Nature and Animals: Given his affinity for animals and nature, Teyi'shating may have a divine goal to protect and preserve the natural world. This could include promoting sustainable practices, encouraging respect for the environment, and ensuring the well-being of creatures in the mortal realm.   Creation and Appreciation of Music: Teyi'shating may be devoted to the creation and appreciation of music as a divine art form. His goal could involve inspiring musicians, guiding them in their craft, and fostering a deep connection between mortals and the transformative power of music.   Sacred Spaces and Commemoration: Teyi'shating may focus on sanctifying spaces dedicated to spiritual reflection, connection with animals, and the commemoration of lost loved ones. His divine goal could involve ensuring the existence of tranquil retreats where mortals can find solace and honor their spiritual connections.   Guidance for Ancestors: Teyi'shating may take on the responsibility of guiding ancestral spirits, ensuring their peaceful transition and providing a link between the living and the deceased. This divine goal involves maintaining a harmonious connection between generations and fostering a sense of continuity in familial and spiritual ties.   These divine goals reflect the multifaceted nature of Teyi'shating's influence and the various domains under his purview. Each goal contributes to the overall well-being and spiritual development of the mortal realm, embodying the essence of Teyi'shating's character and mythology.




Towards Sarwan




Towards Teyi'shating


Sarwan (Wife/Sister)
Aligned Organization

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