
Basic Information


Anatomy and Physical Features of the Sharadiya   Four-Armed Anatomy   The most striking and defining characteristic of the Sharadiya is their four arms. This feature is a direct result of the miraculous birth of their ancestor, Sharadiya, who was born with this unique trait. The four arms are fully functional and symmetrical, with two pairs of arms extending from their shoulders. The upper set of arms is slightly more muscular and developed, often used for tasks requiring strength, such as wielding weapons or carrying heavy objects. The lower set, though equally strong, is typically more dexterous, used for tasks that require precision and delicacy. The coordination between all four arms is seamless, and the Sharadiya have adapted to use them in ways that make them highly efficient in both daily life and combat.     Height and Build   The Sharadiya are generally taller than average humans, with an average height ranging from 6 to 7 feet. They have a lean, muscular build, a result of their active, physically demanding lifestyle in the desert. Their bodies are built for endurance, with long limbs and strong cores that allow them to traverse vast distances in the desert without tiring easily. Despite their lean build, they possess significant strength, particularly in their upper bodies, due to their four-armed anatomy.   Feet and Hands   The hands of the Sharadiya are slightly larger than those of most humans, with long, strong fingers that are well-suited for gripping weapons, tools, or climbing rocky terrain. Their fingers end in slightly curved, sturdy nails that can be used for digging or as a last resort in combat. Their feet are similarly adapted to their environment, with broad soles that provide stability on shifting sands and rough terrain. The soles of their feet are thick and calloused, allowing them to walk barefoot across hot desert sands without discomfort.   Skin Tone and Texture   The Sharadiya's skin ranges in color from deep, rich earth tones, such as Gold, bronze, copper, and dark brown, to lighter, sun-kissed hues, depending on the region and lineage. Their skin has a slightly rough, sand-like texture, an adaptation that helps protect them from the harsh, abrasive winds and intense sunlight of the desert. This texture also gives their skin a subtle shimmer, as if it were dusted with fine grains of sand, especially when exposed to sunlight.   The Sharadiya are a race defined by their unique anatomy and physical features, all of which have been shaped by their origins and the desert environment of Glosmordin. Their four-armed bodies, resilient skin, and keen senses make them well-adapted to their harsh surroundings, while their striking appearance and cultural adornments reflect a deep connection to their history and the divine forces that shaped them.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Sharadiya typically marry and reproduce within their own race, valuing the preservation of their unique traits and cultural heritage. Marriages are often arranged with the intention of strengthening familial ties and ensuring the continuity of their lineage. Within the Sharadiya, reproduction follows natural human patterns, with the distinct difference that their offspring invariably inherit the physical traits of their race, particularly the four-armed anatomy. Despite their preference for endogamous unions, the Sharadiya are biologically compatible with humans, allowing for interbreeding. When a Sharadiya mates with a human, their children always inherit the dominant physical characteristics of the Sharadiya, including the four arms, skin tone, and other distinguishing features. These hybrid children are fully Sharadiya in appearance, often leading to challenges in human societies where their distinct appearance can evoke fear or prejudice.   Interbreeding between Sharadiya and humans, though uncommon, does occur, often driven by love or strategic alliances. However, the resulting children, while accepted within Sharadiya communities, may face difficulties in human societies due to their unique appearance. This reality has led to a complex dynamic between the two races, with some humans embracing these unions and others struggling to accept the resulting offspring. Despite these challenges, the Sharadiya continue to value the bonds formed through such unions, seeing them as a testament to the strength and resilience of their people.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The Sharadiya typically have thick, coarse hair that ranges in color from deep black to dark brown, with some having streaks of gold or silver that shimmer in the sunlight. Their hair often grows long and is worn in intricate braids or knots, sometimes adorned with beads, metal rings, or strips of cloth that carry cultural or familial significance. The facial features of the Sharadiya are strong and angular, with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and full lips. Their brows are typically thick and slightly arched, giving them a regal and determined appearance.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eyes and Vision   The eyes of the Sharadiya are almond-shaped and slightly larger than those of average humans, giving them a keen and wide field of vision. Their irises range from deep amber and gold to shades of desert sand, with some having a faint glow in low light, a reflection of their connection to the divine and the desert. Their vision is highly adapted to the bright desert sun, and they can see clearly in both intense sunlight and the dim light of dusk. This adaptation also gives them a slight advantage in low-light conditions, such as during desert nights or in shadowed canyons.   Voice and Communication   The Sharadiya have deep, resonant voices that carry well across the open desert. Their language is a melodic and rhythmic tongue, with a cadence that mirrors the shifting sands and the winds that sweep across their homeland. They also communicate through gestures, using their four arms to convey meaning and emotion in ways that enhance their spoken words.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Clothing and Adornments   The Sharadiya dress in garments made from lightweight, breathable fabrics that protect them from the sun and sand while allowing for ease of movement. Their clothing is often loose-fitting, with long tunics, flowing trousers, and robes that can be wrapped tightly or left to billow in the wind. These garments are typically dyed in earthy tones that blend with the desert landscape, with intricate patterns or symbols woven into the fabric that reflect their lineage, status, or achievements.   In addition to their clothing, the Sharadiya often wear jewelry made from metals, stones, or bones found in the desert. These adornments can include necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings, many of which hold cultural or spiritual significance. Some Sharadiya also paint their skin with natural pigments or tattoo their bodies with designs that tell the story of their personal or familial history.


The Birth and Legacy of the Sharadiya In the ancient world of Glosmordin, the story of the Sharadiya begins with the first family of humans to ever walk this land. This family, favored by the goddess Konasima, laid the foundation for a race destined to thrive in the harshest environments of Glosmordin.   The origins of the Sharadiya trace back to Quibilah and Danvir, who were part of the first human family. Quibilah, once a woman of great beauty and grace, became pregnant with twins, a joyous occasion for the family. However, the joy quickly turned to sorrow when the firstborn, Shara, was tragically stillborn. Also in a since the first loss of life among humankind. The loss of Shara was a burden Danvir could not bear for his beloved wife. Quibilah, in the throes of childbirth, was unaware of the fate of her firstborn. To spare her the heartache, Danvir, driven by love and compassion, made a fateful decision.   Using the divine favor bestowed upon him, Danvir placed the stillborn Shara back into Quibilah’s womb, merging her essence with the unborn twin. When Quibilah gave birth again, it was not two separate children but one: Sharadiya, a daughter born with four arms—a physical manifestation of the combined spirits of Shara and Diya. With a skin of gold and bronze tint.   Sharadiya emerged into the world with this extraordinary feature, a symbol of her unique origin and the divine intervention that brought her into being. Though born under tragic circumstances, Sharadiya’s existence was seen as a miracle. Her four arms were not just a mark of her unusual birth, but a sign of the resilience, strength, and unity that would come to define her people.   The Sharadiya People From Sharadiya came a race that would be deeply connected to the deserts of Glosmordin, a people who would thrive in the most unforgiving lands. Sharadiya married her brother Faizum, and from their union, the Sharadiya people were born. Faizum also married his niece, Rajeshi, the daughter of his brother Raj, giving rise to the distinct culture of Faizum. This blending of bloodlines and cultures laid the foundation for the Sharadiya race, a people marked by their adaptability, strength, and deep spiritual connection to their land.   The Sharadiya people are divided into two main ethnic groups: the nomadic Amjadians, who roam the vast deserts of the Blinding Virgin and chromatic deserts of Faizum, and the settled Sharadi, who have established permanent communities within the harsh desert environment. The largest of these settlements being Abdashim. The Amjadians are the keepers of ancient traditions, living a life of constant movement, while the Sharadi have mastered the art of survival in fixed settlements, adapting to the shifting sands and extreme conditions of the desert.   As the Sharadiya continue to navigate the challenges of their world, their story is far from over. The Amjadians will roam the deserts, their lives shaped by the shifting sands and the ever-present struggle for survival. The Sharadi will build upon their legacy, creating a society that blends tradition with innovation, all while holding fast to their beliefs in reincarnation and divine perfection.     Legacy and Belief The Sharadiya people’s connection to the desert is both physical and spiritual. They believe that the sands hold the memories of their ancestors and that every grain of sand carries a piece of their history. This belief has fostered a deep reverence for the land they inhabit, and their culture is infused with rituals and practices that honor the desert and the divine forces that shaped their existence.   Sharadiya, the four-armed progenitor of their race, is revered not just as the mother of the Sharadiya people but as a symbol of resilience, strength, and the enduring power of unity. Her story is a reminder of the miraculous circumstances of her birth and the divine favor that continues to guide her descendants. The Sharadiya people, whether as wandering nomads or as settled desert dwellers, carry with them the legacy of their unique origin, forever intertwined with the sands of Glosmordin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80-90 years
Related Ethnicities

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