Tenaryn: Shadowborn Elves


Basic Information

Biological Traits

Skin Colors: Ranges from deep charcoal and dark indigo to rich shades of black with an iridescent shimmer, absorbing light and giving them an otherworldly presence. Hair Colors: Varies from silvery-white to shades of dark blue and violet, sometimes with a spectral glow or subtle luminescence. Eyes: Adapted to darkness, appearing as glowing orbs in shades of violet or silver. They have enhanced night vision. Build: Lithe and graceful with a fluid, ethereal movement reflecting their adaptation to the shadowy realm.


Disposition: Introspective and contemplative, with a deep sense of identity tied to their shadowy existence. Often seen as enigmatic or aloof. Behavior: Cautious and reserved but not inherently malevolent. Actions are guided by curiosity, survival instinct, and unique perspectives from their shadowy realm.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Magic and Abilities: Shadow Manipulation: Ability to manipulate shadows, becoming nearly invisible and moving silently, shaping shadows into physical forms or weapons. Dimensional Travel: Can traverse short distances through shadows for swift movement. Ethereal Affinity: Resistant to necrotic damage with enhanced perception in darkness, able to interact with the realm’s unique energies.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Daily Life: Intertwined with the mysteries and shadows of the Midnight Obscura, featuring unique customs such as shadow weaving and ethereal craftsmanship. Art and Music: Influenced by the interplay of light and shadow, with hauntingly beautiful melodies and intricate shadowy designs. Family Structure: Organized into enclaves or factions with leadership based on wisdom and arcane prowess, decisions made through councils of powerful individuals.


The Tenaryn or Shadowborn, began as a group of Dokkjoro (Night Elves) and Mordharrow (Deep Elves) who were taken to the Shadow Realm, known as the Midnight Obscura, by the Obsidian Queen. Initially brought as servants and slaves, their transformation into the Tenaryn was profoundly influenced by the Midnight Obscura’s mystical properties. Over time, their connection to their elven heritage became distant, evolving them into beings deeply attuned to shadows and the unique energies of their new home.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Relationship with Other Elves: Largely unknown to other elven races; their transformation and isolation have rendered them a forgotten chapter in elven history. With Other Races: Enigmatic and rarely interacting with outsiders. Their existence is shrouded in mystery, and rare encounters are marked by awe or fear.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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