Midnight Obscura

The Midnight Obscura is a dark and eerie reflection of Glosmordin, a shadowy plane where darkness and decay permeate every corner, creating an oppressive atmosphere that drains the spirits of those who enter. Unlike the vibrant and emotionally charged Fey Realm, the Midnight Obscura is a domain where emotions are muted, giving rise to a pervasive sense of hopelessness and ennui. This realm draws the Undead like a magnet, and many of its inhabitants are indeed malevolent, though not all are driven by evil. The vast expanse of the Midnight Obscura is marked by competing kingdoms ruled by powerful and often tyrannical beings, each vying for dominance in a landscape of perpetual twilight. Dalawkovia, the largest city and a shadowed mirror of Glosmordin's Veropia, is a place of fragile balance, where the lack of a single ruler has led to a teetering equilibrium of neutral powers fending off constant threats from the darker kingdoms that surround it.     Current Relations of rulers in the Obscura In the Midnight Obscura, Aerothar and Descott Lear maintain a tense relationship. Descott respects Aerothar’s power but harbors a deep resentment for the archmage’s attempt to control him. Meanwhile, Aerothar recognizes Descott’s potential as both an ally and a threat. Their interactions are marked by a delicate balance of mutual recognition and underlying animosity, with both understanding that a direct conflict would be costly for either side.   Aerothar’s mastery of necromancy and soul manipulation means that he could theoretically rebind Descott if he found a way to replicate the exact conditions of the original summoning, but he has not yet attempted this, perhaps wary of provoking the vampire further. Descott, for his part, keeps his distance from Aerothar, knowing that the lich is one of the few beings who might have the means to bind him once more.   Nevairitus in the Midnight Obscura Realm Control and Expansion Dominion: Nevairitus holds considerable control over the Midnight Obscura, a realm characterized by perpetual twilight and pervasive shadows. Her influence extends across significant portions of this shadowy domain, where her presence ensures that darkness and chaos are prevalent.   Influence and Power Structures Hierarchy: Nevairitus is at the apex of the power structure within the Midnight Obscura. Her hierarchy includes various powerful beings and entities that serve her directly or are bound to her by dark pacts. Cult and Followers: Her cultists are devoted to spreading her chaos and fear. They perform rituals and acts of terror to further her influence and ensure that her chaotic essence permeates the Midnight Obscura. These cultists hold significant power and are often involved in both political and mystical machinations. Shadow Manipulation: Nevairitus employs her control over shadows to create new threats, summon creatures, and manipulate the environment to further her chaotic goals. Her manipulation of shadows is a key aspect of her power and influence. Soul Harvesting and Undead Soul Accumulation: Nevairitus actively harvests lost souls, drawing them into the Midnight Obscura. These souls contribute to her growing power and serve as both a source of energy and as a form of control over the afterlife. Undead Minions: The souls she collects often become undead minions or serve as fuel for dark rituals. These undead entities are used to enforce her will, protect her realm, and spread chaos. Forbidden Knowledge: She has access to and utilizes forbidden knowledge that allows her to tap into dark energies and alter the fundamental aspects of her realm. Monstrous Minions: Nevairitus unleashes monstrous entities upon her realm, which serve as both instruments of terror and agents of her chaotic will. These creatures disrupt existing power structures and spread fear among the inhabitants. Chaotic Influence: Her goal to spread chaos is reflected in the unpredictable and often hostile environment of the Midnight Obscura, where instability and upheaval are constant.


Dalawkovia: the largest and most prominent city in the Midnight Obscura, serves as a dark, twisted mirror to the grand city of Veropia in Glosmordin. Unlike Veropia, a beacon of light and culture, Dalawkovia is a city shrouded in perpetual twilight, with towering spires of black stone that pierce the dim sky and narrow, winding streets filled with a palpable sense of dread. The city's Gothic architecture is both intricate and foreboding, with designs that seem to twist and shift in the corner of the eye, creating an oppressive and gloomy atmosphere where shadows move with intent and the air feels heavy with despair. Dalawkovia is ruled not by a single individual but by a tenuous coalition of powerful dark lords who maintain a semblance of neutrality, balancing their interests against the constant threats from the surrounding dark kingdoms. At the city's center stands the Blackspire Citadel, a towering fortress of black crystal where the most powerful beings of the Midnight Obscura hold court. The city's inhabitants are a mix of shadowy beings, undead creatures, and twisted reflections of their former selves in Glosmordin, all vying for control within a delicate balance of power. Dalawkovia's markets offer strange and forbidden items connected to necromantic and shadow magics, while various factions, led by liches, wraiths, and shadow lords, pursue their own agendas, seeking to gain an upper hand without disrupting the fragile peace that keeps the city from falling into chaos.   Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn: The Obsidian Queen’s Domain Far from the precarious neutrality of Dalawkovia, the kingdom of Shalori Mori Tiquelsarn is ruled by the enigmatic Obsidian Queen. Ruling from the perch of her Obsidian Tower, Here, shadows reign supreme, and the Tenaryn, a race of shadow elves, are often bound to her will. Though not inherently evil, the Tenaryn are coerced into service under her dominance, their once vibrant culture now twisted into one of enforced loyalty and shadow magic. The Obsidian Queen’s rule is one of both fear and command, leaving her realm a place of dark servitude.   A Shadow of Alcyria: Descott Lear’s Kingdom In the depths of the Midnight Obscura lies a realm forged by Descott Lear, a powerful vampire from Alcyria. After being summoned by Aerothar and gaining freedom from his former master, Descott established his own kingdom. Here, fear and control are the law of the land. Descott exerts his influence over his subjects, creating a kingdom marked by terror and vampiric dominance. His reign is characterized by a dark charisma and an iron grip on power. He longs for the return of 4 necromantic thrawls he created Elijah, Radomir, Calista, Illythia. They curently are lost or dead in Glosmordin   Aerothar the Lich’s Realm: The Necromancer’s Domain To the east, Aerothar's kingdom stands as a monument to necromantic might. Once a powerful archmage from Glosmordin, Aerothar now reigns as a lich in the Midnight Obscura, commanding vast necromantic energies. His realm is a center of dark rituals and necromantic power, a place where souls are manipulated and dark magic thrives. Aerothar's kingdom is a realm of death and decay, ruled by a lich whose ambitions are matched only by his mastery of dark arts.   Nevairitus: The Queen of Chaos In the midst of the Midnight Obscura’s turmoil, Nevairitus holds sway over a significant portion of this shadowy world. As a queen of chaos, she spreads instability and fear through her control over shadows and her collection of lost souls. Her influence extends through a network of powerful beings and cultists devoted to her cause. Nevairitus’s realm is a place of unpredictability, where monstrous entities and undead minions enforce her chaotic will. The very fabric of the Midnight Obscura bends to her desire for discord and upheaval.

Localized Phenomena

Cross-Planar Crossings Though the Midnight Obscura and Glosmordin are largely separate, rare instances of crossover have left their mark. The most infamous of these was Devrael’s brief but devastating incursion into Veropia, where his reign of terror left lasting scars.   Natural Portals: Fog Banks Alignment: The Midnight Obscura and Glosmordin can only connect through rare, natural fog banks that appear simultaneously in both realms. These fog banks act as mirrors, creating a tenuous link between the two worlds.   Celestial and Temporal Alignment: The fog banks’ appearance and the stability of the connection between realms are influenced by specific celestial events or times of the year. For instance, the alignment of particular planets or moons, or the occurrence of solstices and equinoxes, could enhance or diminish the connection.   Sacred Sites: Certain sacred or mystical locations in both realms could act as anchors for these natural bridges. These sites might have ancient, arcane significance and require the presence of fog banks at these locations to open a pathway.   Alignment Rituals: Though not incantations in the traditional sense, accessing the portals might involve complex rituals or ceremonies tied to the natural world. These could include aligning certain artifacts, performing specific rites at the fog banks, or engaging in sacred rites at the aforementioned sites.   Celestial Events: During significant celestial events, such as eclipses or planetary alignments, the fog banks may become more stable and easier to traverse. This could create a brief period when the realms are more accessible.   Intentional Crossings: Powerful beings aware of both realms might use Portals to plan deliberate crossings, whether for conquest, diplomacy, or other strategic purposes.   The Midnight Obscura, with its rich tapestry of dark rulers and shifting alliances, is a realm where danger and intrigue are ever-present. The delicate balance between its competing kingdoms and the influence of its powerful entities create a complex and perilous world, ripe for exploration and conflict.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shadow Realm, The Realm of Lost Souls
Plane of Existence
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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