The Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard

In the realm of Glosmordin, where the mountains meet the roaring seas, a steadfast brotherhood known as the Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard stands as the eternal guardians of coastal domains. Forged in the crucible of Vangur's divine influence, these stalwart defenders weave their allegiance between the relentless waves and the unyielding stone.   As the Stormcrafters rise, they embrace the sacred charge of safeguarding the coastlines and coastal settlements, where sea and stone merge in harmonious unity. Their coastal watchtowers, carved into the very cliffs and mountains that endure the relentless pounding of the tide, symbolize the unbroken vigilance of these guardians.   Embracing the essence of Vangur, the Stormcrafters are both artisans of war and master shipwrights. Their shipyards echo with the rhythmic sounds of hammer on metal, and their vessels, known for their superior craftsmanship, ply the treacherous seas with the blessings of Vangur, ensuring safe passage and protecting coastal realms from maritime threats.   In the Stormcrafters' creed, the alliance of sea and stone is not just a physical reality but a spiritual connection. The waves represent the ever-changing challenges, and the mountains symbolize the unshakable determination of these guardians. Together, they stand as a bastion against the relentless tides of chaos that seek to engulf the lands they hold dear.   Thus, as the sun sets over the cliffs, casting long shadows upon the shore, the Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard take their positions, ever watchful, and ready to weather the storms that may assail the realms where sea and stone converge under the unwavering gaze of Vangur.

Tenets of Faith

Harmony of Sea and Stone: The Stormcrafters believe in the sacred balance between the vast seas and the enduring stone. They honor both realms, recognizing that their mastery of shipbuilding and naval warfare is intertwined with Vangur's divine blessings upon the earth.   Craftsmanship as Devotion: Every ship crafted by the Waveforged Artisans is considered an act of devotion to Vangur. The Stormcrafters believe that the meticulous construction of vessels not only serves practical purposes but is also an expression of reverence and dedication to their divine patron.   Navigating Divine Waters: The Windwhisper Navigators see navigation as a spiritual practice. They interpret celestial signs and weather patterns not only to ensure safe voyages but also as a means of communing with the divine forces that govern the seas under Vangur's influence.   Guardianship of Coastal Realms: The Maritime Wardens see themselves as stewards of the coastal territories granted to them by Vangur. They are tasked with defending these realms against external threats, ensuring the safety of both the Stormcrafters and the lands under their protection.   Adaptability in the Storm's Embrace: The Stormcrafters embrace the unpredictability of the seas as a test of their mettle. They believe in adapting to challenges and using the storms, both literal and metaphorical, as opportunities for growth and proving their resilience in the face of adversity.   Unity in Naval Brotherhood: The Stormcrafters foster a sense of unity and brotherhood among their ranks. They recognize that each member plays a vital role in the success of their maritime endeavors, emphasizing collaboration, trust, and mutual support.   Warrior's Code of Honor: The Surgebound Marines adhere to a code of honor that dictates their conduct in battle. They prioritize valor, discipline, and protecting the realms entrusted to them, drawing strength from the divine charge bestowed upon them by Vangur.   These tenets serve as the moral compass for the Stormcrafters, guiding their actions and instilling a sense of purpose as they navigate the seas and fulfill their role as guardians under Vangur's divine influence.


Oath of the Tidal Guardian: "I, [Initiate's Name], in the presence of Vangur's divine currents and the eternal dance of sea and stone, do solemnly swear my commitment as a Tidal Guardian. As the waves embrace the shore and the mountains stand steadfast, I pledge my allegiance to the sacred duty of safeguarding the coastal realms and upholding the principles laid forth by Vangur, the Forgeheart Gem.   I vow to be a stalwart defender, standing against the tides of darkness that seek to assail our lands. With the strength of stone and the fluidity of the ocean, I shall shield the vulnerable, repel the invaders, and honor the sacred balance between sea and land.   In the name of Vangur, the Eternal Forge, I bind my fate to this oath. May my blade be true, my spirit unwavering, and my heart resolute in the face of adversity. As a Tidal Guardian, I embrace the call to protect, to serve, and to harmonize the forces of the coastal domains.   May the runes inscribed upon my forearms bear witness to this solemn covenant, and may Vangur's divine currents guide and empower me in the fulfillment of my sacred duty. This oath I take willingly and without reservation, acknowledging the responsibility that accompanies the title of Stoneguard Champion.   May the sea and stone bear witness to my pledge, and may Vangur's blessing be upon me as I embark on this noble path. So swear I, [Initiate's Name], as a Tidal Guardian of the Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard."


The Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard engage in a unique form of worship that blends the elements of the sea and the earth. Their devotion to Vangur is manifested through rituals, ceremonies, and daily practices that honor the dual influence of their deity. Daily Offerings to the Tides: At sunrise, Stormcrafters gather at designated coastal sanctuaries to make offerings to the tides. These offerings, which include symbolic items representing the bounty of the sea and the strength of the stone, are presented as tokens of gratitude to Vangur for safeguarding their maritime endeavors.   Ship Launching Rituals: The consecration of new vessels involves elaborate ceremonies. A Windwhisper Navigator invokes blessings upon the ship, calling upon Vangur's favor to ensure safe voyages. The ship is often adorned with symbols representing the Stormcrafters' connection to the divine forces.   Seafarer's Vigil: Before embarking on significant sea journeys, Stormcrafters participate in a Seafarer's Vigil. This involves a night of communal prayer and meditation, seeking guidance from Vangur for a safe and prosperous expedition. Windwhisper Navigators interpret celestial signs during this vigil to provide insights for the journey.   Festival of the Tidal Confluence: An annual celebration known as the Festival of the Tidal Confluence marks the harmonious union of the sea and stone. Stormcrafters from different coastal realms come together for feasts, competitions, and ceremonies that express gratitude for Vangur's continued blessings.   Priestly Vestments:   The attire of Stormcrafter priests reflects the fusion of sea and stone. They wear ceremonial robes made from oceanic blue and earthy brown fabrics, adorned with intricate patterns symbolizing waves, anchors, and runic motifs. Symbols of Vangur, such as his sacred gem, are prominently displayed on their vestments.   Special Ceremonies:   Rite of Elemental Harmony: This ceremony, led by Stormcrafter priests, involves invoking the elemental energies of sea and stone. Through rituals and chants, they seek to harmonize the forces that govern their realms, symbolizing the unity of Vangur's divine influence.   Anointing of the Tidal Mark: Windwhisper Navigators receive a special anointing on their foreheads known as the Tidal Mark. This ritual symbolizes their connection to the divine currents of the sea and the wisdom bestowed upon them by Vangur.   Stoneguard Investiture: The Stoneguard Investiture is a sacred and solemn ceremony within the Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard, marking the initiation of chosen warriors into the esteemed ranks of the Stoneguard Champions. This ritual is a pivotal moment, symbolizing the commitment, courage, and duty of those who undertake the sacred mantle of guardianship.   Preparation: Before the investiture, the candidates, known as Initiates of the Stone, undergo rigorous training and spiritual preparation. They spend weeks in meditation, honing their combat skills, and absorbing the teachings of Vangur's principles from seasoned Stoneguard Champions and Stormcrafter priests.   Location: The ceremony typically takes place in a coastal stronghold, overlooking the tumultuous waves and rugged cliffs. A sacred amphitheater carved from the stone provides the setting for the investiture, surrounded by symbols of Vangur's influence and the eternal dance of sea and stone.   Ritual Components:   Oath of the Tidal Guardian: The Stoneguard Investiture begins with the Initiates reciting the Oath of the Tidal Guardian, a solemn pledge that binds them to their sacred duty. This oath emphasizes their commitment to defending coastal realms, upholding Vangur's principles, and embracing the harmonious balance of sea and stone.   Symbolic Anointing: Each Initiate receives a symbolic anointing, where sacred oils are applied to their forehead, chest, and arms. This anointing represents the infusion of divine strength and protection bestowed upon them by Vangur, marking them as chosen defenders of the coastal domains.   Runic Branding: The climax of the investiture involves the application of runic symbols to the Initiates' forearms. These runes, carefully crafted by skilled runecrafters, symbolize the elemental forces of sea and stone converging within the warrior. The branding is both a physical and metaphysical mark, signifying their connection to Vangur's divine currents.   Combat Trials: Following the ceremonial aspects, the Initiates engage in combat trials designed to test their skills, endurance, and strategic acumen. Stoneguard Champions, witnessing the trials, offer guidance and assess the readiness of the newly initiated warriors.   Communal Celebration: After the Stoneguard Investiture, the Stormcrafters come together in a communal celebration, expressing their unity and solidarity. Feasts, music, and festivities ensue, reinforcing the bonds forged during the ceremony and honoring the new Stoneguard Champions.   The Stoneguard Investiture is a profound and spiritually charged event, symbolizing the warriors' dedication to the defense of the realms influenced by Vangur's divine interplay of sea and stone.   The worship practices, priestly vestments, and special ceremonies of the Stormcrafters embody their devotion to Vangur, emphasizing the interconnectedness of sea and stone in their divine service.


The Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard, dedicated sailors and master shipbuilders under the divine influence of Vangur, form a maritime force of unparalleled skill and prowess. Their organization is finely tuned to navigate treacherous waters and defend the coastlines against external threats. Stormcrafter Admiral: At the helm of this maritime force stands the Stormcrafter Admiral, a seasoned leader chosen for their strategic acumen and naval expertise. The Admiral oversees all aspects of the Stormcrafters, from shipbuilding to naval operations, ensuring a harmonious synergy between craftsmanship and warfare.   Tempest Commanders: Supporting the Stormcrafter Admiral are the Tempest Commanders, skilled naval officers who command specific fleets or maritime regions. Each Tempest Commander specializes in different aspects of naval warfare, such as fleet tactics, coastal defense, or exploration, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the Stormcrafters.   Waveforged Artisans: Central to the Stormcrafters' identity are the Waveforged Artisans, master shipbuilders responsible for crafting the formidable vessels that ply the seas. These artisans are not only skilled in construction but also possess a deep understanding of Vangur's blessings, ensuring that each ship is not merely a vessel but a divine instrument.   Maritime Wardens: Tasked with patrolling the coastal borders and safeguarding the Stormcrafter's territories, the Maritime Wardens are elite naval units known for their proficiency in naval combat and coastal defense. They ensure that the Stormcrafters' influence extends far beyond the shipyards into the open waters.   Windwhisper Navigators: Specialists in celestial navigation and weather interpretation, the Windwhisper Navigators play a vital role in guiding Stormcrafter fleets through unpredictable seas. Their expertise ensures safe voyages and strategic positioning during naval engagements, drawing upon the divine blessings of Vangur to navigate even the stormiest waters.   Surgebound Marines: A formidable force trained for boarding actions and amphibious assaults, the Surgebound Marines excel in close-quarters combat both at sea and on land. Their versatility makes them a crucial component of the Stormcrafter's military capability, ready to defend against threats from all directions.   In the grand tapestry of the Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard, each role is meticulously defined, creating a synergy that allows them to harness the might of the seas and fulfill their divine charge under the watchful gaze of Vangur.

"Guardians of the Tidal Realm, Forged in Sea and Stone." "The Stormcrafters' Creed: Sea to Shore, Shore to Sea, Vangur's Guardians We'll Always Be."

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization


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