Vangur Zagar

The Forgefather, The Anvil Sovereign, The Earthshaper

In the heart of Glosmordin, amidst the cradling mountains and subterranean realms, the divine presence of VANGUR looms large, a figure both revered and feared by the denizens of this fantastical world. Known as the Forgefather, his influence echoes through the intricate labyrinths of stone and the resounding clang of hammers on anvil. VANGUR, the Anvil Sovereign, is the deity of mining, forging, and craftsmanship. His story is woven into the tapestry of creation, as he emerged from the blood of the colossal Balveer, a primordial force that once roamed the mountains. From that crimson cascade, VANGUR and his twin brother Vitkhari were born, their destinies forever altered by the malevolent Kurxang.   As the Earthshaper, VANGUR shaped the subterranean realms and bestowed wisdom upon his followers. The forge became his realm, and the echoing sounds of hammer strikes echoed through the mountains as a divine melody. Yet, the harmony was disrupted by the jealous Kurxang, who sought to dominate the creations of VANGUR.   The tale unfolds with the birth of diverse dwarven cultures—the Auktum, Phyhavaki (Vaki), and Styrkur—each embodying a facet of VANGUR's essence. From the mystical depths of the earth to the towering cliffs and ethereal heights, his legacy permeates every facet of Glosmordin.   In the intricate dance of creation, VANGUR guides his followers through major spheres of influence. From mining precious metals and gems to the sacred act of forging, he oversees the entire process of transforming raw materials into functional and beautiful creations. The Auktum, or Jewel Dwarves, dwell in mountainous underground abodes, embodying the resilience and craftsmanship of their divine forebear.   VANGUR's divine wisdom extends to the arts, as he blesses skilled hands and creative minds. The Lapidarists of the Eternal Forge, now known as the Earthcarvers, carry on this tradition by crafting intricate gemstone masterpieces and contributing to the wealth of knowledge through their mastery of runes.   As the patrons of war, especially battles fought with crafted weapons and strategies, VANGUR's followers seek strength, guidance, and inspiration on the battlefield. The Vangurian Sentinels of Stone, protectors under his divine domain, embody this martial aspect while safeguarding the sanctity of their homes and creations.   Whether through mining, smithing, artisanship, or prophetic insight, the Church of VANGUR thrives with various orders and priesthoods. The Third Eyes of the Runebound delve into prophecy, knowledge, and writing, foreseeing glimpses of the future. The Earthcarvers of the Eternal Forge preserve the art of lapidary and craftsmanship in the divine forge of VANGUR.   In the expansive ocean of Glosmordin, the Pentega, or Seafaring Dwarves, pay homage to VANGUR with their craftsmanship and prowess in shipbuilding. Their Order, the Stormcrafters of the Forgeguard, navigates treacherous waters with divine blessings, ensuring safe voyages and formidable warships.   As the saga unfolds, players will find themselves entwined with the divine legacy of VANGUR, where the echoes of the forge resound in every creation, and the earth itself bears the mark of the Anvil Sovereign.

Divine Domains

Major Spheres:   Mining:   Overview: VANGUR oversees the extraction of precious metals and gems from the depths of the earth. Miners invoke his blessing for fruitful yields and safe excavation. Influence: VANGUR's influence ensures the abundance of valuable resources from the earth, fostering prosperity among those who engage in mining activities.   Smithing:   Overview: VANGUR guides and inspires blacksmiths and craftsmen in the art of shaping raw materials into functional and beautiful objects. His influence extends to the creation of weapons, armor, and tools. Influence: Blacksmiths seek VANGUR's favor to imbue their creations with strength and durability, believing that his touch enhances the craftsmanship.   Artisans:   Overview: VANGUR blesses those with a skilled hand and creative mind, encouraging the development of various crafts and artistic endeavors. Artists and craftsmen turn to him for inspiration and mastery of their chosen skills. Influence: VANGUR's influence sparks creativity, enabling artisans to produce works that not only showcase skill but also embody divine craftsmanship.   Forge:   Overview: VANGUR presides over the sacred act of forging, where raw materials are transformed into durable and potent creations through the divine fires of the forge. Influence: The act of forging is considered a holy endeavor, and those who invoke VANGUR during this process believe that their creations gain a divine touch, becoming imbued with strength and purpose.   Seafaring Craftsmanship:   Overview: This sphere encompasses the art of sailing, boat making, and shipbuilding, reflecting VANGUR's influence in ensuring safe voyages and the construction of seaworthy vessels. Influence: Mariners and shipbuilders seek VANGUR's guidance to craft vessels that withstand the challenges of the sea, believing that his favor ensures safe journeys.   War:   Overview: VANGUR is also acknowledged as a deity of war, especially in the context of battles fought with crafted weapons and strategies. Influence: Soldiers and strategists invoke VANGUR for success in warfare, attributing victories to the divine guidance of the god of crafted conflict.   Minor Spheres:   Writing:   Overview: VANGUR values knowledge and record-keeping, fostering the development of written languages among his followers. Influence: Scholars and scribes seek VANGUR's blessing for clarity of thought and expression, believing that he guides the creation of meaningful written works.   Gems:   Overview: As a god associated with precious materials, VANGUR holds sway over the appreciation and use of gemstones. Influence: Those working with gems, whether for aesthetic or magical purposes, turn to VANGUR for blessings, believing that he enhances the beauty and potency of  gemstone creations.   Prophesy:   Overview: VANGUR imparts glimpses of the future to chosen individuals, guiding them in their endeavors. Influence: Oracles and seers seek VANGUR's visions, believing that his divine insight offers guidance and foresight in navigating the complexities of fate.   Knowledge:   Overview: VANGUR is a source of wisdom and knowledge, encouraging his followers to seek understanding and enlightenment. Influence: Seekers of knowledge and wisdom invoke VANGUR for clarity of thought, believing that he illuminates the path to understanding the mysteries of the world.   These divine domains collectively represent VANGUR's role as a patron of creation, craftsmanship, and the forging of both tangible and intangible aspects of the world in Glosmordin.


Runestone Amulet: An amulet crafted from a rare and radiant gemstone known as the "Heart of the Earth." It enhances the wearer's connection to VANGUR's divine power and provides protection against malevolent forces. Additionally, it serves as a runic conduit, offering visions and insights to those who seek the wisdom of the earth. Forgemaster's Gauntlets:   A pair of enchanted gauntlets that enhance the dexterity and skill of the wearer in crafting. When worn, these gauntlets allow artisans to create masterpieces with unparalleled precision. Crucible of Divine Alloys:   A magical crucible that, when used by skilled blacksmiths, allows the creation of alloys with extraordinary properties. Items forged in this crucible are renowned for their durability and mystical qualities. Lodefinder's Compass:   A compass adorned with intricate gemstone inlays that resonate with the hidden mineral wealth of the earth. When held, it guides the bearer unerringly towards undiscovered veins of precious metals and gems. Aquaforge Compass:   A finely crafted compass with a needle made from a rare blue gemstone found in the depths of the ocean. When sailors use this compass during shipbuilding, it aligns with the natural currents and energies of the sea, ensuring that the vessels constructed with its guidance are not only sturdy but also blessed for safe and prosperous journeys.

Holy Books & Codes

The Forgefire Scrolls: A collection of ancient scrolls that detail the sacred rituals of forging and crafting, outlining the proper ways to invoke VANGUR's blessings in the creation of divine artifacts. Gems of Wisdom Codex:   A comprehensive codex that combines knowledge about precious gems and their mystical properties, as well as the philosophical teachings of VANGUR on the value of wisdom and enlightenment. Stonesong Psalter:   A hymnal and psalter containing sacred songs and chants sung by the faithful during religious ceremonies. Each song is believed to resonate with the essence of the earth. The Anvil Chronicles:   A historical account and compilation of parables that narrate the deeds of VANGUR, the struggles faced by his followers, and the triumphs of those who honor the divine connection to the forge. The Subterranean Scriptures:   A set of scriptures that delve into the mysteries of the earth, mining, and the hidden depths. These scriptures guide followers in understanding the divine significance of what lies beneath the surface. The Runebound Revelations:   A compilation of divine revelations and prophetic insights granted to the followers of VANGUR. It includes interpretations of runic symbols and their connection to the god's foresight.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Gemheart Sigil: An intricate sigil resembling a radiant gemstone with runic inscriptions. This symbolizes the divine connection between VANGUR and the precious gems of the earth, highlighting their spiritual and mystical significance. The Elemental Keystone Mountain:   A simple yet powerful image of a mountain silhouette framed by an arch. The keystone within the arch features a radiant gem at its center, emitting waves of energy that symbolize the elemental forces harnessed by VANGUR. The Nautical Gemwheel:   A ship's steering wheel featuring spokes radiating outward. At the center of the wheel rests a radiant gem, symbolizing VANGUR's guidance and blessings for safe voyages. The Warhammer of Insight:   A warhammer with a sturdy, imposing design, adorned with intricate patterns and runes. Positioned behind the warhammer is a third eye, symbolizing VANGUR's insight into the strategies of war and the foresight granted to his followers.


The Bloodforge Festival: This festival commemorates the myth of Vangur's creation, particularly the blood from Balveer's heads that led to the birth of Vangur and his twin brother Vitkhari. It is a time for revelry, storytelling, and artistic displays, celebrating the diverse creations of VANGUR. Forgemaster's Day:   Dedicated to blacksmiths, craftsmen, and artisans, Forgemaster's Day is a celebration of skill and creativity. It includes competitions, exhibitions, and feasts where followers showcase their finest creations, seeking the blessing of VANGUR for their craftsmanship. Gemharvest:   Celebrated during the time of the year when precious gems are mined, Gemharvest is a festival where miners and jewelers gather to present their findings. Offerings of newly discovered gems are made at temples dedicated to VANGUR, symbolizing the bounty of the earth. Vangur's Vigil:   A solemn holy day dedicated to meditation, reflection, and seeking guidance. Followers of VANGUR may spend this day in quiet contemplation, asking for insight and inspiration in their craft and daily lives. The Subterranean Soiree:   An underground celebration featuring music, dance, and feasting. This festival symbolizes the hidden wonders of the earth and is often accompanied by the creation of intricate subterranean art forms. Ironmoot:   A gathering of dwarven clans and followers of VANGUR to discuss matters of trade, alliances, and conflicts. It is a time for forging agreements, settling disputes, and reinforcing the bonds between different communities. Reclamation Day:   Commemorating the liberation of the Hska (Goliaths) from their unjust servitude, Reclamation Day is a day of liberation and freedom. Followers of VANGUR honor the resilience of the Hska and reflect on their own paths to freedom. Vangur's Watch:   A day of vigilance and defense, during which followers of VANGUR reaffirm their commitment to protecting their homes and creations. It involves military drills, fortification inspections, and rituals seeking VANGUR's blessing for strength in times of war.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Harmony in Creation: VANGUR may strive for a world where the creations of his followers, whether forged weapons or intricate artworks, contribute to a harmonious and balanced existence. This could involve fostering cooperation among different races and cultures. Protection of Craftsmen:   A divine goal could be to ensure the safety and prosperity of craftsmen, blacksmiths, miners, and artisans who follow VANGUR. This involves protecting them from external threats and providing them with the inspiration and skill to create masterpieces. Preservation of Knowledge:   VANGUR may seek to preserve the knowledge associated with mining, forging, and craftsmanship. This could involve the safeguarding of ancient techniques, runes, and lore that are crucial to the development of these arts. Defender of the Underworld:   Given VANGUR's connection to the subterranean realms and the underworld in your myth, one of his goals could be to protect and maintain order in these hidden domains, ensuring that the balance is not disrupted. Fostering Innovation:   VANGUR might encourage his followers to push the boundaries of craftsmanship and invention. This goal involves inspiring new techniques, materials, and artistic forms to continually advance the skills of his devotees. Warfare with Purpose:   In the context of war, VANGUR's divine goals may involve encouraging his followers to engage in battles with a purpose, such as defending their homes, preserving their creations, or fighting against malevolent forces that threaten the balance. Reconciliation and Unity:   VANGUR might aspire to mend the ancient divisions among his followers, particularly between the descendants of Vangur and Vitkhari. Encouraging reconciliation and unity among these groups could be a divine goal. Guidance in Exploration:   For those who venture into the depths of the earth or sail across the seas, VANGUR may aim to guide and protect explorers, ensuring their safe travels and discoveries.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Articles under Vangur Zagar


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