Vangurian Sentinels of Stone

In the vast expanse of Glosmordin, where towering mountains met endless skies, a dedicated order emerged from the very heart of the earth – the Vangurian Sentinels of Stone. Born of ancient oaths and bound by unyielding devotion to the god Vangur, these stalwart defenders stood as guardians of both the surface realms and the hidden depths below.   Their leader, known as the Stoneward Sovereign, guided the Sentinels with unwavering resolve. Supported by the esteemed Council of Stone Lords, each a master in their own right, they oversaw the order's multifaceted operations, ensuring a united front against any threat that dared to challenge the divine charge bestowed by Vangur.   The Sentinels' strength lay in the Stoneguard Veterans, seasoned warriors who formed the backbone of their forces. Battle-hardened and experienced, they not only defended the realms but also passed on their knowledge to new recruits, ensuring the legacy of the Sentinels endured through the ages.   The Guardians of the Abyss, a specialized group, delved into the deepest reaches of the underworld and scaled the loftiest peaks. Their mission was to confront the most profound threats emerging from both darkness below and dangers above, embodying the Sentinels' commitment to the comprehensive defense of Vangur's domain.   Guided by the Stoneward Sovereign's directives, the Stoneguard Champions, experienced and battle-hardened Sentinels, commanded specific regions and strongholds within the surface and subterranean domains. Their strategic acumen and leadership played a crucial role in executing the orders of the highest echelons.   As the Vangurian Sentinels of Stone stood vigilant, they embodied the enduring spirit of their god, defending the sacred lands and forging an indomitable legacy for future generations. The echoes of their oath, resounding through stone and sky, whispered tales of loyalty, strength, and unwavering commitment to the divine charge of Vangur.

Tenets of Faith

Vigilance Above and Below: Sentinels are devoted to maintaining constant vigilance over the surface and the depths, guarding against external threats and preserving the sanctity of Vangur's domain.   Indomitable Spirit: Sentinels cultivate an unyielding spirit, facing challenges with resilience and determination. Their strength and resolve reflect the steadfast commitment to their duty.   Unity in Defense: The Sentinels prioritize unity among their ranks, recognizing that collective strength is essential in the defense of Vangur's influence. Cooperation and collaboration are core tenets.   Preservation of Divine Forges: Earthward Sentinels uphold the sacred duty of protecting divine forges and other significant sites associated with Vangur's influence. These places are crucial for forging powerful artifacts and maintaining the connection to the divine.   Harmony with Runic Magic: Arcane Sentinels embrace the harmonious integration of martial skills and runic mastery. They understand the profound connection between runes and the defense of Vangur's divine heritage.   Adaptability in Adversity: Sentinels are trained to adapt to diverse challenges, recognizing that the realms they protect are dynamic and ever-changing. Flexibility and resourcefulness are valued traits.   Duty to Defend the Faithful: The Sentinels recognize their duty to defend not only the realms but also the faithful followers of Vangur. They extend protection to those who seek refuge under Vangur's benevolent influence.   Guardianship of Sacred Knowledge: Archivists and scholars among the Sentinels are tasked with preserving and safeguarding sacred knowledge, prophecies, and historical records associated with Vangur's divine influence.


The Sentinel's Oath, recited by new members upon joining the Vangurian Sentinels of Stone, is a solemn vow that reflects their commitment to defending Vangur's influence and upholding the order's principles. The oath is spoken during a formal ceremony, symbolizing the initiate's dedication to their sacred duty. The exact words may vary among individuals, but the core sentiments remain consistent: "I, [Initiate's Name], stand before the divine presence of Vangur, the Stoneward Sovereign, and my fellow Sentinels. In joining the Vangurian Sentinels of Stone, I solemnly swear to uphold the sacred duty entrusted to me.   I pledge to be the unwavering guardian of the realms above and below, defending Vangur's divine influence against all threats. My blade shall be the shield that protects the sanctity of our sacred sites, and my vigilance will be the eternal watchtower against darkness.   I embrace the unity of our order, recognizing my fellow Sentinels as kin bound by a shared purpose. Together, we shall stand against adversity, united in our commitment to the principles of loyalty, courage, and sacrifice.   I acknowledge the runic legacy bestowed upon me, and I vow to wield this arcane power with respect and wisdom. May my mastery of runes be a beacon of strength in the face of adversity, and may the divine forges guide my every step.   As a Sentinel of Stone, I willingly take on the mantle of responsibility, knowing that my actions resonate beyond myself. In times of peace and conflict, I shall serve with honor, integrity, and selflessness.   May Vangur witness my solemn oath, and may the bonds forged within this order endure through eternity. I am a Sentinel of Stone, and in this sacred brotherhood, my spirit is bound to the eternal defense of Vangur's divine influence."   This oath serves as a binding declaration, solidifying the initiate's place within the Vangurian Sentinels and emphasizing their dedication to the order's values and mission.


Daily Rituals: Morning Invocation: At the break of dawn, Sentinels gather for a collective invocation, offering prayers for strength, guidance, and protection in their daily tasks. This ritual emphasizes the importance of unity and the shared purpose of defending Vangur's influence.   Runic Meditation: Arcane Sentinels engage in runic meditation, where they contemplate the sacred symbols associated with Vangur. This practice enhances their connection to runic magic and reinforces their role as defenders of the divine heritage.   Guardian's Vigil: Throughout the day, Sentinels take turns standing watch at significant sites, such as divine forges or sacred monuments. This act of vigilance symbolizes their dedication to safeguarding Vangur's influence and serves as a visible commitment to their duty.   Evening Benediction: As the day concludes, Sentinels come together for an evening benediction, expressing gratitude for the day's protection and seeking Vangur's continued guidance. This ritual reinforces the cyclical nature of their duty and emphasizes the perpetual vigilance required.   Priestly Vestments:   Earthward Garb: Sentinels wear earth-toned garments symbolizing their connection to the surface and the depths. These practical and durable uniforms reflect their readiness for both subterranean and surface missions.   Runic Insignia: Arcane Sentinels adorn their attire with runic symbols representing Vangur's divine influence. These symbols may be inscribed on garments, amulets, or other accessories, emphasizing their mastery of runic magic.   Special Ceremonies:   Forging of the Sentinel's Blade: Upon joining the order, each Sentinel undergoes a ceremonial forging of their personal blade. The process involves crafting the weapon from sacred materials, symbolizing the Sentinel's commitment to the defense of Vangur's influence.   Sentinel's Oath: During a formal ceremony, new members recite the Sentinel's Oath, pledging their allegiance to Vangur and the order's principles. This solemn vow is a rite of passage and reinforces the bond among Sentinels.   Runic Empowerment: Arcane Sentinels periodically participate in a ceremony where their runic abilities are ritually empowered. This involves communal runic rituals and blessings, enhancing their magical proficiency in defense of Vangur's divine heritage.   These worship practices, vestments, and ceremonies contribute to the spiritual and ethical framework of the Vangurian Sentinels, fostering a strong sense of unity, duty, and connection to their divine patron.


Stoneward Sovereign: The highest-ranking leader, embodying the indomitable spirit of the Vangurian Sentinels. Oversees all aspects of the organization, ensuring vigilant protection of the realms above and below.   Council of Stone Lords: Senior leaders who each preside over specific aspects of the Sentinels' operations, contributing strategic insight, wisdom, and specialized guidance to the overall leadership.   Stoneguard Veterans: Seasoned warriors and defenders, forming the backbone of the Sentinels' forces. Their experience in battling threats on the surface and within the depths makes them invaluable in both training new recruits and reinforcing the organization's front lines.   Guardians of the Abyss: Specialized group of Sentinels tasked with patrolling the deepest reaches of the underworld and scaling the loftiest peaks. Confronts the most profound threats emerging from both the darkness below and the dangers above.   Stoneguard Champions: Experienced and battle-hardened Sentinels entrusted with commanding specific regions or strongholds within the surface and subterranean domains. They play a crucial role in implementing the Stoneward Sovereign's directives on the ground.   Earthward Sentinels: Elite force specializing in protecting divine forges and sacred sites. Actively contributes to the forging of powerful artifacts for the Sentinels.   Arcane Sentinels: Operating at the intersection of martial prowess and runic mastery, serving as the arcane backbone of the Vangurian Sentinels. Infuses runic magic into defensive strategies, enhancing the organization's ability to repel intruders and safeguard the divine heritage.   Operational Focus: The Vangurian Sentinels of Stone operate with a dual focus on defense and preservation. Their primary responsibilities include guarding sacred locations, repelling malevolent forces, and maintaining the sanctity of the subterranean realms associated with Vangur. Additionally, they actively engage in the creation and protection of divine forges, ensuring the continuation of Vangur's influence in the depths.

"In the Forge of Oaths, Bound by Stone, Vangur's Guardians Stand Alone."

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization
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