Banishment of Descott Lear

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Through the partial knowledge of how he was summoned and through a rare aliance of powerful mages and Clerics, They were able to deduce a way to return Descott from where he came, though they knew not where that was. Descott was sent to the Midnight Obscura as that was an intermediary realm from where he was pulled from.

The people of Veropia would not stand idly by as their kingdom was consumed by darkness. United under a powerful coalition of mages, warriors, and clerics, the Veropian forces launched a campaign against Descott and his thralls. The battles were fierce, with many lives lost, but the coalition fought on, determined to end the vampire lord’s reign of terror.   The final confrontation took place in the ruined city of Dalcor's Hall, where Descott and his thralls made their last stand. The coalition of Mages & Clerics, had devised a plan to banish Descott to the Midnight Obscura, the very realm that had facilitated his summoning. They believed that by using the same planar magic that had brought him to Glosmordin, they could send him back to a place where his power would be diminished. Descott, sensing the danger, fought with renewed fury, his thralls sacrificing themselves to protect their master. But the coalition was relentless. As Descott’s thralls fell one by one, the rift to the Midnight Obscura grew larger, pulling at the very fabric of reality. With a final, desperate effort, the Veropian forces pushed Descott toward the rift. Descott vowed vengeance on those who had betrayed him, his words a curse that would haunt Veropia for generations.   With a blinding flash, the rift closed, and Descott was gone—banished to the Midnight Obscura, where he would be forced to rebuild his power in the shadows. The victory came at a great cost, with many of the coalition’s finest lost in the battle, but Veropia was saved from the vampire lord’s tyranny. In the years that followed, the story of Descott Lear became a legend—a cautionary tale of the dangers of summoning forces beyond one’s control. But in the dark corners of Glosmordin, whispers of his return persisted, a reminder that shadows never truly fade.

Related Location
Midnight Obscura
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