Agreement of the Soul

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


A council of the gods convines and the Soul Agreement was determined. All mankind, Elven, Dwarven, or other Humanoid born after this date have a finite time to live and many have shortened lives. Souls who shed their material bodies are to reside outside of the Material plane. Amyrith who had died is taken and becomes the judge of the dead. Mindira becomes the escort of the Souls. Though never seen Nevairitus becomes responsible for any loss souls and are subject to her rule & desires, as she had been doing this for awile. The Immortal Gods are restricted to their planes of existence. But they can have emesaries visit the material plane. Only in special circumstances can any of the immortal gods come to the material plane. This does not count for the Primordials or Kanach. The imortals begin vying for the souls of the departed to gain power. Arraignments are agreed upon with certain souls and beings that they will become Sentinels or Desicrated Saints when the agreement is finalized. These Saints become gods themselves and have more access to the Mortal realm