
(a.k.a. Ackio)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

19th Waldawajeń 236 5E   Ackio is born in the city of Malunkari, within the Temple of Kalindora. She is born among a group of Changelings that were raised and bred to serve the will of their patron Kalindora and the will of the Demon King Malonkar as members of the Nashravani.   Ackio was trained to move amongst a population unseen and unnoticed, she was taught the arts of espionage, assassination, and subterfuge.   Over time however, Ackio would prove more willfull than her fellow students of the Nashravani, and would be known to often abandon the Temple of Kalindora to wander the streets of Malunkari, haggling at the markets, gossiping with the townsfolk and playing with the local street urchins.   As her training would grow more strenuous, Ackio would develop in her abilities as a Changeling, but would grow to resent the shallow doctrine of the Nashravani and their blind devotion to Kalindora and Malonkar.   Ackio would forsake her Temple and would depart Malunkari to make her own way in the world.   Ackio took to stealing to survive and found herself an urchin on the streets of Maranivara. Whilst here she would find great luck in building her poultry wealth by making full use of their power as a Changeling.   One day however she bit off more than she could chew as they were grabbed and held by a grizzled lieutenant of the Amanik Order named Rakesh Karlanrani who caught them trying to rob them.   Rakesh Karlanrani is impressed by the abilities of Ackio and he offers her a place amongst the Order. Rakesh represents the leadership of a sect within the Amanik Order known as the Viryamgara, who value the use of modern strategies to implement espionage and subterfuge within military endeavours and strategy.   Ackio would prove to be invaluable to the operations of the Amanik Order and they, along with their peers would prove very influential in strengthening the operations of their Order.   22nd Alwarjeń 269 5E   Eventually however, Ackio would infiltrate the city of Kuri during the Fifteen Year Siege and their involvement would be instrumental in guaranteeing the success of the Ember Rain and causing the Sack of Kuri that would cost the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians.   Haunted by the fruits of their own labour, Ackio would leave the Amanik Order behind and would leave Inkbar entirely. They would venture across the border and would follow the roads through Lower Mastoria, trailing the Amberic Corridor until arriving in the city of Arkeluw.   Within the city, Ackio would find a bounty to assist the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle in clearing an animal infestation of great peril within their estate. Ackio would sign her name and would be brought to the estate via carriage.    30th Judarjeń 269 5E   Ackio would be the first of the mercenaries to arrive at the Mulkwast estate, and would shortly be followed by a Valorian Tree Gnome called Cowabunga Peppermill, a blue-skinned Rakshasa called Anpu Winkybits, and a hyper-active and excitable young Goblin called Buggy.   Over time, two more guests would arrive in the form of the Half-Elf drunkard named Fulgur Percutien, who would gleefully join the festivities. The second was a large hulking humanoid hyena. This hyena would call himself Lucky, and explain that he was a Tagrott, the result of an Elven experiment.   Gottfried would explain to the group that they had been called upon to help dispose of a nest of Wyvern that had been settling itself on a rocky outcrop overlooking the mansion. They agree to assist with this and they would begin their hike to the location of the nest in order to scout it out.   They make their way to the entrance of the nest where the party fight and kill a Wyvern Hatchling mourning over the corpse of its mother. They return the carcass back to the Mulkwast Estate and retire to their rooms to dress for dinner.   The group are served a lavish platter of various meats, fruits, and vegetables, with a stew made from the very Wyvern Hatchling that they had killed earlier. Ackio enjoys the meat-based meal gratefully.   Wlad Mulkwast credits their actions of the morning, but muses how strong they will truly prove to be, warning that they were not the first mercenaries he had hired for this assignment, even if he did expect that they would be the last.   Sir Torin would chime in by mentioning that a few of his friends went missing at Mulkwast Manor, and he names them both. Wlad would dismiss this saying that he had agreed to present them with a contract for the same assignment but that they had never arrived.   Wlad goes on to say that the work they will do here will present a great trial for the group, one that might prove overwhelming, but one that they can overcome through great perceverence. The group are unsettled by his tone, and also by the hungry looks of his son Wiktor.   After dinner, the group depart the dining room and once again gather to drink in the parlour. With this time, Wiktor Mulkwast joining their drinking and merriment with great enthusiasm.   Ackio would awaken with a start to the sound of violence and would burst from her room, using magic to tear through the stomach of a screeching servant who stumbles back as his body is shattered against the adjacent wall, drawing them away from the victim of their violent tirade.   Anpu would emerge to watch in horror, confused as to why Ackio would do such a thing, until she saw more of the servants emerging from the hall with a feral and visceral bloodlust in their eyes. She would cast a burst of magical energy, throwing one from the path of Ackio, as the woman would duck beneath the energy and rush to the rescue of Fulgur Percutien.   Ackio would ignite her blade with a cascading torrent of energy before driving it into the spine of one of these horrifying thralls. She would kill it instantly and send stinking putrid blood gushing down into the face of the drunken Fulgur who would awaken with a start.   The mercenaries would organise themselves with those melee fighters maintaining positions in the bedrooms and killing any who endeavour to pass them, whilst Anpu, Lucky, Brie, and Fulgur set up a firing line at the far side of the hallway.   Before long the thralls would be dispatched, and Anpu would walk towards them, noting to her horror that the corpse of the head servant was amongst them. They were each left in a stunned panic, unable to truly understand what horror they had found themselves embroiled in.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Ability to change appearance on command.
  • Mastered strategies of espionage and subterfuge.
  • Ackio has a gift for magic, particularly by altering her belongings and surroundings for the purpose of combat scenarios.


Contacts & Relations

Anpu Winkybits Brie Tealeaf Buggy Feta Coffeebean Fulgur Percutien Ino Iona Arkenank Lucky Ludo Rakesh Karlanrani Sarlaren Sir Edric Spencer Sir Torin Wlad Mulkwast Yahn

Religious Views

Ackio was raised to worship the Venu, but would progressively grow more and more disillusioned with this connection. They would begin their life being raised in the Temple of Kalindora and would learn to revere them along with their King Malonkar.   Going into the later years of her adolescence, Ackio would be recruited to join the Amanik Order and in their company they would grow to admire the Demon Beokha and by extension the lost Demon King Ronasura.   Over time however they would once more become disillusioned with their deities, seeing the atrocities that the Amanik Order would perpetrate in the vague service of their names and so whilst they would not abandon the
Current Status
In hiding in the city of Arkeluw
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
19th Waldawajeń 236 5E
Current Residence
Typically feminine
The sclera of her eyes are grey with the pupils a shiny black
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white