The Nightmare of Mulkwast Manor - Session One: A House in the Mountains

Missions/Quests Completed

30th Judarjeń 269 5E
  Over the course of a misty morning, a series of carriages follow a winding path climbing up the Morka Mulkwast. They would eventually reach Mulkwast Manor, a resplendant and wealthy home for The Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle.   The group arrive in installments and each are greeted by an old butler with haggard and decrepit skin. He escorts them into the parlour and there each of them are able to meet.   The first to arrive is a Changeling called Ackio, a Valorian Tree Gnome called Cowabunga Peppermill, a blue-skinned Rakshasa called Anpu Winkybits, and a hyper-active and excitable young Goblin called Buggy.   The Goblin would excitedly take advantage of a spread of food and alcohol provided by the servants and would treat his arrival at the mansion like a party, encouraging the others to do the same. Cowabunga Peppermill would be the most enthusiastic about this, and would encourage Ackio to do the same. Anpu would join at first out of politeness, but would eventually disappear to admire the mansion's library.   Over time, two more guests would arrive in the form of the Half-Elf drunkard named Fulgur Percutien, who would gleefully join the festivities. The second was a large hulking humanoid hyena. This hyena would call himself Lucky, and explain that he was a Tagrott, the result of an Elven experiment.   Anpu meanwhile would explore the mansion's library and would there find a book left open on a table. This book was called "Dark Magic and Creatures Defined By It", and she found it open on a page depicting the strengths, powers, characteristics and weaknesses of Vampires.   A final guest would arrive in the form of the middle-aged Paladin Sir Torin. He would join the others to get acquainted in the parlour, and when given time to know the others he would explain that he has arrived at Mulkwast Manor with an ulterior motive. He would explain that he is a Knight of The Order of the Radiant Sun and had been sent to Lower Mastoria in order to investigate the disappearance of his comrades Sir Edric Spencer and Sir Silas Spencer. He further clarifies that he tracked them down to the city of Arkeluw, and there discovered that they had accepted a contract at Mulkwast Manor just as they had.   When they would have all been given some time to get settled, the festivities would be interrupted and the old servant would guide the group to meet Gottfried Goss, the groundskeeper of Mulkwast Manor. He would greet them all and tell them that the Mulkwast family were away enjoying the weather, but they would be back with them come the evening to enjoy a shared dinner.   Gottfried would explain to the group that they had been called upon to help dispose of a nest of Wyvern that had been settling itself on a rocky outcrop overlooking the mansion. They agree to assist with this (with Cowabunga being a little distraught to abandon the luxuries granted them in the mansion) and they would begin their hike to the location of the nest in order to scout it out.   As they make their way from the grounds, they feel a strange energetic chill and realise that the mansion is protected by some kind of magical boundary. As they continue, they find the cave where the Wyvern have been nesting.   They find the corpse of a large Wyvern, it's stomach ripped open and its innards torn and devoured. A smaller Wyvern Juvenile wails as it moves around the corpse of its mother, devastated at the loss until behind it it sees the group.   With a snarl of rage, the Juvenile lances forward and charges at Gottfried in a frenzied rage. The Half-Giant groundskeeper grabs the creature before its jaw can clench down upon his throat and he keeps up his momentum as he twists around to hurl the monster away from himself.   The creature would stretch its wings and launch itself into the sky. The group would form a circle to hold back the enemy whenever it might swoop down, and Brie, Lucky, and Anpu would work to bring it to the ground with arrows, bolts, and Magic. The creature would swoop down to strike at them from the sky, only to be redirected by Gottfried's strong arms or by Buggy's glaive.   Eventually, Buggy would hook his glaive beneath the creature's lower stomach and would turn his momentum to slam him down into the ground. Feeling sympathy for the beast, Lucky would make his way forward and would loose an arrow into the back of the Wyvern's skull, allowing it a quick and painless death.   The group would return to Mulkwast Manor and would bring the carcass with them. They would leave Gottfried with the body. The lead servant would thank the group for making such a positive start and would inform them that Wlad Mulkwast and his family had returned from their travels and were now ready to dine with them. He offers to show them to their rooms so that they can bathe and make themselves presentable before dinner.   After the group has taken time to unpack and make themselves presentable, they would make their way to the dining room where they would be seated and introduced to Wlad Mulkwast, the patriarch of the family and a well-dressed man with a pale face and haunted expression, his wife Maria Mulkwast a plump and wholesome woman with kind yet tired eyes, their children Wiktor, a young man with long hair and hungry eyes, his younger brother Ywan, a child with long hair meant to match his brother's and hide similar cold and empty eyes, his twin sister Olena, a tired looking girl with long curly brown hair like her mother. There is also Wlad's daughter Walerija Mulkwast, a beautiful young woman with haunting eyes and long flowing raven black hair, and finally, their relative Dymitri Mulkwast, an old man with bloodshot exhausted eyes and ancient skin, so old and infirm that he is reclined to a wheelchair and barely capable of lifting his own arms.   The group are served a lavish platter of various meats, fruits, and vegetables, with a stew made from the very Wyvern Juvenile that they had killed earlier. Brie Tealeaf, Lucky, and Anpu all refuse the meats and enjoy a platter of fruits and vegetables instead. Buggy, Cowabunga Peppermill, and Fulgur Percutien meanwhile all enjoy the platters of meat and stew.   Wlad Mulkwast credits their actions of the morning, but muses how strong they will truly prove to be, warning that they were not the first mercenaries he had hired for this assignment, even if he did expect that they would be the last.   Sir Torin would chime in by mentioning that a few of his friends went missing at Mulkwast Manor, and he names them both. Wlad would dismiss this saying that he had agreed to present them with a contract for the same assignment but that they had never arrived.   Wlad goes on to say that the work they will do here will present a great trial for the group, one that might prove overwhelming, but one that they can overcome through great perceverence. The group are unsettled by his tone, and also by the hungry looks of his son Wiktor.   At this stage, Anpu begins to note the pale faces of all those present at the table from the Mulkwast family, and the way their eyes seem so motionless. She further notices portraits where the family seem so much more flushed with colour and begins to suspect that something might be amiss, her mind wandering back to the chapter she read within "Dark Magic and Creatures Defined By It".   After dinner, the group depart the dining room and once again gather to drink in the parlour. With this time, Wiktor Mulkwast joining their drinking and merriment with great enthusiasm. At this time, Fulgur struggles to handle his drink and gets incredibly drunk. During the celebrations, Buggy offers a small bottle of a drink he calls "Monster Energy" and explains that it is a potion designed by Goblins to enhance a person's energy. He explains that he is a sales representative for the Goblin-lead company and drinks a huge swig with enthusiasm. Cowabunga and Fulgur both accept the drink gratefully, and this only further encourages the three to drink more heavily.   The sun sets early over the mountainous mansion and one by one the group begin to drop off to go to bed. Eventually, Wlad Mulkwast arrives and insists that they all retire for the evening, warning that they each have trying times ahead.   The group make their way to their respective rooms, with Buggy and Cowabunga having to help Fulgur to his room. When they are all settled they begin to fade into sleep, though Anpu struggles to do so, unsettled by her experience up to this point and unable to shake the feeling that something is amiss.   Anpu hears the sound of creaking floorboards and realises that there are multiple individuals moving outside of the bedrooms. She climbs out of bed and quickly dresses as she hears the sound of a door being forced open and what sounds like an explosion.   By now the sound has echoed so loud that it has startled the other guests awake (save for Fulgur Percutien, who remains unconscious in a drunken stupor). The woman Ackio bursts from her room, using Magic to tear through the stomach of a screeching servant who stumbles back as his body is shattered against the adjacent wall.   Anpu watches in horror, confused as to why Ackio would do such a thing, until she saw more of the servants emerging from the hall with a feral and visceral bloodlust in their eyes. She would cast a burst of magical energy, throwing one from the path of Ackio, as the woman would duck beneath the energy and rush to the rescue of Fulgur Percutien.   Ackio would ignite her blade with a cascading torrent of energy before driving it into the spine of one of these horrifying thralls. She would kill it instantly and send stinking putrid blood gushing down into the face of the drunken Fulgur who would awaken with a start.   Lucky would be the next to awaken, and seeing the charging foes would set to work with bow and arrow, holding the horde at bay. Despite the best efforts of the two, some would surpass their firing line, only to be waylaid as Buggy would burst from his room utterly naked but for the glaive in his hand. He would trip two and set about slaughtering them with his blade.   The mercenaries would organise themselves with those melee fighters maintaining positions in the bedrooms and killing any who endeavour to pass them, whilst Anpu, Lucky, Brie, and Fulgur set up a firing line at the far side of the hallway.   Before long the thralls would be dispatched, and Anpu would walk towards them, noting to her horror that the corpse of the head servant was amongst them. They were each left in a stunned panic, unable to truly understand what horror they had found themselves embroiled in.