Dymitri Mulkwast

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

9th Garundarjeń 168 5E   Dymitri Mulkwast's origins trace back to his birth into the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle, a notable lineage in Lower Mastoria.    30th Skrabarjeń 176 5E   His brother, Wlad Mulkwast would be born when he was eight years old. When Dymitri was nineteen, his family home was raided by Elves. He would be grievously wounded, his parents would be killed and his brother Wlad would be abducted.   207 5E   Dymitri Mulkwast would search Vilia obsessively for signs of his brother for over twenty years, employing the services of a woman named Walerija to help him. He would eventually follow a lead that would allow him to find his brother, and with Walerija's help he would abduct him and bring him back to his family home in Lower Mastoria.   Dymitri would spend years working with Walerija to ensure Wlad's de-coversion, he would however run into the challenge of discovering that Wlad Mulkwast had been turned into a Vampire. To feed his brother's bloodlust, Dymitri Mulkwast would make an arrangement with the Arkenank of the Fifth Circle, buying their criminals that had been sentenced to death or life imprisonment, so that he could use them as cattle to feed his brother.   32nd Spriarjeń 220 5E   Wlad and Walerija would both fall in love and would have a daughter together. Walerija would die in childbirth however, and so Wlad would name his daughter Walerija Mulkwast in honour of his deceased lover.    Eventually, Wlad would fall in love again, this time with a woman named Maria, and with her he would have three children named Wiktor, Ywan and Olena. Dymitri would enjoy being an uncle to his four nieces and nephews, however over time he would begin to fall ill. Fearing the death of his brother, Wlad would grant him and his newfound family the powers of Vampirism.   Dymitri would be disgusted at his brother's decision, and would go through great effort to try and deny his bloody urges, causing him to wither away and starve. His brother would be horrified at seeing Dymitri's transformation and would depart Mulkwast Manor to seek vengeance against those that made him a Vampire in the first place.   Dymitri would remain at Mulkwast Manor, being cared for by the very thralls that he condemned to live in the Manor. He would eventually be reunited with his family once they returned from their quest, bringing with them a host of followers to form a Coven.   In spite of Dymitri's protests, Wlad took control of Mulkwast Manor and repurposed it as a base for his gauntlet of tests. He began to lure in unsuspecting adventurers, and had his family and associates hunt them across the Manor grounds, those who survived were informed of his mission and offered the chance to become Vampires themselves and join his Coven.   Dymitri was disgusted by the insanity of his brother and his family, however having been so deprived of sustenance, and consumed by agonising pain, he was powerless to do anything about it.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   A group of adventurers that are trapped within Mulkwast Manor manage to successfully vanquish Wiktor Mulkwast, and Dymitri sees this as an opportunity. He uses the magic that has contaminated Mulkwast Manor and reanimates the corpse of the dead Paladin Sir Torin. He has Sir Torin take his body to the observatory where he meets Feta Coffeebean and Neya, two more survivors within the mansion. He provides them with methods that can be used to kill a Vampire, and asks that in exchange they take his life.   In a last act of mercy, Feta Coffeebean drives a stake into Dymitri's heart and kills him.


Dymitri Mulkwast

Brother (Vital)

Towards Wlad Mulkwast



Wlad Mulkwast

Brother (Vital)

Towards Dymitri Mulkwast



Wlad Mulkwast (Brother)