Wlad Mulkwast

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

30th Skrabarjeń 176 5E   Wlad Mulkwast's origins trace back to his birth into the Respected Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle, a notable lineage in Lower Mastoria. He suffered tragedy at the age of eleven when he was kidnapped from his home, forcibly transported to the distant eastern continent of Pauros. During his time there, Wlad saw a malevolent power consuming the continent, amassing power with the potential to envelop the entirety of Vilia. Enslaved by this same power, Wlad Mulkwast is forced to serve it's will.   A prisoner of this entity, Wlad Mulkwast spent twenty years of his life training his power as a warrior and a mage. In this time he saw the entity use an ability that manipulated the very fabric of a victim's mind, manipulating their thoughts and desires, birthing a compulsive urge to commit murder devoid of remorse. Wlad discovered that the magic could be harnessed solely through the act of perceiving one's own reflection within an enchanted surface.   207 5E   Eventually, this entity transformed Wlad into a Vampire and dispatched him back to civilization as its agent. He would serve the entity for many years until he would be found by his elder brother, Dimitri Mulkwast, who orchestrated Wlad's rescue and subsequent de-conversion, aided by a woman named Walerija. Amid these trials, Wlad and Walerija would develop feelings for one another, leading them to establish a life together within the mountainous sanctuary of Mulkwast Manor, nestled on the slopes of Mount Mulkwast. Through an arrangement with the Arkenank of the Fifth Circle, Dimitri secured a pact wherein they would receive condemned criminals in exchange for gold, a constant source of food for his Vampiric kin.   32nd Spriarjeń 220 5E   Wlad and Walerija welcomed a daughter. However, Walerija perished during childbirth. Wlad named his daughter, Walerija Mulkwast, in honour of the woman who had helped him find his humanity once again. In time, Wlad encounters a woman named Maria, a connection that spawns a new chapter of his life. Together, they became parents to children including sons Wiktor and Ywan, along with daughter Olena. In a bid to shield his kin from death's clutches, Wlad bestowed his Vampiric curse upon them, extending the eerie gift of immortality.   Dimitri, Wlad's aging brother, would also become a recipient of the Vampiric curse, but his resentment towards the insatiable bloodlust it brought forth manifested in a grim resolve to deny his own cravings. His appearance, consumed by the affliction, struck Wlad with horror, and he began to resent the affliction imposed upon him by his captor.   A realisation crystallized in Wlad's mind – the malevolent evil that had captured him must not be allowed to flourish. He commenced a plot to counteract this force. Wlad's scheme involved rallying a coven of allies, a formidable collective that could be united against what he deemed the "Enemy in the East."   In collaboration with Maria, he embarked on a journey spanning Vilia, a journey that led to the recruitment of the Gravedigger and the Werewolf, Gottfried Goss. The expedition eventually circled back to Mulkwast Manor, where Wlad meticulously crafted an elaborate plan. He enticed unsuspecting adventurers to his home, luring them with false promises of mercenary endeavors. Upon their arrival, they were thrust into a perilous crucible, subjected to a treacherous hunt and a series of daunting trials. These ordeals were designed to assess the adventurers' skills, characters, and their suitability for the transformative power of a Vampire.   Many individual's would die in the process of Wlad developing his coven, but so too would many bolster his ranks. He would recruit two individuals who would later be known as Doctor Wiliam Wosow and Doctor Redna Hennigar .   22nd Skrabarjeń 268 5E   A group of intrepid adventurers arrives at the foreboding Mulkwast Manor, oblivious to the peril that awaits them. The looming presence of the Mulkwast family, bearers of dark intentions, casts a sinister shadow over their journey. The estate transforms into a treacherous battleground, and the adventurers become the hunted, ensnared within the nightmarish designs of the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle.   As the ordeal unfolds, most of the adventurers fall victim to the malevolent machinations that surround them. Amidst this chaos, one among them, a rogue by the name of Nunko, defies the odds by skillfully eluding the clutches of danger. Employing his guile and resourcefulness, he manages to find refuge in a hidden crawlspace beneath the Manor, a sanctuary where he remains concealed from immediate harm.   Over the ensuing days and months, Nunko's existence takes on an eerie rhythm. Enveloped in the dim solitude of his hideaway, he emerges during daylight hours to scour for sustenance, resorting to consuming rats and insects when necessary. His perseverance keeps him alive amidst the oppressive aura of the corrupted family and the Manor, a place steeped in malevolence.   However, survival comes at a cost. The tendrils of corruption weave their way into Nunko's psyche, leaving an indelible mark on his sanity. The ever-present influence of the Mulkwast legacy, coupled with the isolation of his existence, gradually erodes his mental fortitude. Madness sets in, gradually gnawing away at the edges of his consciousness as he grapples with the twisted reality that surrounds him.   15th Judarjeń 269 5E   A fellowship of adventurers, their ranks including the steadfast Paladins Edric and Silas Spencer, arrives at Mulkwast Manor, unaware of the gruesome challenges that await them. The Manor becomes a stage for a harrowing gauntlet, where the Mulkwast family orchestrates a series of sinister trials, a relentless pursuit that tests the mettle of the adventurers.   The shadows seem to close in, but through sheer determination and skill, Edric and Silas Spencer emerge as the sole survivors.   With the culmination of the trials, Wlad Mulkwast stands before them. He extends his Vampiric gift, a chance at immortality, to both Edric and Silas. Edric, compelled by a desire for power and longevity, accepts the offer, sealing his fate with a choice that forever alters the course of his existence.   Conversely, Silas Spencer resists the allure of the Vampiric curse, unwavering in his conviction to protect others from its grip. An unyielding determination guides his actions, even in the face of his own brother's transformation. Their bond and shared history become the backdrop for a tragic confrontation. In his final moments, Silas battles against the unrelenting tide of darkness, determined to halt the spread of the curse and prevent the horrors that accompany it. Silas dies at the hands of his own brother, and Edric Spencer begins the transformation to become a Vampire.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   A final, ominous gauntlet of trials unfolds under the shroud of night as a new band of adventurers becomes ensnared within Wlad Mulkwast's sadistic game. These intrepid souls confront the nightmarish amalgamation of adversaries, encompassing the Mulkwast family, the resilient Edric Spencer, the formidable Gottfried Goss, the enigmatic Gravedigger, the resourceful Nunko, and a legion of thralls, the remnants of the Mulkwast family's sinister feasts upon criminals.   The day dawns as a pivotal moment for the Respected Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle. Wiktor Mulkwast, fueled by arrogance, finds himself overwhelmed by the sheer prowess of the adventurers, ultimately meeting his demise. This tragic event serves as a catalyst for Maria Mulkwast, who gathers her children, Iwan and Olena, in a desperate bid to escape the clutches of the Manor, forsaking her husband and their tainted legacy. In a surprising turn, Dimitri Mulkwast seizes the opportunity presented by this exceptional band of adventurers, urging them to deliver the mercy of a stake through his heart, finally severing the bonds of his cursed existence. The adventurers' valiant efforts kindle a conflagration that engulfs Mulkwast Manor, reducing it to ruins.   Amid the chaos, lives are lost. Sir Torin, Lucky, Brie Tealeaf, and Fulgur Percutien succumb to the unrelenting onslaught. Yet, amidst the grim fate, others manage to escape the perilous ordeal. Buggy, Anpu Winkybits, Feta Coffeebean, and Neya emerge as survivors, poised to confront Wlad Mulkwast himself.   In a climactic encounter, Wlad Mulkwast unveils a haunting illusion of his experiences from the East, a vision that serves as both warning and plea. He imparts the dire revelation of a shadow rising in the East, a malevolent force capable of engulfing the entirety of Vilia. With a solemn offer, he extends the opportunity for the adventurers to inherit the power of the Vampire, proposing a united front against this impending evil.   Yet, the majority of the party regards his offer as the delusions of madness. Buggy, Anpu Winkybits, and Neya elect to stand in fierce opposition, engaging in a pitched battle against Wlad Mulkwast. Through their combined efforts, they reduce him to shadow, compelling his retreat as the first rays of dawn breach the horizon, casting a glow upon the decimated remnants of Mulkwast Manor.   However, amidst this tableau of conflict and loss, Feta Coffeebean embraces the forbidden gift of Vampirism. Her fate, and her body is interred beneath the ruins of Mulkwast Manor.     3rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E  
In the wake of Mulkwast Manor's demise, the Konstat expedition arrived at the ruins, their arrival coinciding with the discovery of the surviving thralls lead to the revelation that the Respected Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle were in fact Vampires. This revelation triggered a pivotal shift in the lives of Wlad and his daughter Walerija, compelling them to adopt new identities and forge a path anew.   Venturing towards The Radana Storme Institute , an insane asylum belonging to the respected Storme of the Sixth Circle, Wlad and Walerija assumed the guises of Doctor Walmdas Kluw, a wandering psychiatrist, and Nadia Storme , the long-lost daughter of Warden Petro Storme , who had vanished five years prior after being abducted by Kraven tribe raiders. Joined by two fellow Vampires who seamlessly integrated into their ruse, adopting the roles of Doctor Wiliam Wosow and Doctor Redna Hennigar , they embarked on a new chapter of their lives.   The triumphant homecoming of Nadia Storme , seemingly returned after years of absence, evoked a warm reception from her father, Warden Petro Storme . Filled with gratitude for the rescue orchestrated by Doctor Walmdas and his enigmatic associates, Warden Storme extended his gratitude by offering them employment at The Radana Storme Institute . All three were welcomed to join as psychiatrists, with Doctor Walmdas Kluw assuming a prominent role as the head of psychiatry.   Embracing their newfound roles, Doctor Walmdas Kluw and his colleagues embarked on an ambitious series of experiments, probing the intricate ways in which the Human mind could be manipulated, akin to the chilling phenomena witnessed during Wlad's time in the East. The trio of researchers initiated a multidisciplinary exploration of mind-altering methodologies, each approaching the challenge from a distinct perspective.   Doctor Wiliam Wosow delved into psychological realms, employing intricate methods to evoke profound shifts in individuals' thoughts and motivations. Simultaneously, Doctor Redna Hennigar harnessed the potent language of chemistry, seeking to unravel the secrets of chemical influences on the brain. Finally, Doctor Walmdas Kluw, guided by his mastery of magic, navigated the arcane arts in pursuit of an understanding that transcended conventional boundaries.   Doctor Walmdas Kluw immediately took an interest in the idealistic Erlking known as Ajax Wursor . He began to monitor him as a candidate for his experiments, and dubbed him "Subject One".   4th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Walmdas orders the isolation of his Thralls from Mulkwast Manor, and so too provides himself a regular source of food, and an army of followers utterly obedient to his will.   6th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Walmdas Kluw insists upon the appointment of the mysterious individual once known as "the Gravedigger" to become a groundskeeper for The Radana Storme Institute . He is known to the denizens of The Radana Storme Institute as The Groundskeeper and nothing else.   Doctor Walmdas also concludes that Ajax Wursor is unsuitable for his research, as he is prone to exhibit aggression and extreme violence. He instead offers Ajax to Doctor Wiliam Wosow for his research into weaponised Lycanthropy.   8th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Veiled in secrecy, Wlad Mulkwast embarked on a journey alongside his daughter Walerija Mulkwast, Doctor Wiliam Wosow , and Doctor Redna Hennigar . The quartet journeyed beyond the confines of The Radana Storme Institute . Converging with the members of his coven, Wlad and his companions ventured back to the ruins of Mulkwast Manor.   Within the remnants of that accursed place, they retrieved the lifeless form of Feta Coffeebean, her fate forever altered by their vampiric nature. With a convergence of arcane power and intent, they breathed new life into her, reshaping her existence into that of a Vampire. As the shadows embraced her, Feta Coffeebean was reborn into the fold of their coven.   Their return to The Radana Storme Institute marked the resumption of their dual lives. Doctor Walmdas Kluw, the seemingly unassuming psychiatrist, applied his astute observations to identify a potential candidate for their arcane experiments. Amidst the Institute's inhabitants, his attention fell upon Doctor Ada Arztin , a compassionate healer with no overt signs of the violent tendencies that would invalidate their research. This identification ignited a new chapter in their research, and sealed her fate to become the doomed "Subject Two".   10th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   With calculated intent, Doctor Walmdas Kluw unveiled a magical mirror before Doctor Ada Arztin . As Doctor Ada Arztin became ensnared within the mirror's ethereal power, Doctor Walmdas assumed the role of a vigilant observer, poised to monitor the transformative journey that lay ahead.   Yet, even as his focus remained riveted on Doctor Ada Arztin , Doctor Walmdas's curiosity expanded, turning toward new prospects. His astute gaze turned toward Dolores Simm , Sister Prudence , and Lokanth Wursor , each a distinct figure whose peaceful nature held the promise of future exploration, and the potential to transform them into future subjects of their research.   16th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Walmdas observes Doctor Ada Arztin closely as she causes the death of four patients. He notes that the faculty of The Radana Storme Institute show little interest in these deaths and reflects on how useful the asylum will be to his research.   18th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Three more victims have fallen prey to Subject Two, including a psychiatrist named Doctor Jelena . The staff at The Radana Storme Institute become more interested and concerned as they realise that they themselves might be threatened.   19th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Walmdas speaks at Doctor Jelena 's funeral, acknowledging her contribution to the world and saying that her life and death served a purpose.   20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   A storm of chaos descended upon The Radana Storme Institute . Doctor Ada Arztin 's declining sanity had cost the lives of eight individuals in a single morning of unfathomable turmoil.   Amid the escalating violence, the guards, fueled by mounting unrest, unleashed brutal interrogations upon Sister Prudence and Russell Tideborn . Doctor Walmdas later stood as a reluctant witness to the unfolding devastation. He watched as Captain Myron 's descent into paranoia and obsession manifested in his own hands-on executions of patients with any connection to the native Zmumadian tribes.   In spite of the spreading chaos, Doctor Walmdas begins observing a new candidate for his research. Subject Three, known as The Groundskeeper Lokanth Wursor , revealed a connection to Ajax Wursor , his brother.   Intrigued and resolute, Doctor Walmdas plotted his next move. To expose Lokanth Wursor to the enchanted mirror and so bind him to the same curse that has consumed Subject Two.   21st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Emerging from the aftermath of a violent confrontation that left him battered and bruised, Lokanth Wursor found himself in the dimly lit office of Doctor Walmdas Kluw. With each carefully chosen phrase, he alluded to the possibility that Lokanth was suspected of being connected to the string of murders that had plagued The Radana Storme Institute . The implication that the blame might be cast upon him ignited a spark of fear within Lokanth's chest, his mind racing to discern the true intentions behind the doctor's words.   In the midst of this exchange, Doctor Walmdas hinted at his knowledge of the bond that tied Lokanth to Ajax Wursor , his brother. The enchanted mirror, stood on the desk facing Lokanth Wursor . Its reflective surface altering the very function of Lokanth's mind even as the two men speak.   Shortly following his meeting, Doctor Walmdas Kluw found himself enmeshed in a tense confrontation. A fiery exchange raged between Russell Tideborn and Sister Prudence , each leveling accusations of the other being the formidable serial killer. Amidst the charged atmosphere, Doctor Ada Arztin stood as a silent observer. Doctor Walmdas intervened. He dorected Russell to continue his task of tidying Doctor Ada's office and Sister Prudence to return to her responsibilities.   Subsequently, Doctor Walmdas summoned Doctor Ada to his office for a private conversation. Within the confines of his office, he questioned her perceptions of Captain Myron and his actions. Doctor Ada, confessed her apprehensions regarding Captain Myron 's mental state.   Doctor Walmdas instructed Doctor Ada to arrange a meeting with Captain Myron within the Storage Room. An understanding passed between them, an agreement that what transpired beyond that point would never be spoken of.   Collaborating with Doctor Wiliam Wosow , he orchestrated a chilling confrontation in the dim confines of the Storage Room. Ajax Wursor , the prodigy molded through his experiments, stood poised in the storage room, ready to unleash his wrath upon Captain Myron .   A brutal battle raged. Ajax Wursor and Captain Myron clashed with raw intensity, the forces of strength and aggression propelling them forward. Their clash left scars on both bodies. In the aftermath of the violent struggle, Ajax Wursor emerged triumphant, his form marred by the brutality of combat.   Furthermore, Doctor Walmdas begins to monitor Sister Prudence , and begins considering her as a candidate to become his "Subject Four".   22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   As chaos continued to engulf The Radana Storme Institute , Doctor Walmdas Kluw realises that the inevitable doom of the asylum might well be coming about sooner than he anticipated.   In a scene of deceptive tranquility, Doctor Walmdas attends a dinner gathering at Storme Manor. Warden Petro Storme , Nadia Storme , Doctor Wiliam Wosow , and Ajax Wursor all attend. As the meal progressed, Doctor Walmdas's attention was drawn to Ajax Wursor , for whom he expressed admiration, citing his morality and idealistic belief in the importance of freedom. Doctor Walmdas promises that a day is coming where the patients of The Radana Storme Institute will be free, that Warden Petro Storme will be the last of the Respected Storme of the Sixth Circle, and that with his family, so too will the Institute fall.   In the midst of the exchange, Doctor Walmdas feigned the existence of not one murderer, but three. One was Sister Prudence , whom he claimed had been captured. Russell Tideborn he claimed to be the second, and he did not reveal the third. With an artful combination of persuasion and false promises, Doctor Walmdas offered Ajax a new set of new armor and weapons and proposed a mission to kill Russell Tideborn .   23rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The psychiatric building is alive with activity as a litany of guards, orderlies, and doctors clamour for meetings with Doctor Walmdas Kluw. The asylum's turmoil has escalated, driving many to seek change or escape. Summoning his thralls, Doctor Walmdas orchestrates a makeshift guard force, clearing the faculty from the psychiatric building. These thralls capture Sister Prudence from her cell, bringing her before Doctor Walmdas in his office. Apologetic, he admits that in the end he had never wanted her to be a part of his research. An attempt by Sister Prudence to cast a truth-compelling spell fails, but Doctor Walmdas agrees to answer her questions regardless.   Under scrutiny, he elaborates on the origins of The Radana Storme Institute , founded by Radana Storme with the aim of altering minds for curing afflictions. Doctor Walmdas extended this hypothesis to manipulating minds in different ways through psychology, magic, and chemicals. He unveils his research's purpose, methodology, and the existence of three test subjects. Sister Prudence inquires about their identities, but he invokes doctor-patient confidentiality, refusing to reveal them.   He acknowledges the existence of other more malevolent forces wielding similar mind-altering magic, believing it's imperative to understand and counter this power, before they might use it for their own ends. However, he admits his uncertainty about achieving this and fears the Institute's downfall will thwart his efforts. After a parting farewell, he sedates Sister Prudence and returns her to her cell.   Amid packing his belongings, Doctor Walmdas encounters Doctor Ada Arztin , who seeks guidance. He laments the cruel fight he has forced upon her. He suggests there would only be one person whom she could kill that might end her torment, and she agrees that there is someone who must die before this can end.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Sister Prudence orchestrates the release of Sir Bellinor and his followers to launch an assault on Storme Manor, targeting Doctor Walmdas Kluw. She believes that defeating him is key to freeing Doctor Ada Arztin and quelling the chaos he has caused. Despite Sir Bellinor and his group's efforts, Doctor Walmdas proves too formidable, easily dispatching them and even draining Sir Bellinor 's blood after overpowering him.   Lokanth Wursor and Nadia Storme arrive, seizing the opportunity. Lokanth avenges his brother's death by tearing out Sir Bellinor 's heart, fueled by his grief. Doctor Walmdas Kluw watches with remorse, understanding that he won't have the chance to undo the harm inflicted upon Lokanth's mind.   He expresses regret to Lokanth, but Lokanth takes this as an affirmation of guilt and attacks him. Despite Lokanth's efforts, he is no match for the Vampire's power. Nadia Storme intervenes, pleading with him to stop as father battles daughter. Their true forms are revealed in the midst of the confrontation.   Sister Prudence arrives, witnessing the father-daughter conflict. She deceives them, pretending to have a change of heart and embracing Wlad Mulkwast's research. She offers herself willingly, allowing him to drink her poisoned blood. In his final moments, Wlad Mulkwast realises her deception as the poison overwhelms him, acknowledging her cunning before succumbing to shadow.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Wlad and Walerija Mulkwast infiltrate the Mission of the Seventh Acolyte and salvage Sister Prudence from her place of rest. There they transform her into her new Vampiric form, ready to join them on their quest.


Wlad Mulkwast


Towards Maria Mulkwast

Maria Mulkwast


Towards Wlad Mulkwast

Dymitri Mulkwast

Brother (Vital)

Towards Wlad Mulkwast



Wlad Mulkwast

Brother (Vital)

Towards Dymitri Mulkwast



Wlad Mulkwast


Towards Walerija



Towards Wlad Mulkwast

Maria Mulkwast (spouse)
Walerija (spouse)
Dymitri Mulkwast (Brother)
Ruled Locations