
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

8th Owczijenijeń 236 5E   Nunko is born in the city of Hakonsgar, in the nation of Hakonia. Growing up in the slums of the city, Nunko became a successful pickpocket, and gradually climbed the ladder of the criminal underworld.   Eventually, Nunko raised enough money to leave the city behind and seek out a better life elsewhere as a mercenary.   22nd Skrabarjeń 268 5E   Nunko joined with a group of mercenaries who were employed to assist the patriarch of Mulkwast Manor to dispose of a nest of Wyvern. He and his companions were welcomed to stay on the grounds as guests, but on the night of their arrival, the nature of the house changed and they found themselves being hunted by Vampires and monsters.   One by one, the mercenaries were slaughtered until only Nunko was left. Nunko would have shared their fate, but given his cunning and his nack for stealth he managed to find a crawlspace beneath the floor of the mansion.   Over the next year, Nunko would survive beneath the house against all odds, eating rats and roaches to survive. He would emerge only rarely and with great caution, and so would be driven mad in his isolation and fear.   Over time he would be so overwhelmed by the corruption of the house and his ravenous hunger, that he would become one of the houses obstacles, luring in wounded mercenaries caught up in the Mulkwast gauntlet, knocking them unconscious and feasting on their bodies.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Another group of adventurers are caught in the Mulkwast family's snare. They manage to slay Wiktor Mulkwast and some survive, though they find themselves being picked off one by one. A group of survivors manage to reach the wine cellar of the mansion and there find the opening of Nunko's crawl-space.   The Goblin Buggy and the changeling Ackio climb in to explore the tunnels and are there confronted by the man that was once Nunko, now deformed and maddened into a horrific shell of a man. The two flee from Nunko and retreat up the tunnel only to find that a skirmish had taken place and the wine cellar was now consumed by fire. Nunko offers them a different route to take and they follow him out of the tunnels.   Once they have escaped into a hallway, they force open the door of the wine cellar and find that Lucky, Sir Edric Spencer, and Brie Tealeaf had all been killed in the inferno. Nunko guides the survivors out of the cellar and they regroup with the Tagaran warrior Neya, the Rakshasa Anpu Winkybits and the Gnome Feta Coffeebean.   Nunko at this point would begin to ramble incoherently. He would be keen to help the group, excited at this one chance to kill his oppressors, but he would let slip his cannibalistic nature, and would prompt his new companions to turn on him. He would attempt to scurry away like a rat, but he would be impaled upon Buggy's spear and killed as he turned to flee.