Wiktor Mulkwast

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

17th Alwarjeń 220 5E   Wiktor Mulkwast, the eldest son of Wlad and Olena Mulkwast is born. When he is eighteen, in order to protect him and his family from the dangers of the world, Wlad Mulkwast infects him and his mother and siblings with Vampirism.   He would spend some of his childhood travelling with his parents, learning about the world as they built up their Coven. They would eventually decide however to relocate back to the Mulkwast family home on the Mountain of Mulkwast.   Wlad Mulkwast would decide to utilise Mulkwast Manor as a tool to help him assess the abilities of various adventurers as a method to decide who might be suited to be granted Vampiric abilities. Wiktor would participate in his father's manic schemes, personally participating in much of the hunting and killing of unsuspecting adventurers and taking a manic pleasure in doing so, luring his enemies into traps where he can personally hack them to pieces and cannibalise their corpses like a feral animal.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Wiktor Mulkwast would once again participate in one of his father's hunts, but this time would come ill-prepared and underestimate the strength of his opponents. He would launch an attack against Buggy, Anpu Winkybits, Sir Edric Spencer, Lucky, Fulgur Percutien, Brie Tealeaf, and Ackio, but would be quickly outmatched, overpowered and eventually reduced to shadow.   As he would attempt to flee in his shattered form, Fulgur Percutien would blast him with a wave of conjured flames that would destroy his fleeing form and end his existence permanently.