Sir Torin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

An experienced Paladin of the Order of the Radiant Sun.    21st Judarjeń 269 5E   Sir Torin was present in the city of Vos Bison negotiating a settlement to religious tensions between worshippers of the Dallan faith and the faith of Solenoir.   When the discussions were settled, Sir Torin was deployed by the Order of the Radiant Sun when three Paladins went missing around the city of Arkeluw. He accepted an assignment to travel to Lower Mastoria and seek them out.   27th Judarjeń 269 5E   Sir Torin arrives in the city of Arkeluw and first traces Sir Bellinor, who he discovered had been interred as a patient within the Radana Storme Institute. Upon visiting the man, he decided that he was indeed quite insane and turned his attention to the missing Sir Edric Spencer and Sir Silas Spencer.   30th Judarjeń 269 5E   Tracking the location of the two brothers down to an old family estate perched on the mountain of Morka Mulkwast. He noted a request for mercenaries to visit the house to help them quell an infestation of Wyvern nesting near their home, and the old Paladin opted to take the opportunity to enter the house with justification and there investigate the disappearance of his comrades.   He arrives later than his compatriots and makes his way into the manor where he is greeted by the Mulkwast family patriarch Wlad Mulkwast. He is given a room to stay in the guest quarters and is told that he will begin his investigation in the morning.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   As he sleeps, the guest quarters are attacked by thralls of the Mulkwast family. Sir Torin is intrinsic in aiding the guests in fighting off their attackers, and the group gather together in the hallway. Realising that they had been lured into some kind of trap, the group agree to stick together and find out the peril that awaits them within the mansion.   The group make their way to the mansion's library and there a member of the party named Cowabunga Peppermill makes the mistake of ringing a servant's bell which announces the group's location to the thralls of the manor.   The group rush out into the hallway and there they arrange in formation and work together to fight off the swarm of thralls that are bombarding the hallway. The group realise that the enemies numbers are far too numerous and they agree to flee. As they do so, the tide of thralls separates the group and Sir Torin is isolated inside of the library.   Sir Torin barricades the door and works to make his way from the room. He sees a skylight and climbs up the stairs to reach it. He jumps from the guard-rail to try and reach it, but at the moment he makes his jump, the thralls burst into the room and Sir Torin misses his jump.   Slamming to the ground below, Sir Torin's legs break underneath him and he falls to the ground. As they swarm around him, Sir Torin hacks and slices at various thralls from his position, but surrounded and overwhelmed he is helpless as he is torn to pieces by his foes.  
  The body of Sir Torin was later reanimated by Dymitri Mulkwast, the elder brother of the Mulkwast family patriarch Wlad Mulkwast. He uses the corpse to push his wheelchair around the room, and to handle a stake which he later hands over to Buggy in order to kill him.   Once Dymitri Mulkwast is finally laid to rest, the body of Sir Torin likewise topples lifelessly to the ground. His body would be buried when Mulkwast Manor burns to the ground.
Aligned Organization
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