The Groundskeeper

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Known only as "the Gravedigger", they are a Half-Giant who entered the service of Wlad Mulkwast, Patriarch of the Mulkwast family. Wlad Mulkwast is a Vampire who made a mission luring unsuspecting adventurers to the mountainous Mulkwast Manor, wherein he would test their skill, and consider their worthiness to become Vampires within his Coven, to prepare for war in the East.   The Gravedigger would serve this interest, and would pursue and kill any who attempt to flee the grounds.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   When a group of adventurers would set fire to Mulkwast Manor, the Gravedigger would intervene and would pursue them through the mansion, luring them towards the Hall where they would face Waleriya Mulkwast.   In the wake of Mulkwast Manor's destruction, the Gravedigger watches as the surviving adventurers depart the Manor, and then departs himself.   3rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   They accompany Wlad Mulkwast to The Radana Storme Institute , wherein Wlad Mulkwast takes up the guise of Doctor Walmdas Kluw. He convinces Warden Petro Storme to take him on as head of psychiatry whilst the Gravedigger is taken on and is solely known as "the Groundskeeper".   19th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The Groundskeeper digs the grave of Doctor Jelena and brings her body to her funeral, placing it within her grave.   22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   When Lokanth Wursor enters the grounds after dark, the Groundskeeper pursues him back to his home and there stands outside the door as if daring him to leave. He remains there until the sun rises when he departs.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The Groundskeeper enters the grounds and pursues Russell Tideborn as he tries to escape The Radana Storme Institute . He is outsmarted by the janitor who manages to dive into the water and swim for freedom.   25th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Over the course of the night, The Radana Storme Institute burns to the ground and the Konstat arrive to investigate. By this time however, the Groundskeeper has disappeared.