Campaign 2: Session 25 - The Sinkhole

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman Participation: 100XP Skills: 600XP Damage: 104XP Enemies: 217XP Kills: 70XP Total: 1091XP   Zi Participation: 100XP Skills: 270XP Enemies: 117XP Total: 487XP   The Wretch Participation: 100XP Skills: 360XP Damage: 36XP Enemies: 217XP Kills: 20XP MVP: 250XP Total: 983XP   Thalmun Burrowale Participation: 100XP Skills: 390XP Damage: 8XP Enemies: 117XP Total: 615XP

Missions/Quests Completed

11th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   In the aftermath of all that they had experienced up to this point, the party tentatively begin the expedition through the Dystrykt Waldawa in order to seek out the fragmented Crystal Obelisk that had been causing so much trouble.   Along the way, the group witness multiple children fleeing from the local orphanage whilst they are pursued by the pale-faced Half-Giant that once faced Anpu and Sarlaren. As the Gravedigger lumbers through the streets, the group hide themselves by secluding to a dark and deserted alleyway.   In spite of their caution, the Gravedigger spots the Dwarf Thalmun Burrowale and the two lock eyes. Thalmun looks into the Vampire's eyes, seeing the crimson glare and realising his peril before he flees.   Further through their journey, the group are confronted by a group of the Weeping. Tedduch Stoutman and the Wretch work together to quickly dispatch the afflicted masses before once again the group continue on their journey.   Following the ebbs and flows of magical energy in the air, the group trace the magic's source to a sink-hole besides the Mission of the Eighth Acolyte.   The group work together to devise a plan of attack, bringing their slabs of lead and creating a box around the Wretch before using him as a vehicle to descend into the depths whilst others of the group follow via rope.   The group quickly find themselves in a circular chamber that seems to be distorted by the sheer overwhelming energy, and the pulsating size and shape of the room. They see a whirlwind of impecable arcane energy swirling all around the vast and shattered crystal in its centre.   The group fight hard to wade through the tides of torrential energy, and in the course of their movements, they are confronted by spectres of their psyche. Tedduch faces an impregnated variation of himself, Zi, a frenzied angry incarnation of their own self. Awenir is confronted by a regal figure, Pawel by a fellow Priest, the Wretch sees a green-skinned and handsome young Rakshasa. Thalmun meanwhile, faces a monster of inconsistent form, unable to connect more personally with the psyche of their victim.   In the course of approaching the Crystal Obelisk, Teddy realises that the uncontrollable magic loose within the chamber can have more practical use and attempts a spell in order to change his own bodily anatomy. In the process he exposes himself to attack and Awenir rushes to his defence.   Zi and Thalmun work together as Zi flies him across the chamber and to the base of the Obelisk. Thalmun uses his magic to begin repairing the Obelisk, but as he does the energy throws the group all across the chamber.
Report Date
29 Feb 2024
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