The Last Storme: Session 1 - The Skirmish of the Stew

Missions/Quests Completed

19th SkrabarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The party was briefed on recent developments at The Radana Storme Institute. They learned about Doctor Walmdas Kluw's arrival and his gradual takeover of the asylum's staff. New regulations were also outlined, with the Mansion and Botanical Gardens now restricted to those not granted explicit permission by Doctor Walmdas Kluw or Nadia Storme. A strict curfew was imposed after dark, and the party was informed about a series of recent murders at the institute.   This night was an exception to regulation, as a crowd of patients, guards and other faculty stand to pay tribute to the late Doctor Jelena. Among the attendees paying their respects to the late Doctor Jelena in the field of faces on the institute's grounds were Lokanth Wursor, Russell Tideborn, Doctor Ada Arztin, Dolores Simm, and Sister Prudence. Doctor Walmdas Kluw delivered a eulogy for Doctor Jelena, highlighting her significance both in life and in death. The Groundskeeper took on the task of laying Doctor Jelena to rest, accompanied by a final prayer from Sister Prudence and Doctor Ada Arztin's heartfelt farewell.   As the congregation returned to the asylum to rest, Russell Tideborn found himself unable to sleep. He paced around his room, consumed by his various conspiratorial thoughts. Meanwhile, in another part of the institute, Ajax Wursor was abruptly awakened and struggled fruitlessly for hours to break free from his restraints in the psychiatric building. Ultimately, guards, along with Doctor William Wosow, intervened and brought him back to his cell in the block. This ordeal subjected him to excruciating pain, akin to his muscles being stretched and aflame. Following his return to his cell, he was sedated and eventually drifted into sleep.   20th SkrabarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The following morning, the party awoke and convened in the mess hall for breakfast. Lokanth Wursor, being careful not to overtly acknowledge him, noticed that his brother Ajax Wursor had been brought back to the cell block. Ajax appeared visibly famished, utterly fatigued, and harboring an air of hostility. He even snapped at Dolores Simm when she seemed to glance at his food. Russell Tideborn seized this opportune moment to plant manipulative thoughts in Ajax's mind, stoking his paranoia. This manipulation prompted Ajax to explode in anger, directing his aggression towards one of the patients known as "the Victim." The situation escalated rapidly, culminating in a full-fledged brawl. Russell continued to fan the flames by implanting further suggestions into the mind of another patient referred to as "the Holy Warrior." Amidst the chaotic brawl, a patient named Reko left the mess hall and headed back toward the cell block. The sudden commotion drew guards into the mess hall, who promptly intervened to quell the fighting patients. Ajax Wursor was subdued by several guards, and his brother intervened to pacify his raging emotions. Lokanth employed his magical abilities to disguise himself as a guard and discreetly placed a plant within Ajax's overalls, a sight that shocked him deeply as he observed his brother's animalistic state.   "The Victim" and "The Holy Warrior" both succumbed to unconsciousness during the altercation and were subsequently transported to the infirmary. Likewise, the other four inmates who had been involved in the fight received medical attention. The guards initially intended to remove Ajax from the scene, yet Captain Myron intervened, directing them to return Ajax to his cell.   As the patients were being led back to their respective cells, the guards stumbled upon an unsecured cell. Inside, they made a grim discovery: Reko, suspended from his cell by a garotte, having been murdered.