The Thirteenth Paragon

Neya (a.k.a. The Thirteenth Paragon)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

7th Hawiórjeń 256 5E   Neya is a Tagaran who was born in Cato Somundu. When he comes of age he takes up employment as a mercenary and takes time to travel the world, building renown as an effective and dangerous fighter.  
1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Neya travels alongside a Gnome called Feta Coffeebean to take up a contract with the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle. He arrives at Mulkwast Manor late at night and is there exposed to a gauntlet of brutal attacks as he discovers that the house is inhabited entirely by Vampires.   He is ambushed by Giant Spiders and is tied up in their webs. Feta Coffeebean is able to break free and helps him get free as well before the two escape and meet Anpu Winkybits and a number of other survivors.   Neya remains with the group and manages to survive through many encounters over the course of one brutal night. He along with Anpu Winkybits, Buggy, Ackio, and Feta Coffeebean survive to be offered the gift of Vampirism by Wlad Mulkwast. He refuses, and he, Buggy, and Anpu Winkybits fight Wlad Mulkwast and force him to flee.   He accompanies Anpu Winkybits and Ackio back to Arkeluw and they stay at the Cliff's View Hotel in order to recuperate from the trauma they have endured.   7th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   After recuperating in the Cliff's View Hotel for a week, Neya, Anpu, and Ackio are given a tour of Arkeluw by an employee of the Cliff's View Hotel named Sarlaren. As they wander the streets of Arkeluw, they watch as the Wayfarer Yahn attacks and kills a thief who stole a Dallan holy symbol from him. He gets to talking to the trio and accompanies them to go drinking at a bar on the dockyard.   Whilst they are here they witness a meteor falling from the sky, it crashes down in the city slums, and the group rush to investigate. They find the crater, and multiple houses alight with fire. They discover a strange Dwarf emerging from the crater, and a mysterious cult who try to kidnap him.   Neya engages with the cultists and tries hard to save the Dwarf, however before he can do so, the Dwarf is killed by a mishap of his own magic and his corpse is stolen by the cultists. He still manages to dispatch multiple cultists however, and ensures one is captured by the Orekun.   As the fight draws to a close, a Demonic portal opens and Neya is dragged into Vede.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Orville Wepple first spotted the Thirteenth Paragon among a group of cloaked riders seemingly trailing the path of the Mamnomaga.   The Thirteenth Paragon would later by mysterious means cause the Mamnomaga to grind to a halt.   2nd Spriarjeń 269 5E   The Thirteenth Paragon would reveal his complicity in causing the Mamnomaga to halt and would appear over a crystal projection alongside two Garuda in order to demand that the power of Ronasura be given to him. He promises that should this demand not be granted within the hour, than the passengers of the Mamnomaga would incur his wrath.   One hour later, the Thirteenth Paragon would emerge from the treeline before the Mamnomaga in order to parlay with the Wretch, Anpu Winkybits, Pawel and Tedduch Stoutman. He would reveal that his true identity is Neya, Anpu's old companion and fellow survivor of the Nightmare of Mulkwast Manor. He would ask the group to hand over Ronasura but they would refuse, and Tedduch would attack him.   In response, the Thirteenth Paragon would unleash a host of undead giants and Garuda bound to his will.  
Tedduch Stoutman would fire projectiles at the Thirteenth Paragon who would retaliate by throwing his sword at Tedduch. Tedduch would flash to one side but the sword would follow him, moving through the sky as it strikes out at on its own volition.   A Garuda would pick up the Thirteenth Paragon and fly him toward the Mamnomaga where he would join the assault. The Wretch would spray him with acid as he flies overhead, and the two would land aboard a bridge where they would attack the Captain of the Mamnomaga.   The two would begin to overwhelm the Captain, but Neya would be felled when the Giant Amaruq would throw Tedduch Stoutman across the battlefield, and the Gnome would throw a sharpened corpse with such ferocity that it would pass through the Thirteenth Paragon's ear and into his brain, killing him instantly.