Campaign 2: Session 11 - Melodies in the Mist

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Killing Blow: 60XP
  • Enemies: 763XP
  • Damage: 130XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 20XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Costume: 100XP
  • Total: 1433XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Enemies: 763XP
  • Damage: 13XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 20XP
  • Costume: 100XP
  • Best Costume: 100XP
  • Total: 1256XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 80XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 736XP
  • Damage: 17XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 20XP
  • Costume: 100XP
  • Total: 1210XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Enemies: 763XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Total: 1023XP
Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 20XP

Missions/Quests Completed

3rd Spriarjeń 269 5E     While engaged in a contest of Wyvern Diving, the Rakshasa Anpu Winkybits and her companion Sarlaren make their way through the town of Kirikrest and take time to bless those taken through the Field of Faces. Within the Mission of the Eighteenth Acolyte, they find the bodies of those killed in the Battle of Merkawada Crossing. She sees the corpse of Arnak, his head dashed by the Giant traitor.   In the wake of her prayers, she arrives at the Barica Wistrya just as Tedduch Stoutman goes into his meeting with Captain Ivo. As she and Sarlaren take their seats, Zi moves around the room enquiring about Ronasura. She speaks with a wealthy man who expresses support for Malonkar, believing that he is more in service to the teachings of Dalli and helped the people of Inkbar to modernise. She also speaks to Kestus Starkerow and Daniel Starkerow. He explains his intention to continue with his brother to Istanbrakt before they conclude their journey and travel to Skarow. She asks him about Ronasura and he admits he does not know much about the Venu but is interested in the magic behind Demon-kind, explaining that they live in a parallel dimension called Vede.   Meanwhile, Orville Wepple makes his way to the bar and attempts to use magic to convince the bartenders that he is the bar boss. The two were reluctant to listen to him, and refused to work with him. When he insisted, they explained that they would not believe him without confirmation from the owner Sigurd.   Orville makes his way upstairs and speaks to Sigurd, using magic to charm her and convince her to make him bar boss whilst she goes to take a nap. She consents and goes away as Orville makes his way back downstairs. When one of the bartenders confirm his story, they reluctantly accept him, albeit with contempt.   Anpu Winkybits makes her way to the bar and is surprised when she is once again being served her drinks by Orville Wepple. She takes drinks back to her table where she is approached by the Gildan Ren assassin who brings her to speak with Captain Ivo. She pleads with Sarlaren to join her and though he is terrified he reluctantly agrees to join her.   Captain Ivo meets her and reveals to her the wanted poster in the Skrabarjeń edition of the Mastorian Messenger. She tells Captain Ivo the story of how she had been unwillingly pulled into a prison riot in the Deep, how she had been branded by Iona Arkenank and forced to serve her under threat that her friends might be killed. When her friends escaped, and as Marani instructed her to pursue The Power of Ronasura, Anpu Winkybits fled Arkeluw and travelled to Upper Mastoria.   Captain Ivo admits that he knows the kind of corruption that has seeped through Arkeluw and is unsure what to do with her. He reveals to her that Sarlaren was once a member of the Gildan Ren and he insists that the two travel with him to Istanbrakt to stand trial, though promises their contribution to the Battle of Merkawada Crossing would be taken into account.   The two would leave and Sarlaren would be clearly and deeply troubled, going to bed and leaving Anpu alone. The Rakshasa would return to the bar and to her table, where she would be approached by a ferry-woman named Anastasia.   As the two women get to know one another, Tedduch makes his way upstairs where he finds Audrey Wepple making biscuits in the common area's kitchens. He tells her everything that Captain Ivo told him, revealing Anpu and Sarlaren's wanted status and the threat the Captain had made to him. Audrey muses about their options but eventually decides that for the time being, continuing along with Captain Ivo might be their only option.   As the night draws to a close, everyone makes their way to sleep in the hostel room, whilst Anpu returns to the home of Anastasia in order to engage in mediocre sex.   4th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The next day, the group gather at the bar of the Barica Wistrya where they find Captain Ivo and his travelling companions gathered around a map of Upper Mastoria. The Captain explains his suspicion that were they to travel further on the Mamnomaga, they might risk incurring further Garuda attacks. He instead proposes a plan to travel up the Rewa Garundas, and then through the Bogzona Wodnika in order to reach the Rewa Ojo. It is the hope of the Captain that the heavy treeline and the change in the travel plans of Suran-Roa might conceal their movements from any potential Garuda scouts.   There are complications that are addressed within these meetings. Tedduch questions what will become of The Wretch, and it is explained that he will remain as they can not afford to transport him. Awenir consents to stay behind and continue to tend to The Wretch and his injuries. It is also questioned what would become of the Giant who betrayed their own kind, and it is confirmed that Aurora would travel with them as a hostage to stand trial in Istanbrakt. Finally, it is revealed that Thalmun Burrowale refused to join their expedition and is instead travelling with his fellow archeologists back to the city of Abrenik.   Before the group would depart Kirikrest, Tedduch took Zi to introduce her to Amaruq. They speak to him about the Giant Aurora and Amaruq expresses sympathy for her resentment toward The Mastorian Empire, but also rage that she would betray her own kind and murder Arnak as she did. He says that her fate is now out of his hands. Tedduch asks Amaruq to join them on their journey to Istanbrakt but Amaruq explains that his place is with his mammoth. Tedduch is curious and asks more about how he bonded with his mammoth. He explains that a Giant bonds with a baby mammoth at a young age and the two grow up together. Tedduch asks if he could bond with a baby mammoth, and while Amaruq explains that it is possible he could find such an opportunity in the Ancient Expanse of the north, he says that it is unlikely and would be extremely complicated.   The party would then have a quick breakfast and gather any supplies they would need from the town's Orekun armoury. The group would then travel from Kirikrest and around the Gorowra Kiri to a village called Kirimyslaw on the edge of the Rewa Garundas. From here they meet their guides Vidkas and Anastasia.   The party that departs on the four boats consist of Andraz, Andrei, Anpu Winkybits, Audrey Wepple, Aurora, Anastasia, Captain Ivo, the Gildan Ren Assassin, Karl, Sarlaren, Tedduch Stoutman, Vidkas, Zi, and a host of guards loyal to the Gildan Barka.   Upon their departure, Anastasia proves to be a poor guide and it is slow going along the water, with them repeatedly being drawn into beds of reeds and stalled along the way.   After a long and unproductive day of travel along the river, they take up a position to camp beside the Rewa Garundas.   As everyone settles down for the night, Tedduch convinces Andraz to let him speak to the Giant Aurora. Though he is reluctant, given their friendship and his respect for Teddy, he agrees to cover for him and give him five minutes.    The Giant is solemn and quiet, but is impressed and surprised by Tedduch's grasp of the Giant's language, which prompts her to engage with him. Tedduch asks her why she did what she did and Aurora expresses regret for hurting her own kind but talks about how the treatment of the Empire made it necessary and The Thirteenth Paragon gave her a sense of belonging and purpose. He asks her if it was worth it and she quietly turns away from him and curls up to sleep, wallowing alone in her shame.    5th Spriarjeń 269 5E   When the sun rises, a storm begins to brew with it, and the group struggle to depart into the current of a fast flowing river as the rain begins to fall. The group make better time as the Rewa Garundas runs faster than it had the day before, though they are once again developed by their guide Anastasia, though they have less incidents of being driven into the reeds.   Once again they camp out beside the river on dampened ground, and as they gather around the fire, Anastasia admits that she has a fear of the water, and is only working as a ferry-woman on the insistence of her uncle Vidkas.   6th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The group awaken drenched by a torrential rain and a bitter cold, as they hastily pack up their camp before continuing along the Rewa Garundas, making good progress yet again, albeit once more being impeded by Anastasia.   After a very cold and bitter day on the river, the group at last reach the town of Bogromow, where Captain Ivo purchases for them accommodation in a rickety hostel. The group drink together in a dingy local underbar before finally getting a rest in a damp room with a leaky ceiling.    7th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The group depart the town of Bogromow on the morrow, and within a few hours they move along the Rewa Garundas and into the mists of the Bogmoza Wodnika. Due to poor visibility, the boats light bright bullseye lanterns so that they can follow eachother more easily and have a vague idea as to where they can find one another.   Along the way, Anastasia is thrown and confused as the lights split, with one boat moving towards the left and another towards the right. Anastasia panics but vaguely recalls that her intended course drifted towards the right, and so she turns her course to the right.   On this day, the boat she helms is inhabited by Tedduch Stoutman, Anpu Winkybits, Zi, and Audrey Wepple. They cross around a winding and narrow stream overshadowed by a heavy looming tree-line.   Along the way, they draw close to a ruined watch-tower, from where they begin to hear a beautiful and engaging melody that calms and sooths them. Zi is overwhelmed and distracted by the tune and her attention is drawn to a beautiful woman emerging from the watch-tower. The rest of the group however are able to withstand the magical melody and instead see a dangerous scaled creature with the wings of a bat that Anastasia identifies as an Alkonost.   Tedduch takes the initiative and launches a barrage of javelins towards the creature, proving incapable of breaking her hold over Zi. Anpu Winkybits follows his lead and hits the creature with a blast of energy. The Alkonost retreats back into the watch-tower, and continues her harmonious tune, now successfully entrancing the ferry-woman Anastasia.    As the two launch an onslaught of attacks at the Alkonost, a group of amphibious creatures begin to climb up the side of the boat and grab at the group. One of them climbs aboard and grabs at Tedduch, but he successfully breaks free of the creature's grip and the two begin to wrestle against each other. Another creature wraps its hands around Audrey Wepple and drags her from the boat and into the water, along with the helpless Anastasia who is grabbed by a third Wodnik. Curiously, in spite of her trance, Zi maintains enough of her bodily autonomy to recognise the threat of the creature (identified as a Wodnik), and instinctively swats the monster from the boat.   Zi rushes to help Audrey, but finds that Audrey seems to have the situation well in-hand as she emerges from the water only to dive back under with cleaver in hand. Focusing on the danger posed by the Alkonost, Anpu uses magic to trigger a shattering spell that causes an explosion within the ruined tower. Under the force of the sudden blast of magic, the foundations of the tower give way and the fortification comes crashing down on the Alkonost's head.   In the confusion, and uncertain if Anastasia lead the group into a trap intentionally, Tedduch begins to push at the oars to reverse the ship's course and push them backwards, ignoring the Wodnik as it continues to grab at him, it's fingers sticking to Tedduch's flesh and tearing away the flesh and muscles around his neck in agonising fashion. Zi helps by taking control of the rudder, confident that Audrey can handle her own fight and would catch up.   As her friends make their escape, Audrey begins to overwhelm and hack at the Wodnik that grabbed her with her cleaver, though the Wodnik continues to tear away her flesh and muscles as it's kin was doing to Tedduch. Anastasia meanwhile is pushed further underwater and the Wodnik attacking her continues to tear at her throat and bite at her flesh. In time she falls unconscious, and is helpless as the Wodnik begins to devour her corpse.    Aboard the boat, as the pain grows excruciating, Tedduch turns to face the Wodnik still aboard their boat and he cuts the monster's face before throwing it from the boat. Meanwhile, Zi uses her magic to conjure a gust of wind that propels the boat more quickly backwards.   Audrey Wepple defeats her foe, driving her cleaver into the creature's head, but suffering gruesome wounds in the process. She considers fleeing to catch up with her friends, but seeing the Wodnik devouring Anastasia she still holds a dim hope that perhaps her life might be saved.   She moves from the Wodnik's side and begins to wade towards Anastasia, a third Wodnik is not too far away as well, but Tedduch fells the monster with a javelin through the chest that lands in the place where Audrey had once been wrestling her foe.   Audrey dives down and pulls the Wodnik away from Anastasia, but she faces a Wodnik that has been left unharmed by the fighting, and bites off more than she can chew as the creature dives at her and drives her back into the water.   Audrey is dragged down and is overwhelmed, her flesh being ripped apart and the creature biting at her face. She feels her life ebbing away and her consciousness fading. A rope is thrown from the boat to aide her, but Zi throws it blindly through the mist and it falls far too short to be of any help to her.   At the edge of death, Zi flies across the river and shoves the Wodnik away before grabbing Audrey and tying the rope around her waist. Tedduch and Anpu work together to reel the rope in and drag both onto the boat before they flee back the way they came. Audrey is pulled aboard, alive, but unconscious and in mortal peril.