Campaign 2: Session 8 - Fried Chicken

Rewards Granted

The Wretch
  • General Session: 100XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Damage: 55XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 300XP
  • Total: 605XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 72XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 300XP
  • Total: 522XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 36XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 300XP
  • Research: 20XP
  • Total: 506XP
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Damage: 8XP
  • Activities: 20XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 300XP
  • Total: 458XP
Orville Wepple
  • General Session: 100XP
  • Activities: 40XP

Missions/Quests Completed

2nd SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The Wretch is locked in an unexpected engagement with the levitating sword of The Thirteenth Paragon when the longsword falls to the ground. With the death of The Thirteenth Paragon, the power of the longsword had been diminished.   Elsewhere aboard the Mamnomaga, Thalmun Burrowale continues to research the Garuda and while he notices the disproportionate size of the Garuda's wings to carry beings of their size, he can not understand how the discrepancy is accounted for. He questions the Garuda on its anatomy, and further on their role in the attack, but on both counts he receives no answer.   The guards Andrei and Karl are encouraged to go and join the battle, and when Thalmun receives no information he decides to join them as well.   Zi makes her way from the fighting pit and climbs up to the top of the Mamnomaga where she sees the bartender contacting a Garuda via a communication crystal, and telling them the location of the power of Ronasura.   The Wretch picks up the blade and looks it over, and opts to keep it for himself as he watches the attacking Garuda swarm for the first class carriages, targeting those carriages inhabited by Ronasura.   The Wretch rushes to intervene, making his way across the chaos of the battlefield and towards the first class carriages. He makes his way into the carriages through the restaurant car, and there finds three Garuda fighting their way through to common room. One continues to force their way through the door whilst two of the Garuda rush to engage with The Wretch.   Meanwhile, Tedduch stumbles from where he had been thrown into the dirt and staggers back towards the Mamnomaga. He clambers through the one open window he can find and back into the dormitory of Orville and Audrey Wepple. Here he stumbles into the bar and attempts to recruit Orville Wepple to help the fight in the first class carriages. Orville however adamantly refuses to abandon his bar.   Awenir sees Tedduch and agrees to accompany him. Before the two can depart, Awenir is shown the grisly wounds Tedduch had sustained over the course of the battle.   He takes him and rests him on the bed of Audrey Wepple where he resets the wound to his shoulder and uses magic to accelerate his healing. In the process of Awenir managing the damage to Tedduch's body, Tedduch urinates in Audrey's bed.   Zi pursues the bartender across the top of the Mamnomaga passing a lot of confused guards in the process before she is intercepted by Andrei and Karl. They suspect her of being involved with the other Garuda, and seeing Audrey Wepple under her arm they suspect that she has kidnapped the Gnome. Irritably, Zi explains the situation and convinces the two guards that she is on their side as meanwhile Thalmun Burrowale joins them and continues towards the first class carriages at leisurely pace.   The group run into Awenir and Tedduch Stoutman and recruit them to join them in their defence. They make their way through to the first class dormitories, on the opposite side of the carousel to The Wretch. Here they find three Garuda trying to force their way into the common room and all of them rush to battle.   The Wretch threatens the Garuda with the wrath of Ronasura and ignites his new sword with a green fire. He lances forward against his foes, struggling against two opponents, and thrown by the fire which catches first the Garuda's feathers, and then passes along to the chairs and curtains.   He receives a brutal laceration to his lower back that carves through the holes in his shell. He struggles with a blinding pain and begins to feel his vision begin to blur, however even in this moment of excruciating pain, he is able to duck aside just in time to evade the fire of a crossbow bolt from the bartender.   Meanwhile, one Garuda rushes to engage the larger party, but is struck down as Zi rushes forward and hurls a hammer at them, crushing their beak and skull before the weapon returns to her hand.   They lance forwards and a second Garuda hurls a flask of some strange liquid which they ignite. It explodes upon impact and leaves Tedduch Stoutman trapped in a pit of flames. Zi flies overhead to avoid them as Audrey Wepple runs through them. Thalmun Burrowale fires a blast of energy which tears through the body of one of the Garuda, leaving their guts seeping down into the tiles.   The third Garuda is slain by Tedduch who fires a pair of fishing hooks with such ferocity that they pin the deceased Garuda against the door.   Elsewhere, The Wretch manages to put the two Garuda between him and the bartender as fire begins to spread across the room, and their feathers begin to burn. As he parries the two blades of his foes to one side, he turns and tears his blade through the torso of one, his flaming blade cutting through him like butter and cauterising the wound as he goes, the attack kills them and knocks them to the ground.   The Wretch is beginning to overwhelm his remaining opponent, when the bartender leaps onto the table and angles herself to launch a precisely aimed crossbow bolt into The Wretch which finally renders him unconscious. The Garuda seeks to finish him, but the bartender tells him to leave them and instead instructs them to continue with their mission.