The Fiendish Foreigners who Hate Us

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Alert: Fiendish Foreigners at our borders!


Foreigners foaming at the mouth at any mention of Elante are getting ready to attack!

  Since the beginnings of time, they have been jealous of our power and wealth and have tried to harm Elante.   Even when our emperors beat them away before generously accepting them in our empire, they were always hateful and ready to hurt us at the least occasion.   Even the fall of our empire has not satisfied them! They have spent the past centuries waging wars against us as soon as we invent a new magic, earn a bit too much money, or even just when they’re bored, all under the pretence that we are a terrible threat and that they are poor terrified dears acting in self-defence!  
We all know that the foreigners are a bit weird...   Facts about the Foreigners:
Their towns are entirely flat.
They are terrified of heights and cannot fly.
Their towns don't have rats and they are terrified of them
Their forests and fields are filled with spiders and they eat them.
They have a venimous bite and bite people who annoy them.
They panic when people get close to them and find handshakes and kisses scandaleous.
Their upper class don't ever have sex and use magic to reproduce.
However, the foreigners being weird does not mean that they are not dangerous!   Foreigners are:
Stupid—They misunderstand and misinterpret the littlest things.
Jealous—They can never stand when we do something they cannot or possess something they do not.
Greedy—They always want to get everything we produce in the city for the cheapest price—if any at all.
Dishonest—Always lying about everything and rewriting history to make us the evil ones and give themselves the roles of martyrs.
Dishonourable—Always coming back on agreements and breaking their word.
Prejudiced—They think all Elantiens are crazy and that we do forbidden experiments with human sacrifice every over day.
Obsessive—Always always going on and on about Elante and us and everything little things we do and say and how this is all of course an evidence of our evilness.
They are now getting ready for another attack!   The foreigners have been spotted:
Exchanging letters rousing each other to fight against us.
Swearing peace with each other.
Forging new stocks of weapons.
Conscribing thousands of people into their army.
Gathering food reserves and horses.
Sending spies inside our city to gather information about our us.
Spreading disinformation and quarrels and quarrels among us, such as turning every single lords and ladies against Lord Adélème by saying he is evil and making everyone want to backstab him ahead of them invading the city.

And this time, they have sworn to end us once and for all!

Come join us in standing against these Fiendish Foreigners and in defending our lives and our freedom!
Lady Fabric

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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


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Aug 11, 2024 20:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Those foreigners and their FLAT TOWNS.

Aug 11, 2024 21:42 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

So very strange, isn't it? And they don't even have rats!!!!

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