The world's strongest magic hotspot

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Report on the City of the Hundred Fiefs and its region


To the Attention of the Most Gracious Lords and Ladies of the Continent of Aslaine

    The cursed City of the Hundred Fiefs and its region have always been a point of strong interest for all of us, from the time their terrible empire ruled over us to a thousand years later when its ruins continue to threaten us. And yet, none of us have so far managed to force them into submission. This is why I bring to you a humble proposal to deal with them once and for all.  
The Region
Located on the East side of the continent, the region has always been out of the way of all natural trade routes and ressources. Everything about it is unremarkable, from temperate climate to the underground cave river system shared by its neighbours. While it is a strong magical hotspot, it is also far from unique in this.   No, the only reason it has ever stood out is its people and their utter disregard for good sense and self-preservation. Their emperors are indeed famous for having interferred with the natural flow of magic in their hotspot to "strenghten" it, allowing for the rise of a powerful empire and the karmic retribution that saw the entire imperial family massacred and the city nearly razed to the ground.   However, this lesson has not be learned well enough by their heirs...  
The City
The City of the Hundred Fiefs is a pitiful remnant of what used to be the capital of an empire and the premier city of the entire world. It is now divided into a hundred of turf zones ruled by so-called lords and ladies, all endlessly quarrelling over their dream of becoming the one who will reunite the city.   Their contact with the outside world is limited to a few trading caravans. This has forced them to developped a few somewhat ingenious means of farming, but do not take pity of them and attempt to consume the resulting plants. All of them are full of the toxic magic of their corrupted hotspot and are sure to kill anyone with a normal constitution.   Thus, there are only two points of interest to this place: first the artefacts crafted there, second the threat of a reunification of the city and the renewal of the empire.  
The Advantages of the Location
The advantages of building a city over a magical hotspots are numerous and well known, ranging from the personal such as boosting people's health and magic to the collective such as the powering of incredible wards and unconceivable feats of magic.   Yet, what the ancient emperors did to their hotspot has made it stand out among all others. All the praise for any artefacts crafted in the Ancient Empire or the City of the Hundred Fiefs is no mere commercial boast but a true testimony to their undeniable superiority.  
The Dangers of the Location
The risk of high concentrations of magic gaining sentience is welll known. However, the complete dysregulation of this hotspot by the emperors has made it even more dangerous than other of its kind, with herratic floods regularly submerging the city and killing all in their wake. While the emperors paid for it with their lives, their descendants have managed to survive in the ruins of the city like terrible coackroaches.   There are now rumours that a new would-be emperor is quickly gathering the city under his sole command. The risk of a new empire rising, this time with the backing of a completely out-of-control hotspot is far too great to countenance. We must act fast to counter it before it is too late.  
The Proposal
Let us ditch all attempts to conquer the city. It should be clear by now that the dysregulation of the hotspot is preventing anyone from holding the place in its entirety—at least for anyone unwilling to risk self-immolation. Yet, the city cannot be left alone to rise again.   The solution is clear: let us form a new alliance and raze it to the ground. Let us make it thoroughly unabitable and forever get rid of the imperial menace. And let us put the last imperial relics and artefacts into more deserving hands...    
A friend of all free Aslainian people

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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

Paper background from ChrisFiedler on Pixabay.

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