Lord Adélème of Spinner

Welcome to the City of the Hundred Fiefs! The all powerful lords and ladies ruling over those fiefs are constantly fighting each other, but now a terrifying lord has started to conquer them one after another. His next victim is Olénie. Come read about her world and her plans to survive!
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Serious Report on the Elantian Would-Be Emperor—The evil menace threatening us all!


To the Attention of the Most Gracious Lords and Ladies of the Continent of Aslaine

    By now, everyone is sure to have heard of the new would-be Elantian emperor, Lord Adélème of Spinner.   For many of us, there is undoubtedly the temptation of dismissing him as just yet another Elantien with delusions of grandeurs, one in a long series of emperor wannabees who ridiculously dreams of a long bygone area.   This would be a mistake.   For the one facing us this time is not a mere man but a create beyond that. His power is so terrible and his mind so full of devious schemes, we cannot solely rely on the millennia-old Elantian curse that has prevented them from reuniting their city.   We have to be proactive.
His Past

Spinner Fief
This monster grew up in the Spinner Fief, a fief specialised in the spinning not only of thread but also of magic.   His mother married up in the upper class, but when he was still young his father was killed in minor political quarrel.

In the Spinner Fief, the most talented young members of their upper class are collected in youth brigade and taught to excel in fine magic manipulations.   The monster was the indisputable best in this they had seen in many generations.

The previous lord of the Spinner fief liked to use his youth brigade as guards.   The monster quickly gained the leadership of his cohort thanks to his powerful charisma and nefarious scheming and used their support to backstab the lord and take his place.
His Present

He has already conquered nearly a third of the city, either through violence of by persuading their lords and ladies to recognise him as their ruler.   By now, the rest of the city is thoroughly intimidated and enthralled, and there are very few left who dare oppose him.

He is extremely clever and charming, able to seduce to his side or his bed anyone that catch his interest. This has given him powerful allies among the lords and ladies of the city   He is also patient and thoughtful, which gives him a high predilection for complex scheming.

He is still close to his mother and childhood comrades.   Some say his mother is the power behind the throne and the one responsible for all the monster's decision that they do not like, but one has to be incredible naive to think he is not in full control of his acts.
We all know how charming he is! The most charming man in the entire continent of Aslaine! Don't even try to oppose him—you'll only look pathetic and humiliate yourself.   And even if you somehow manage to do something noticeable, before you understand what's going on, he'll have convinced you're entire family to turn against you and stab you in the back!
His reprisals against traitors are legendary! I assure you, you won't ever forget seeing people being flayed alive in front of you! But my favourite would be the guys who got slowly digested and kill by carnivorous plants right in the central point of his lordship's own tower!   So yeah, we don't mind people being stupid and opposing his lordship—it's a top show guaranteed!
His Future—If we cannot stop it!

Would-be emperor
Everyone sees him as the worthy heir of the Elantian emperors, if not a direct reincarnation of the last of them, given a chance to rectify his mistake! He himself is certainly leaning into it to gain followers.   If the Elantiens are left on their own, it is only a question of time before he becomes emperor in more than name...

Conquest plans
Once he will have finished subjecting his own people, he will turn his attention to the rest of the continent and pounce.   Just like last time, he will feed our quarrels and play us off against each other before easily sweeping in when we are weakened. It will not be long before he has us all enslaved and with our magic bound at his feet!

His rule
What this monster will do leaves no doubt: his rule will be a repetition of the Elantian Empire, with a complete destruction of our culture and a theft of all our resources and productions!   However the worst is undoubtedly that he will renew the emperor's terrible experiments and use us all as lab rats and sacrificial lambs!

This is why we need to all mobilised against this threat!   Put your quarrels aside, shake hand with your neighbours and donate your time and resources to the alliance!


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Cover image: The City of the hundred Fiefs by AmélieIS with an image from Grandeduc on DepositPhotos


Author's Notes

All art in this article is mine.

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Aug 12, 2024 23:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They really don't like him. "The monster" is some title. XD   I don't know if I'd be brave enough to oppose him, though.

Aug 13, 2024 07:24 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Why not join him, then? As seen in my other articles, he's such a good leader who take care of his people :p

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 22, 2024 13:33

Sounds like an interesting fellow

Aug 24, 2024 17:54 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Yes, he's interesting - so long as you can observe from a safe distance XD   Thanks for the comment!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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