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Eo Tyr

Eo Tyr

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Toned, bottom-heavy

Body Features

Thighs that could crush the skull of a normal-size person.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of the Tyr family in the Inner Court, notably an old family that holds a good deal of influence.   Eo was being groomed to be her mother’s successor in the Inner Court. This was causing some stir with her peers- as Eo’s mother, Fyl Tyr, was still considered far too young to even be considering retirement, so many people are thinking that something's up. The current rumor is that the current Titania may be naming Fyl as her successor at some point, which would necessitate Eo to take her place in the Inner Court.   Eo got arrested for assaulting a dwarven emissary during negotiations to accept fairies as an official galactic race with a place on the galactic congress. The act pretty much ruined the chance they had, but honestly negotiations weren’t going well. A lot of the Inner Court were against joining, and Eo simply made the decision for them.

Gender Identity

Cis female, but gender roles are very loose among fairies, so it's not much more than a preferred pronoun with her.


What am sex


Eo received some public education, which for fairies includes contract law. She was pulled out of school in favor of a private education in politics at the behest of her mother. The lessons didn't go too well, and eo frequently acted out or ignored lessons entirely.   She was also instructed in martial arts in the hope that she would learn discipline. Eo's mother paid for the best of the best, but unfortunately that turned out to be an energetic man with a burning passion for what he did, which Eo took to very well. He turned out to be more of a positive parental figure than her mother ever did.


Currently a space pirate

Accomplishments & Achievements

Suplexed an ambassador of the Adamantine Authority. Ended up getting arrested and sent to a maximum-security prision, Event Horizons, due to inflated charges.

Failures & Embarrassments

One might think getting arrested was a failure, but Eo has no regrets.

Mental Trauma

Big mommy issues

Intellectual Characteristics

Quite good with reading people and intentions, and can be clever with words, but is very, very not book smart. Don't ask her to do math. Or remember facts. Those are boring.

Morality & Philosophy

Words can only go so far; one can only know the true measure of a person in the heat of combat and the actions they take.

Personality Characteristics


t Motivations: Having been freed from the iron grip of both her mother and soon to be Event Horizons, Eo’s biggest goal is simply to explore and find out what’s beyond her home. In addition, she knows she fucked up by assaulting that ambassador. While she’s not great at politics, she does know that it might be a good idea if her kin can get invited to have a seat on the Senate, so she will make it a point to try to be a positive first impression on those in authority that she meets. Granted, this is going to be difficult seeing as she’s a wanted criminal and escaped convict, but according to her flawless logic, if she, a notorious criminal and worst of the fairies, is actually a good person, then the ones back home must be even better. Surely nothing is wrong with this logic.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Practitioner of the "Saithe" fighting style, or Swarm style in Common. Notable for making heavy use of fly-by strikes and disorienting opponents by striking weak points quickly from many angles, using walls and objects as jumping off points for more force.


Has a crippling addiction to soap and scented essential oils.


Fyl Tyr


Towards Eo Tyr


Eo Tyr


Towards Fyl Tyr


Jul "Sensei" Kenn


Towards Eo Tyr


Eo Tyr


Towards Jul "Sensei" Kenn


The only daughter of a fairy noble family. Despite the high status, her behavior is anything but. Brash, outgoing, and prone to violence, Eo tends to solve problem with force rather than thought.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Heiress Tyr - Next in line to be the head of the Tyr family and a member of the Inner Court
Sigun Mheg, Faewyld
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mid-tone, but upper arms and torso shift to pale red
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan

Zionysus Vacation
Chapter 7, Session 48

<In standard vtuber   Ahoy, my little hive~! The next part of the Super Sayu Randomizer will be up tomorrow as usual, but today, I have a special treat! I was approached by a charity a few weeks back, and they wanted to fly me and a few other creators out to Zionysus to do some outreach! Not often you get an opportunity like this, but they offered to pay for a hotel room, and it's Zionysus]! How could I say no? Worst that could happen is that it's some timeshare in disguise, and if it's that I can just expose them here and call it a day, but it turns out they were legit. More on them later!

I went to the Lunar Festival on Chandran!
Chapter 5, Session 26

<It took a fair bit more editing than her usual videos, but after the events on Chandran and the Temple of Selune, Eo had found herself with a fair bit more drive than she was used to. She put actual effort into this; thoughtful, planned editing, a clear outline of what she wanted to say, and a goal to not only entertain, but educate. She ended up having to take several hours looking up various tutorials, getting MUUT to help clean things up, and a late night or two working on the ship, but all in all, it was something she could be proud of. Something that she did. Not because it was expected of her or some nebulous "duty", but because she wanted to.>   <It even had a thoughtful thumbnail, instead of her usual clickbait tactic of a shocked expression from Rumblebee, or filling half the thumbnail with her tits.>   <the video opens with several shots of the Lunar Festival during the eclipse, cutting one after another to the beat of the best royalty-free travel vlog music she could find. There are stalls, lights, fireworks, people celebrating, and a longer, sweeping shot of the festival grounds from high above. Eo is taking full advantage of her wings and is getting angles that other people couldn't. The shot then cuts to longer B-roll footage strolling down a packed street as Rumblebee appears in the corner.>   Ahoy! Rumblebee here, and I'm bringing you something a little different today! I know the last part of Sugar Star Story ended on a huge cliffhanger, but I was doing something a little more important. I took a trip to visit the Lunar Festival on Chandran! It's a celebration that happens several times every year, coinciding with a solar eclipse from each of the moons. This one is in Lunasol, which is held in service to Selune, the goddess of moons, beauty, and most importantly here, the inner self. Honestly, I don't know much about Selune, or religion in general, so instead of trying to figure out ho to tell you myself, I found someone who can do a much better job.   <Rumblebee flies offscreen as the B-roll shifts to the grounds outside a chapel. Several stalls are lined up, each manned by what looks to be members of the clergy. In the middle of it all is what looks to be a very large bear standing on its hind legs, wearing regalia that marks him as a priest of Selune. A caption appears underneath, naming him "Fergus Arktos: Head Priest of the Lunasol Chapel and Festival Organizer". Despite his imposing figure, he carries a warm, gentle expression, all too happy to talk about his work. It's apparent by the way he speaks that he's given this speech many times before, and yet hasn't tired of his passion in the slightest.>   Fergus: This festival dates back many thousands of years, long enough to where we've long sine lost its exact origin. nonetheless, it still continues, because even as the universe changes, even as culture marches on and empires rise and fall, each and every one of us still has the need to find our own identity. Not what you present to others, but who you are, what you are, what you want to be behind the mask of society. This festival is about finding and accepting yourself, both what you like, and what you might not. It's no wonder that therianthropes like myself are drawn here; Selune teaches us to accept all of ourselves, and to accept all of others; this festival is simply a way to help spread that love. That, and, heh heh... maybe let loose a little? You would be quite surprised on how well a good drink or some choice vegetation can lead to a spiritual awakening. Hoo hoo, I remember my first festival after I came of age- or, rather, I don't. I just know I woke up inside the chapel behind us naked with each limb in a jar of honey and using the head priest at the time as a pillow. Good times, good times...   <While it's clear that Fergus could talk more, there were other things to get to. Back to the B-roll, this time a little more focused on attendees, showcasing just how varied each and every person was. Rumblebee appears once again in the corner to speak.>   After saying goodbye to Fergus, I decided to look into just what sorts of people came to celebrate. It's almost staggering, seeing the variety. Most places I've visited usually tend to have one or two dominant races and some common fashion trends, but here? I mean, just look at it all! I don't even know where to begin. Only thing that's common is those masks you see people wearing. Those are handed out by the festival organizers, and it's meant to be a symbol of revealing your true self to the world by taking off your mask when the eclipse starts. I didn't get a chance to participate, but that's only because I was busy filming it1   <Cut to a shot taken just as the eclipse is starting to happen, showing an aerial shot of a crowd full of masked people looking to the sky and counting down. Once they get to 0, all of them reach up and pull off their masks, revealing a staggering array of faces, some therianthrope, others not. The crowd cheers wildly as the masks start to fly everywhere.>   I swear, some of those people were just trying to hit me with their mask... All in good fun, though. Like I'm gonna let some face hat ruin my day. I got to talk with a few attendees about their experience with the festival:   <Cut back to street level, to a series of people all asked the same question:>   Rumblebee: So, what brought you here to celebrate?   Thoughtful-Looking Weretiger: My home planet doesn't have a moon, so I only recently learned that both my dad and I were therianthropes. It was a little hard to come to terms with at first, but then I discovered that this festival was happening, so I came to check it out. It's been less than two days and already I've learned so much about both myself and my condition. I was nervous at first, but I think I'm okay with it now!   Extremely-stoned Drow: This place is chill, lil' dude. Like, it's the only place I can go and just feel like me, you know? Society puts all these rules on you and makes you do what they want, follow their rules, and stuff... But, as long as I'm not hurting my bros, what's it matter? Here, I get to chill, listen to good music, and talk to people without the man down our backs.   Excitable werealpaca: OH. MY. GODS. Like, when I first started transforming, I was like, AAAAAAH! I grew hair everywhere, my neck was super long, and worst of all, you see this fur? I'm totally a summer, but this color just screams late fall! EW! Can you imagine? Absolutely disgusting. I hated it! I hated myself, I hated my mom for making me like this, I hated everyone at school for making fun of me, it SUCKED! I was about to just end it, y'know? But then my super-BFF, Becky, talked me down. Oh my gods, I love Becky! She's the greatest! Pulled me out of the absolute worst part of my life! She's the one that told me about this festival, and we've been going here every year since! It's helped me soooooo much, like, you don't even know! I got a whole new wardrobe, and found the best stylist who took my raggedy-ass fur and turned it into this gorgeous coat! Love it! It's because of all the cool people here that I finally proposed to Becky last year, so instead of my super-BFF She's, like, my super-best-fiance-for-a-little-bit-and-then-she'll-be-my-super-best-wife-forever! I'm soooo excited for the wedding!   Nervous-looking Dwarf: Uh... I dunno, man, I was just assigned here by the Authority for security detail, or something? Like, I didn't want to be here with all these were-whatevers, but I think I'm starting to like it. The people are nice, unlike my bosses that send me into the woods to go fight a- ...hey, wait, aren't you that-   <Cut back to B-roll>   See? All walks of life! There's so many more people I just don't have time to show. Maybe I'll cut those together and release it separately? There's so many cool people here, it's a shame to have to leave them out! Anyway, if you want to see all this for yourself, I have a link in the description with the schedule for each festival, when and where they happen, and things to do at each! It's well worth it to check it out, I can guarantee you'll learn something, either about other people, or yourself! Anyway, that'll be it from me for today. With the amount of traveling I've been doing lately, expect more of these between the normal Let's Plays. Speaking of which, the next part of Sugar Star Story should be out by the end of the week, and unless something happens, I did get my hands on Spirit Sayu Builders! I have a good idea for that one, but you'll have to wait and see! For now, Anchors Aweigh!

Introducing Space Pirate Rumblebee~!
Chapter 4, session 16

Okay... I got this. Rehearsed this so many times, checked the setup five times in the last ten minutes... If something goes wrong now, well... Eh, people like bloopers, right?   <The video cuts in to an illustrated background of the deck of an old-timey wooden pirate ship, sailing an ocean. The sound of waves and seagulls can be heard- Extremely loud at first, but then they quickly die down as Eo realizes her mistake and dials down the volume. A few seconds later, a figure emerges from the bottom of the screen. A tall, anthropomorphic bee in a pirate outfit, complete with red bandana with a skull on it and a cutlass hanging at her side. But, that might be missed by some viewers who would be instead fixated on the fact that this bee has cartoonishly large tits, complete with simulated physics.>   Hail, ye planetary landlubbers! I be the infamous pirate- <cough cough> ...Nope, I am not doing that voice. That hurt. Anyway Hi! I'm Rubmlebee, and I'm a pirate! I make a living stealing things, like your likes, subscriptions, or even your hearts~   <She gives a wink to the camera>   Took some time, but I finally got my model working! Got the jiggle physics on it and everything~! I went back and forth trying to figure out how much boobage I should use, but I figure, eh, it's a model, and I've seen crazier avs out there, so let's just go nuts. Don't like it? You clicked on the wrong video, dummy! It's thirsty all the way down! I'm gonna have to redo my introduction video now that I have this. After some... news I found out recently, it might not be a good idea to have my real face public. That's right, I am a crime, but I'm still doing this, because I need to tell someone these stories or I'm gonna go mad. Also I need to be able to talk to someone other than my crew every once in a while. They're all good people, but being cooped up in a small ship for weeks on end will try anyone's patience.   So! Re-introduction time! My name is Rumblebee, and I'm a pirate! I travel the seas, stealing treasure and being as much of a nuisance as I can to the authorities. I'm gonna be using this channel to tell people about my travels, what we find, and what scary government secrets we encounter. Along with me are my crewmates, which, I haven't gotten names for yet, so for now they'll just be Captain, The Rock, Doc, and... Hm. I never did give a title to our last crewmember last time, did I? Kind of rude of me. We'll call them... The Bosun. I'll have them make better names for themselves. I even have their models ready! To test them out, I recorded us doing some morning workouts the other day and threw this together:   <The video cuts to a wide shot of five anthropomorphic figures performing some strange hypnotic dance with varying degrees of enthusiasm inside the deck of the ship. Rumblebee is at the front, and behind her is a bird with an afro with a non-anthro parrot on their shoulder, a rather muscular red panda, a dolphin with shark teeth, and a small dragon, all of which dressed in varying types of pirate garb. The dolphin in particular has a very large and fancy hat, indicating them as the captain. The video goes through several cuts, from sweeping wide shots to closeups of each individual member. This lasts about half a minute before cutting back to the deck.>   The plan for now is to bring them on one at a time so I can interview them for you while we play games. For now, though: I've got the tea on some Adamantine Authority secrets, and one hell of a story. So I'm gonna load up some Space Minecraft and give you all the fun stuff they don't want you to hear.   <The screen with Rumblebee gets shrunken down and shoved into the corner, while the rest of the screen is replaced by Space Minecraft.>   So! After we stole the job of an RPG hero and murdered a god, Captain got a call from an old friend to come meet him on some sleazy red-light planet. Not gonna say the name, but if you know, you know. So we go there and end up blowing most of our payment on a Space Roku for entertainment and a VPN so I can actually post these and not get tracked everywhere. Turns out the Captain's friend is an info broker, which is good news for us because whoops, we spent our money. We do some digging around, and in a strange turn of events Doc, of all people, makes friends with the local crime lord. Turns out they're having trouble with the Sunhold clan muscling in on their turf (and no, I'm not worried about namedropping them because they're super rich and are therefore assholes). They're selling magic contraband on the street, and our new friends don't want that. So, we do some detectiving. We find that there's an entire warehouse of magic stuff just sitting there, and not only is it guarded by the Sunholds, but also the Authority! Now why, you might ask, are they working together to sell contraband magic items in the streets? You'd think that the oh-so-high-and-mighty Aether Council would look down on just immoral and criminal behavior, but apparently not. Heck, it wasn't even that hard to get an audience with them to buy stuff! You just need to say a code to a dude and they'll set you up with some good stuff. I'm not gonna give out the password since... well, they suck and also spoilers: I don't think they're doing it anymore with that phrase.   Sadly, we got spotted before we could really make a move, and had to book it. We got away, but only barely. Captain and Doc aren't the most athletic of sorts. It's why I got them to do that aerobics thing you saw earlier; whip them into shape so we can be better pirates. I may be a gamer but I'm not afraid of some good gains~ <She flexes, but in doing so is attacked by zombies> Ah! Nononono! Get out of here! You! Clearly! Do! Not! Appreciate! These! Gains! Hmph. Nerds, all of them. Anyway, we go back to the crime dudes and give them the deets, and we come up with a plan: They raise hell elsewhere, and we go in and mess up the warehouse.   So we did that. It went real good. It was amazing. Captain found a truck and just started driving it around the warehouse and exploding Adamantine Authority dwarves all over the place, The Rock wrestled an entire goddamn power loader until it exploded, I managed to scare some Sunhold goons hard enough to get them to run- actually, fun fact: I told him to drop his farspeech stone and gun. He gave me his entire wallet. Since he was smart, I ended up destroying his credit cards so he didn't have to lose too much more money. Should I destroy his ID, too? I dunno what to do with this. Leave suggestions in the comments.   But anyway, we start wiping the floor with these nerds until the last Authority goon steps to the Captain. The Captain decides to make a statement by blowing himself up with a Fireball while his face was three inches from the dude. Just. right there. Boom. There was zero reason to do that; we already had the advantage, but it happened. It looked cool as heck, though, so that's what matters. We blew up the Authority, we steal a crate of magic items for ourselves, we burn down the warehouse, and leave before more Authority goons arrive to protect their illegal magic item stash.   So yeah, that's been my week! Another successful crime. I should feel bad that this is the path I've ended up on. After all, they always say that crime doesn't pay. But, uh... it does, so far. And, something I've noticed... All the people we meet, all the people we deal with... There are good people on the "wrong" side of the law. Good people, just trying to live their life and do what they can to survive, but because it goes against the Council's interest, they're the ones that get labeled as "bad". It's kind of sad. ...Well, not just 'kind of'. It really makes me angry. All the stuff the Council says about protecting and serving, they're only really protecting and serving those who can give them money, or preach their values. Everyone else is just walked over until they either fall in line, or they get brave enough to protest, then get branded a criminal. Something to think about, you know? Think about it next time you see one of those propaganda ads.

Monetized Boredom
Chapter 3, Session 12-13

<Eo turns on her phone camera, which is currently resting on a makeshift stand of... whatever she could get her hand on. It may or may not actually be borrowed from her crewmates. As a result, the camera angle is a little awkward, and it takes Eo a few tries flying back and forth to figure out where her frame is, but she's only a little off-center by the end of it.>   So... I don't know if I'm actually going to post this or not. On one hand, it would be really cool to post vlogs about the crazy stuff we get up to. Lots of good stories, and a lot of content that no other streamer can do! ...On the other, I am just a little wanted, so maybe posting my face along with stories about what I'm up to is maybe just a little bit kind of a bad idea. But! I'm still gonna make them. Because space travel is really boring and I have nothing else to do. Maybe when we hit Rucarecho I can convince Ze- uh. The Captain to get some editing software and a rig to put it on so I can make something decent out of this. Or maybe MUUT can make one? I'll have to ask. Oh! Maybe I could make one of those virtual avatars and use that! Yesssss. Like some sort of tall, goth... furry thing. With giant tits. That'll get the numbers.   ...I'm gonna edit that part out.   Anyway, introductions! I'm. ...not actually going to give my real name just in case I do end up deciding to post these. You can call me... Po. No, that was dumb when I used it on Doth and it's still dumb now. Po Tato. Really, me? Ugh. Uh... P...p-p-p-Pim? No. Pam? No. That already exists and I don't want to incur the wrath of The Final Pam. This channel is too young for that grade of beef. Pimento. No, that's a cheese. Different letter, uh. R? Ru-... Re-... Renard? No, that's not original... Rena? Bleh, that sounds like a human name. Ribbit. No.   <This continues on for an uncomfortably long amount of time as she starts to float about the room, going in and out of frame until eventually she suddenly flits to right in front of the camera.>   I got it! Rumblebee. Because the martial arts I'm training in is named after bees. Gonna get me a whole bee-themed avatar and it's gonna be so cool-   Ahem. Hi! You can call me Rumblebee, and I'm a wanted criminal! ...Should I say that? Eh. If I post it, it's gonna be under a couple dozen proxies, so as long as I'm vague about details it'll be fine~ Plus, if I wait and post everything a few weeks, then it's all outdated intel anyway. Or maybe I'm just making it all up for some grand narrative ARG down the line and I'm just copying the headlines for clout? You never know!   But yes, I'm currently wanted by the Adamantine Authority for... things. Lot of things. I do crime. It wasn't by choice, mind you. I-... well, okay, the first crime was by choice, but then they were huge assholes about it and inflated the charges so much that I decided, hey, if they're going to try to give me life in a maximum security prison for hitting one politician, why stop there? So I broke out of prison and now here I am a couple weeks later having formed a pirate crew and finished out first big job! Which is what I want to talk about today.   So, I've never really been a religious person. Not that I didn't believe in gods- I've met enough clerics and seen enough magic in my time to know that much, but I've never really stood behind one. And honestly? Kind of glad I didn't. Because people can do some pretty horrible stuff in the name of a god, and also divine identity theft is a thing that can happen. We took a job from this one pope lady- had this grand, fancy, giant-ass cathedral devoted to Torm. And yet, the city outside that cathedral was... Well, let's just say they considered themselves lucky to have running water. It was bad. They gave everything they had to the church and lived like peasants. You would think a good god like Torm would be against that sort of suffering, right?   Well, turns out he was. Because that pope wasn't with Torm. It was an evil god pretending to be Torm. Of course, we couldn't just leave things like that, so what started as a treasure hunt turned into an exorcism- you exorcise gods? Or is there another term? Banish? Expel? I dunno. Not important. We had to get rid of bad god juju. Which sounds absolutely insane now that I say it out loud, but that's probably a good thing that people don't believe me.   We did get rid of it, though. And by "we", I mean the cleric in our group, who I'm gonna call Doc because they keep us alive. And they did that here. Doc's a cleric of a different god entirely, not the evil god bitch, and not Torm. But apparently their god was so mad about the divine identity theft that it appeared above Doc, and grabbed the piece of the evil god that was possessing the pope- Just grabbed it in its bitch-ass face- and slammed it into the ground like it owed them money. One shot, bam. Gone. Meanwhile our muscle- I'm gonna call her The Rock because she's built like one- went after the pope herself, who was trying to fight us from the back of this hell-horse nightmare thing. The nightmare horse tried to jump over The Rock, but the Rock said fuck that noise, grabbed the horse, sat it down, and bitch-slapped it across its stupid nightmare face. Then the horse kicked back- like, full, flaming, giant horse kick right to The Rock's face, but she tanked it, shook it off, and just kept squaring up like the nightmare didn't throw hooves worth shit.   I might have a crush. Just a bit. Can't help it. The Rock's hot. Hot rock. Could fry an egg on her abs.   ...I hope she never finds out about this.   <A moment of awkward silence>   The Captain was there, too. He... well, he's a magic boy so he tried to do magic shit to grab the pope and her horse with a rock hand, but apparently possessed popes are slippery? Honestly, it's a bit unfair to him. Normally the Captain's kicking ass just as much as the rest of us- just last week he he managed to explode two gargoyles after they tried carrying him away just by clapping his hands, but I think he was having an off day. It's okay. He's still a good captain. I grew up around a lot of politicians, and this dude could talk circles around all of them- he managed to get us past guards by convincing them to quit their jobs and go adventuring together. While they were on duty. In the church. It was awesome.   But I'm just rambling now. Never did anything like this before. I mean, both the crimes and the vlogging. Though I guess it's not really a crime since we liberated the city from the clutches of an evil god? The Adamantine Authority certainty thinks so, though. They're angry, but only because Evil Pope was in with them, and when we got rid of her, they lost their grip on the planet. So they're calling it crime to have an excuse to go after us. They're assholes like that. Fuck the police.   So yeah. Now we're headed to other places. I'm not gonna say where, but stay tuned~ I'm going to try to keep posting these, and once I get to a place where I can get a proper setup- I can do Let's Plays on top of talking. Keep things interesting. Thanks for watching, and like and subscribe if you want! Honestly, I have no idea where I'm gonna do with this, but we'll figure it out! Turns out I've got a lot of time traveling between planets, so hopefully that means I can put some actual production quality into these when I have more than just my phone. Byee~!


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