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Eo Tyr

Chaotic Good Fairy (Farlander)
Monk 5
35 / 35 HP

The only daughter of a fairy noble family. Despite the high status, her behavior is anything but. Brash, outgoing, and prone to violence, Eo tends to solve problem with force rather than thought.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of The Clockwork Nebula

Finch Zellias Eo Galva
Run by darin56
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Other characters
Chapter 7, Session 48

Zionysus Vacation

by Eo Tyr

<In standard vtuber
Ahoy, my little hive~! The next part of the Super Sayu Randomizer will be up tomorrow as usual, but today, I have a special treat! I was approached by a charity a few weeks back, and they wanted to fly me and a few other creators out to Zionysus to do some outreach! Not often you get an opportunity like this, but they offered to pay for a hotel room, and it's Zionysus]! How could I say no? Worst that could happen is that it's some timeshare in disguise, and if it's that I can just expose them here and call it a day, but it turns out they were legit. More on them later!

Eo's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Monetized Boredom
    Chapter 3, Session 12-13
  2. Introducing Space Pirate Rumblebee~!
    Chapter 4, session 16
  3. I went to the Lunar Festival on Chandran!
    Chapter 5, Session 26
  4. Zionysus Vacation
    Chapter 7, Session 48

The major events and journals in Eo's history, from the beginning to today.

I went to the Lunar Festival on Chandran!

[i]<It took a fair bit more editing than her usual videos, but after the events on Chandran and the Temple of Selune, Eo had found herself with a fair bit more drive than she was used to. She put actual effort into this; thoughtful, planned editing, a cle...

05:15 am - 04.10.2022

Introducing Space Pirate Rumblebee~!

Okay... I got this. Rehearsed this so many times, checked the setup five times in the last ten minutes... If something goes wrong now, well... Eh, people like bloopers, right? [i]<The video cuts in to an illustrated background of the deck of an old-tim...

05:00 am - 25.07.2022

Monetized Boredom

[i]<Eo turns on her phone camera, which is currently resting on a makeshift stand of... whatever she could get her hand on. It may or may not actually be borrowed from her crewmates. As a result, the camera angle is a little awkward, and it takes Eo a few...

12:25 am - 20.06.2022

I always respected Doc- after all, anyone who can say "not today, death" and fix open wounds with a thought is immediately worthy of respect, but after yesterday? Remind me to never get on their bad side. Actually you don't need to remind me, I'm never going to forget them summoning a ghost-skeleton-god-thing and making it chokeslam the spirit of an angry god so hard into the ground it explodes. In its own house, even! I wonder if I could learn to do that with my magic. Kicking and suplexes are one thing put the sheer power play of a chokeslam just hits different. Reminder to self: pick up the largest combat dummy I can find. I've got work to do.

10:44 pm - 12.06.2022

When my mother started to train me in politics, I really didn't care. I went because I had to, and found as many excuses as I could to ditch. After a while, though, I went from bored to completely disgusted; the more I actually sat through, the more I realized how underhanded and cutthroat politics is. Every action has layers and layers of meaning from posturing to asserting your position to bargaining without actually saying what you're bargaining with. Combine that with the hell that is fairy contract law and.... ugh. I actually started to pay attention out of sheer morbid curiosity with the hope I'd never have to use it. And yet, here I am. Forced into a negotiation with three parties all wanting the same thing, and any direct action is going to have rippling effects... I'd be mad, but one fact makes it all better: This isn't government. We're pirates. Unlike politicians, violence is an option. I wonder if Mom would be proud, or disappointed. Probably disappointed. It's usually disappointed.

05:10 am - 23.05.2022

I'm making a promise, from now until further notice: Zellias is no longer allowed to drink while we're on a job. I might be knew to this whole mercenary work thing, but even I can tell that was handled poorly.

05:01 am - 18.04.2022

I'm not sure what's worse- the fact that I threw up after losing my cool during the escape, or the fact that what came out looked exactly the same as it did going in. First thing I'm doing on Doth is getting real food. I don't care if it's from some shady cart in the middle of the street; anything's better than that paste.

12:42 am - 12.04.2022

Didn't really think much of it in the moment, but... I killed someone today. Two people, even. It was self-defense, and they did hit first, but... I've never been that mad before. I've never been in a real fight before. It was one thing to get hit myself, but seeing Doc take a pickaxe to the leg, I just saw red and... I'm just glad the other two thought better of fighting. Now I know what Sensei meant when he would say "Never start a fight, only end it quickly." I thought that meant just beating them fast, but it's better if I can just make them not want to fight anymore. I still don't think I'll be able to hold back if someone goes after the only real friends I've got out here, though.

10:06 pm - 03.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eo.

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Other Characters by Zoopi