Goblinoids Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil


Goblinoids in Aver: Varied Tribes of the Wild and Civilized

    The Goblinoids in Aver are a diverse group of creatures, including Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres, and Trolls. Though their appearances and behaviors vary significantly, they are bound by a common heritage and the label of Goblinoids. While some Goblinoid tribes are savage and untamed, others have embraced civilization, contributing to the rich tapestry of cultures in Aver.   Goblins: Crafty and Resourceful:   Goblins are clever and crafty beings, often found in the untamed regions of Aver. They are skilled in scavenging, invention, and constructing makeshift dwellings. Despite their smaller stature, their resourcefulness and cunning make them formidable adversaries.   Hobgoblins: Disciplined Warriors:   Hobgoblins are known for their militaristic and disciplined societies. Organized into structured tribes, they possess advanced combat tactics and efficient war machinery. While formidable warriors, some Hobgoblin tribes have also embraced diplomacy and civilization.   Ogres: Brutes of the Wild:   Ogres, large and powerful creatures, dwell in remote and wild regions. Often solitary, they are formidable predators and possess immense strength. Some Ogres lead nomadic lifestyles, while others are reclusive, avoiding contact with other races.   Trolls: Regenerative Terrors:   Trolls are formidable foes known for their regenerative abilities. Residing in deep forests or secluded mountains, they can heal from almost any wound, making them near-immortal adversaries. While some Trolls are aggressive and dangerous, others prefer solitary lives away from civilization.   Civilized Goblinoids:   Certain Goblinoid tribes have embraced civilization and coexistence with other races. Through diplomacy and trade, they have become valued members of Aver's diverse communities. Civilized Goblinoids contribute their unique skills and perspectives, adding depth and complexity to the realm's cultural landscape.   Relations with Other Races:   Goblinoids have a complex relationship with other races in Aver. Civilized Goblinoids may form alliances and integrate into society, while savage tribes are often met with caution and suspicion. Tensions between Goblinoids and other races sometimes arise due to historical conflicts and misunderstandings.   Quest for Acceptance:   Some Goblinoids seek acceptance and understanding among other races, striving to prove that their actions do not define their entire kind. This quest for coexistence often drives them to join adventuring parties, where they can demonstrate their worth through cooperation and valor.   Wild and Civilized Lands:   Goblinoids inhabit a wide range of environments in Aver, from deep wildernesses to bustling cities. Civilized Goblinoid settlements contribute to the realm's diversity, while untamed regions remain the domain of savage tribes.   In Conclusion:   The Goblinoids of Aver are a diverse group, encompassing both savage and civilized tribes. While some are crafty, disciplined, or regenerative, they all share a common heritage and are bound by their Goblinoid lineage. Whether as adversaries or allies, Goblinoids contribute to the richness of Aver's cultures, carving their place amidst the enchanting realms of the realm.

Basic Information


Goblinoid creatures encompass a wide range of appearances, with varying statures and physical characteristics. Goblins are the smallest, standing around 90 to 120 centimeters tall, with slender frames, sharp features, and long ears. Hobgoblins, larger and more robust, reach heights of 170 to 190 centimeters. Trolls and ogres are massive, with trolls averaging 250 to 300 centimeters and ogres towering at 330 to 370 centimeters. All share humanoid traits but differ significantly in size and strength.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblinoids reproduce through viviparous means, giving birth to live offspring after a gestation period ranging from a few months for goblins to nearly a year for ogres. Goblinoid young develop rapidly, reaching adolescence within a few years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblinoids exhibit various growth rates, with goblins maturing at around 8 to 10 years, hobgoblins reaching maturity between 16 to 18 years, and trolls and ogres taking up to 25 years to mature fully.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblinoids thrive in diverse environments, with goblins and hobgoblins favoring caves, forests, and underground lairs, while trolls and ogres often inhabit rugged mountain ranges or desolate wilderness.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblinoids are omnivorous creatures, able to subsist on a diet of both meat and plant matter. They often scavenge, forage, or hunt for sustenance, and their resourcefulness enables them to thrive in challenging environments.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of goblinoids is influenced by their environmental adaptability and social structure. Some goblinoid tribes may hibernate during harsh winters, while others remain active throughout the year.


Goblinoids exhibit diverse behavioral traits, with goblins often showing mischievous and opportunistic tendencies, hobgoblins valuing discipline and order, and trolls and ogres displaying a mix of aggression and territoriality.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblinoid societies differ significantly between races. Goblins often live in loosely organized tribes, while hobgoblins establish disciplined militaristic hierarchies. Trolls and ogres may dwell alone or form loose groups based on territory.

Facial characteristics

Goblinoid faces display distinctive traits, with goblins having sharp, pointed features, hobgoblins strong jawlines, and trolls and ogres characterized by pronounced tusks and thick brows.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblinoid tribes can be found scattered across different regions of Aver, primarily in the untamed wilderness and rugged terrains.

Average Intelligence

Goblinoids possess varying levels of intelligence, with goblins generally showing cunning and resourcefulness, hobgoblins demonstrating strategic thinking, and trolls and ogres exhibiting primitive instincts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblinoids possess keen senses, making them adept at navigating their often dark and treacherous environments. Their excellent night vision allows them to move stealthily during the cover of darkness. Some goblinoids, particularly hobgoblins, display a knack for tactical prowess and strategic thinking in battle

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Goblinoid tribes organize into various clans, each following distinct leadership structures and traditions. They may form alliances with other goblinoid tribes or even non-goblinoid entities to secure resources or expand their territories.

Beauty Ideals

Goblinoid beauty standards differ across the races, with goblins and hobgoblins often valuing cunning and physical prowess, while trolls and ogres may prioritize physical strength and territorial dominance

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among goblinoids may involve elaborate displays of prowess, cunning challenges, or acts of loyalty to impress potential mates.

Relationship Ideals

Goblinoids value loyalty and dedication in relationships, with strong bonds often forming within their tribes or clans.

Average Technological Level

Goblinoid technological advancements vary based on the individual races. Goblins may utilize crude weaponry and traps, while hobgoblins may forge sophisticated armor and weaponry. Trolls and ogres often rely on their natural strength and resilience.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Goblinoid language is a guttural and harsh tongue known as Goblok, characterized by its sharp, staccato sounds and rapid-fire speech. Goblok is predominantly used by goblinoid creatures, allowing them to communicate within their diverse communities and across different goblinoid races. While not easily understood by other races, some individuals may pick up on a few basic phrases or expressions in Goblok through interaction with goblinoid tribes. Languages:   Goblinoids primarily use their native language, Goblok, to communicate within their communities. This unique tongue serves as a unifying force for goblinoid tribes and facilitates cooperation among different goblinoid races. However, some goblinoids may also learn common languages like Common or Undercommon to interact with other races, particularly in areas where goblinoid and non-goblinoid civilizations coexist.   History (Some Major Historical Points for the Goblinoid Species):   The history of the Goblinoid species is marred by tribal conflicts, territorial disputes, and clashes with neighboring races. From the cunning and mischievous goblins to the disciplined and militaristic hobgoblins, the diverse goblinoid races have engaged in both cooperative alliances and fierce rivalries over the ages.   The earliest records of goblinoid civilizations depict them as scattered and nomadic tribes, often skirmishing with each other for resources and territory. As time passed, some goblinoid groups managed to forge more organized societies, with hobgoblin warlords asserting dominance over goblin and troll tribes.   Throughout history, goblinoids have occasionally aligned with darker forces, participating in alliances with malevolent entities that seek to destabilize the world. These actions have led to a reputation of hostility and suspicion among other races, making peaceful coexistence challenging for goblinoid communities.   Despite their tumultuous history, goblinoid societies possess a strong sense of camaraderie within their respective races, valuing loyalty and obedience to their leaders. The goblinoid tribes' adaptability and resourcefulness have allowed them to thrive in various environments, from deep caverns and forests to rugged mountains and desolate wastelands.   As the world of Aver continues to evolve, some goblinoids have sought opportunities for integration and cooperation with other races, while others remain fiercely independent, guarding their territories and traditions with unwavering tenacity. The fate of the goblinoid species remains intertwined with their ability to navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries in the ever-changing landscape of Aver.

Common Etiquette Rules

Goblinoid societies have their own set of customs and etiquette, often emphasizing loyalty to one's tribe, respect for authority, and adherence to traditional practices.

Common Dress Code

Goblinoid attire is utilitarian and practical, with goblins and hobgoblins often using scavenged materials for clothing and armor, while trolls and ogres may wear simple garments or crude armor.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Goblinoid cultures revolve around communal living, survival, and resourcefulness. They often emphasize the importance of strength and cunning, as well as loyalty to their tribe or clan.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Goblinoid customs and traditions may include rites of passage, tribal ceremonies, and rituals to honor their ancestors or nature spirits.

Common Taboos

Certain actions, such as betraying one's tribe or disrespecting tribal elders, are considered taboo among goblinoids and may be met with severe consequences.

Historical Figures

The history of goblinoid species is marked by a tumultuous blend of territorial disputes, clashes with other races, and internal power struggles. From goblinoid tribes engaging in skirmishes over scarce resources to the emergence of powerful hobgoblin warlords, their journey has been fraught with challenges and triumphs alike. Over time, some goblinoids have sought to integrate with other civilizations, seeking mutual benefits and forging alliances. However, tensions between goblinoid tribes and neighboring settlements persist, perpetuating their image as fearsome and unpredictable creatures. Yet, glimpses of camaraderie and cooperation among goblinoids have sparked hope for a future where they may find their place in Aver's diverse society.

Common Myths and Legends

Goblinoid cultures are rich with myths and legends, often centered around powerful beings, heroic figures, or tales of survival and cunning in the face of adversity.

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Goblinoid creatures belong to the phylum Chordata and the class Mammalia, classified under the order Primates, Family Goblinidae, and Genus Goblinus. The species is further divided into various subspecies, each displaying unique physique and behavior.
The origins of goblinoid species remain shrouded in mystery, with some scholars theorizing they share a common ancestor that diverged into distinct races over millennia.
Goblins have relatively short lifespans, averaging around 40 to 60 years, while hobgoblins may live to 80 to 100 years. Trolls and ogres can reach ages of 150 to 200 years, displaying more longevity among the goblinoid races.
Average Height
Goblins stand between 90 and 120 centimeters tall, hobgoblins between 170 and 190 centimeters, trolls between 250 and 300 centimeters, and ogres towering at 330 to 370 centimeters.
Average Weight
Goblinoids' weight varies significantly based on their size and physique. Goblins weigh between 25 to 40 kilograms, hobgoblins around 70 to 100 kilograms, trolls between 180 and 250 kilograms, and ogres reach a staggering 400 to 600 kilograms.
Average Physique
Goblinoids have diverse physiques, with goblins being small and nimble, hobgoblins robust and muscular, and trolls and ogres incredibly strong and imposing.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goblinoids come in various colors and patterns. Goblins may have green or greyish skin, hobgoblins typically have reddish or brown skin, while trolls and ogres can range from mottled brown to deep green.
Related Organizations

A group of Hobgoblins preparing for a raid.

A fearsome Troll roaring at his prey.


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