Orcs/Half Orcs Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil

Orcs/Half Orcs

Orcs and Half-Orcs in Aver: Warrior Blood and Diverse Paths

  The Orcs and Half-Orcs of Aver are a formidable and diverse race, bearing the spirit of warriors and adventurers. From savage tribes roaming the untamed lands to integrated Half-Orcs striving for acceptance, they embody strength, resilience, and an indomitable will. Though their reputation as fierce combatants precedes them, Orcs and Half-Orcs pursue a wide range of paths, each adding unique contributions to the tapestry of Aver. Orcs: Proud Warriors of the Wild: Orcs are renowned for their prowess in battle and untamed spirit. Proud warriors of the wild, they live in tribes that honor strength and valor. While some tribes are hostile and aggressive, others have embraced diplomacy, seeking to coexist with other races.   Half-Orcs: Bridging Two Worlds:   Half-Orcs, born from the union of Orcs and other races, often find themselves caught between two worlds. Their mixed heritage grants them a unique perspective, and they strive to bridge gaps between races and prove their worth to their communities.   Resilience and Determination:   Orcs and Half-Orcs possess remarkable resilience and determination. Their tough upbringing in harsh environments and the challenges they face foster a deep sense of tenacity and adaptability.   Ancient Traditions and Honor:   Orcs hold ancient traditions close to their hearts, with a strong emphasis on familial bonds and honor. Their cultural practices vary among tribes, but the code of honor is paramount in their daily lives.   Relations with Other Races:   Orcs and Half-Orcs often face prejudice and mistrust due to their fierce reputations. However, as individuals, they can defy stereotypes, seeking understanding and cooperation with other races. Some Half-Orcs have integrated into Aver's communities, contributing their strengths to various professions and endeavors.   Embracing the Adventurous Spirit:   Orcs and Half-Orcs are drawn to adventure, seeking to prove their worth through heroic deeds and valorous acts. Many of them join adventuring parties, where their combat skills, determination, and loyalty make them fierce companions.   Paths of Redemption:   Some Half-Orcs who have faced rejection due to their heritage strive for redemption and acceptance. Their journey often involves overcoming prejudice and proving themselves through noble actions.   Savage and Civilized Lands:   Orcs and Half-Orcs are found in both savage tribes and integrated communities. Savage tribes inhabit untamed regions, while civilized Half-Orcs seek to find their place in cities and towns, adding their unique perspectives to the diverse cultures of Aver.   In Conclusion:   Orcs and Half-Orcs in Aver encompass a wide range of paths, from proud warriors of the wild to integrated members of civilized societies. Their strength, resilience, and adventurous spirit make them formidable allies and companions on quests and endeavors. Whether embracing their heritage or seeking redemption, Orcs and Half-Orcs contribute their unique strengths to the enchanting realms of Aver, adding depth and diversity to the tapestry of races that call it home.

Basic Information


Orcs and Half-Orcs are robust, humanoid creatures with muscular builds and a distinctive greenish-brown skin tone. They typically stand between 180 and 210 centimeters tall, possessing broad shoulders and powerful limbs. Their faces feature prominent jaws, pronounced canine teeth, and slightly sloping foreheads. Half-Orcs may exhibit more human-like features but often retain some Orcish traits.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs and Half-Orcs reproduce through viviparous means, giving birth to live offspring after a gestation period of approximately nine months. Half-Orcs, being the offspring of mixed parentage, may vary in appearance and traits depending on their non-Orcish lineage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs and Half-Orcs reach adulthood in their late teens or early twenties. They continue to mature physically and mentally into their early thirties, after which their growth rate stabilizes.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs and Half-Orcs are adaptable to various environments, with Orcs often dwelling in harsh and unforgiving regions like rugged mountains or dense forests. Half-Orcs can be found living among other races in diverse settlements or forming their communities on the fringes of civilization.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs and Half-Orcs are carnivorous by nature, relishing meat from various sources like wild game, fish, or livestock. Their diet is an essential aspect of their culture, where the hunt and sharing of the spoils foster a strong sense of camaraderie among their kin.

Biological Cycle

Orcs and Half-Orcs do not hibernate or undergo significant biological changes based on the passing of time or seasons.


Orcs and Half-Orcs are known for their fierce and indomitable spirit, valuing strength, bravery, and honor above all else. They embrace a warrior ethos, seeking glory in battle and demonstrating loyalty to their clans or communities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcish society revolves around clans led by chieftains or warlords. Hierarchies are based on strength, honor, and martial prowess, with the most powerful individuals assuming leadership roles. Half-Orcs may face challenges navigating Orcish society due to their mixed heritage.

Facial characteristics

Orcs and Half-Orcs have distinctive facial traits, including prominent jaws, sharp canine teeth, and a rugged appearance. Half-Orcs may inherit more refined human features, but Orcish attributes remain apparent.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcish clans can be found in remote regions, often away from heavily populated areas, where they establish tribal territories. The only orcish/goblinoid city known to mankind is Corusca. Half-Orcs may reside in cities or settlements where diverse races coexist.

Average Intelligence

Orcs and Half-Orcs display a range of intelligence levels, with some possessing keen instincts and tactical acumen, while others focus on physical prowess and brute strength.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs and Half-Orcs possess heightened senses, particularly in low-light conditions. Their sharp vision and acute hearing make them formidable hunters and warriors.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Orcish societies form powerful clans or warbands, often centered around mighty warlords or chieftains. Half-Orcs may integrate into various organizations, leveraging their unique traits in roles such as mercenaries, adventurers, or leaders among mixed-race communities.

Beauty Ideals

Orcs and Half-Orcs do not place significant emphasis on traditional notions of beauty, valuing strength, bravery, and battle prowess above all else. Scars and battle-worn features are admired as symbols of honor and valor.

Courtship Ideals

Orcish courtship often involves displays of physical strength, martial skill, and bravery. The act of proving oneself as a worthy mate is deeply ingrained in their culture.

Relationship Ideals

Orcs and Half-Orcs value loyalty and strength in their relationships, whether familial or romantic. Fostering camaraderie and demonstrating one's prowess are crucial aspects of maintaining strong bonds.

Average Technological Level

Orcs and Half-Orcs have developed a level of technology that serves their nomadic lifestyle and tribal needs. Their craftsmanship focuses on functional and robust weaponry, armor, and equipment suited for the harsh environments they inhabit.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Orc language, known as Grarzak, is a guttural and aggressive tongue, characterized by harsh sounds and forceful articulations. Uttered with power and conviction, Grarzak reflects the Orcs' fierce nature and warrior ethos. While challenging for non-Orcs to comprehend, some individuals may pick up a few basic phrases or expressions. Languages:   Orcs and Half-Orcs predominantly use their native language, Grarzak, to communicate within their communities. This robust tongue facilitates clear communication during battles and helps forge strong bonds among Orc tribes. However, some Orcs may also learn Common, particularly if they interact with other races or live in diverse settlements.   History (Some Major Historical Points for Orcs/Half-Orcs):   The history of Orcs and Half-Orcs is marked by a tumultuous journey of perseverance and adaptation. Originally hailing from distant continents, Orcish clans migrated to Aver seeking new territories and conquests. Their warrior spirit and relentless ambition fueled their desire to carve a place for themselves in the world.   Orcs have faced prejudice and hostility from various races due to their ferocious reputation and past conflicts. Yet, over time, some Orcs have sought to shed their violent past and forge new paths, becoming more integrated into Aver's multicultural society.   Half-Orcs, born from the union of Orcs and other races, have often grappled with their dual heritage. Embracing both their Orcish and non-Orcish roots, they navigate a complex identity that allows them to bridge the divide between different civilizations.   As a race with an inherent passion for battle and honor, Orcs and Half-Orcs have participated in countless conflicts, forming mercenary bands, joining armies, or seeking glory in personal quests. While their tumultuous history has brought both triumphs and setbacks, they continue to strive for a future where Orcs and Half-Orcs can be recognized for their diverse talents and contributions to the world of Aver.

Common Etiquette Rules

Orcish customs emphasize respect for strength, bravery, and adherence to tribal traditions. Displays of respect to elders or leaders are essential in maintaining harmony within their clans.

Common Dress Code

Orcs and Half-Orcs wear practical and sturdy garments, designed to withstand the rigors of battle and their harsh environments. Ornamentation often includes trophies from victorious battles or symbols of clan allegiance.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Orcish culture revolves around warfare, honor, and loyalty to their clans. They cherish tales of valorous deeds and honor their ancestors through ceremonial traditions.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Orcish customs include rites of passage, coming-of-age trials, and ceremonies to honor fallen warriors. Battle celebrations and feasts are common among Orcish clans.

Common Taboos

Betrayal, cowardice, and disrespect to one's clan or chieftain are severe taboos among Orcs and Half-Orcs. Violations of these norms are met with harsh punishments or exile.


Orcs' history is a chronicle of conflicts, territorial expansion, and the pursuit of honor and strength. They emerged as formidable warriors, conquering and establishing tribal territories across Aver. The clashes with other races and civilizations often led to mutual distrust and animosity. In more recent times, some Orcs and Half-Orcs have sought to transcend their violent past, integrating with other races, and seeking mutual understanding and coexistence. The process has been slow and fraught with challenges, but it has also opened the path for potential alliances and partnerships.   The shared history of Orcs and Half-Orcs is marked by a relentless pursuit of identity, honor, and pride. As the world of Aver continues to evolve, the legacy of these fierce and adaptable beings remains deeply woven into its tapestry of cultures and conflicts.

Common Myths and Legends

Orcish mythology is steeped in tales of ancient battles, mighty heroes, and malevolent deities. These stories reinforce the Orcs' fierce spirit and serve as inspiration for their warrior way of life.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Orcs and Half-Orcs belong to the phylum Chordata and the class Mammalia, classified under the order Primates, Family Orcidae, and Genus Orcus. Half-Orcs, as a result of interbreeding with other races, form a unique blend of physical traits.
The true origins of Orcs and Half-Orcs remain shrouded in myth and legend, with various accounts suggesting different sources, including the influence of malevolent entities.
Orcs and Half-Orcs have shorter lifespans compared to some other humanoid races. Orcs typically live to around 40 to 60 years, while Half-Orcs may reach 60 to 80 years.
Average Height
Orcs stand between 180 and 210 centimeters tall, while Half-Orcs have similar height ranges due to their mixed heritage.
Average Weight
Orcs have robust builds, with weights averaging between 90 to 130 kilograms. Half-Orcs, with varied human characteristics, may weigh around 70 to 110 kilograms.
Average Physique
Both Orcs and Half-Orcs are physically imposing, with Orcs having more pronounced muscular builds, while Half-Orcs may exhibit a mix of human and Orcish features.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcs and Half-Orcs typically have greenish-brown skin tones, sometimes featuring faint mottled patterns. Scars and battle markings earned in combat are prized among their cultures, symbolizing valor and experience.
Related Organizations

Corusca, Goblinoid/Orcish City in the Northern parts of the Empire of Tarrin.


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