Lords of Olorlay Organization in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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Lords of Olorlay

On the northerns shores of Wordal are the lands of Olorlay. It is a harsh land rules by eight clans, all part of the Alliance of the Lords of Olorlay.   Two years Fjurmann Ojntund started subjugating the clans of Knurden, uniting them under one banner. Some welcomed his new ways, but others despised it. The Lords of the clans of Olorlay swore to never become part of this Kingdom of Knurden and formed the Alliance of the Lords of Olorlay. Eight clans put aside their differences and joined together to resist the Knurd conquest and protect their culture.   Since before anyone can remember there have been feuds going on between the Lords of Olorlay. Clans are sworn enemies for reasons that no living being can recall. This is no strong foundation for an alliance and as such there is a lot of tension between the clans. The clans in the east are under no direct threat from the Kingdom of Knurden and happily indulge themselves in petty skirmishes amongst each other while the western clans grow increasingly more angry about the lack of support against the Knurd forces.   The alliance is fragile, and could break any moment. When it does, the northern shores of Wordal will likely be drenched in blood.


  • Western Olorlay
  • Olorlay
Alliance, Generic
Controlled Territories


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