Burbric Empire Organization in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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Burbric Empire

Remnant of the Old Empire

"Welcome to the Burbric Empire, Remnant of the Old World! This is where the peasants work hard, and the elites thrive. The landscape is dotted with beautiful castles and posh cities. Those that are wealthy make sure you know it, and the poor... Well, the poor don't really have a say in anything.   The Burbric Empire is what's left of the once mighty, continent spanning empire, a major nation that existed a millennia ago. Back then it covered most of the continent's mainland. The empire wasn't meant to last, however, and it started falling apart. Many kingdoms broke off and within a single generation, the mighty empire had fallen.   Since then it has been in a long but slow decline. Slowly but surely the empire started losing territory until it became but a shadow of its former self. The rulers of Burbry have never accepted or even acknowledged this fact. For centuries they continued to rule as emperors, acting as if they owned the world. This only contributed to the downfall of their realm.   Today, Burbry is an Empire that is surrounded by powerful neighbors. To the east lies the Kingdom of Rasfadal, and to the Kingdom of Domari, to whom it has recently lost territory."   D. Harewood, Fendalian Cartographer   The Burbric Empire, also known as The Remnant of the Old World, is a sovereign state and absolute monarchy in Northern Wordal. Its territory includes the The Great Vale, the Southern Marches , the Demourlon Fields, the Royal Demesne and Civilization's End . Burbry is bordered to the north by the Lords of Olorlay and the Kingdom of Sovar, to the east by the Kingdom of Rasfadal, to the south by the Kingdom of Elmara and the Kingdom of Domari and the the west by the Kingdom of Tarnen and the Republic of Callaern


The Ryric Empire

The Kingdom of Burbry has a history that goes back more than a thousand years, starting as a small kingdom on the shores of Lake Ryrmon. With the fall of the Ryric Empire in 288 BP the lands around Lake Ryrmon began to decentralize and fall apart. Around the same time people from the north and west migrated to the area and began to settle. One of these people were the Burbish, the cultural ancestors of the burbric people. They settled on the eastern shores of Lake Ryrmon and formed the kingdom that would become known as the Kingdom of Burbry in 254 BP. Its capital, Mirrouse, soon became known as a cultural center in the area and attracted many people, allowing it to grow fast. By 150 BP the kingdom had expanded to the Gynardan Mountains in the east and the Domart mountains in the South. By 15 BP it controlled all the lands to the north, and well as most of the west coast. By this time the kingdom was known as the Burbric Empire.  

The Empire at ts Height

The Burbric Empire was founded around 150 BP, built on the remnants of the Ryric Empire. Due to its technological advancement, and militaristic nature, it was able to expand and conquer most of the continent. After the Fall of Parretoa in 1 AP the Burbric Empire nearly collapsed, but its core regions managed to survive the century long darkness. By 250 AP the Empire had fully restored and was at its height, conquered almost the entire northern and eastern landmass of the continent.  

The Great Decline

The Burbric Empire was at its height in 254 AP. That was when the clans of the North began to revolt against the burbric rule, followed shortly by the rulers on the west coast, and later the lords in what is know known as Rasfadal. By 300 AP the empire had fallen. All lands south of the Domart Mountains were lost, it had lost control over the clans in the north and the entire region beyond the Gynardan Mountains had become independent.   Proud as the Burbric kings were they refused to acknowledge the situation and hid away in their castles and halls, pretending that all was going according to plan and lost territories would eventually be reclaimed. Within two generations the kingdom had lost more than three quarters of its territory. By this time the kingdom was reduced to more or less what it looks like today, and controlled the lands around the Lake Ryrmon. Around 350 AP the decline of the kingdom started slowing down, but it never recovered completely.  

The War of the Vale

Main article: War of the Vale   In 1230 King Auder XI came to power. Much like the kings before him, Auder liked to enjoy his life within Castle Sassent and hold great feasts and parties. However, when a small conflict started escalating in 1243, Auder decided to take this opportunity to restore his kingdom to its former glory. This was the start of a long war that would become known as the War of the Vale. During the first year of the conflict Burbry lost Duchy of Sorlond to the Kingdom of Domari. Auder XI was quick to arrange a non-aggression pact with king Girrae VI of Domari and declared war on Rasfadal. What followed was a long series of conquests, alliances, betrayals and countless battles. The war cost Burbry almost or its wealth and military power: both Burbry and Rasfadal kept on fighting until they no longer had the manpower, nor the finances to continue on with the war.

Lasseé le Sinclineur (Let Them Bow)


  • Burbry
Founding Date
254 BP
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Remnant of the Empire, Kingdom of Flowers,
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The Ryling
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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